Explaining my Absence

I know I don't need to do this, but I feel my readers have felt I have left and would never return. 


I'm unsure if I will ever post for any of my stories again, but I assure you I'm still here. 

Real life had taken over, and it's not nessisarily a bad thing. 

I have met someoen who has given me more life than I've ever felt in my life. I just feel right with them. When I was with Marie I felt torn appart, one sided, lonely  half the time. I felt like I could never rely on someone, but now with Sebbie I feel alive. He knows me and I know him, we have been together only 7 months but it feels absolutely right. At any given time we finish eachothers thoughts, do things at the same time, repeat eachother at the same time, we understand eachother and share eachothers values. 

He found me when I was close to ending it all, pulled me ouf of the darkeness and held me when the people around me turned their backs on me. 


I'm 5 months sober from being suicidal or carving. I'm 7 months sober from full on break downs like you witnessed when I was with Marie. 


I'm doing much better and honestly, I like it this way. 


As for my stories, I am unsure if I would ever come back to them, but my god I wish I could. I spend all my off time with Sebbie, and all my other time working. It's hard without ignoring my boyfriend - to post. If I find some extra time I try to work on them. 


I really do want to finish off a couple of my favorites, Sirens Kiss and Wings are my goals to finish because both are very good stories that I put my heart and soul into. 

What do you guys think? Would you like to see the ending of these? 


Thank you for understanding and I love you all <3 




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ouu i had thst too than I married my husband and i am here again.. take your time.. it happened to me too ita called beeing in love xD
Aww, it is so sweet of you to leave a mesaage, I hope you're happy forever. And of course, I would love it if those 2 stories would get their respective endings.
MinBloodxx #3