repressed and gifted || hwang yeojin is gifted and green


hwang yeojin


BIRTHNAME : hwang yeojin

— jinnie ; her close friends from school before NCT Prep.

— stone ; for her cold appearance and quiet nature

DATE OF BIRTH : 05.23.1995
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea

— Korean || native

— Japanese || semi fluent. Studying it at NCT Prep. Yuta sometimes forces her to only speak in Japanese


save me

FACE CLAIM : YooA of Oh My Girl
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 163 cm + 46 kg


— she is a tiny little human, with a scar on her forehead and cheek she quiet remembered how she got it.




i'm fine

PERSONALITY :  positive. quiet, considerate, meaningful, kind hearted, loving negative. reserved, introvert, irrational, helpless romantic, predictable wip

BACKGROUND : Hwang Yeojin was born in a complicated situation, Her mother had decided it was best for to go and study aboard for a year, leaving him with Yeojin. A year later she returned, marrying him, right away and soon welcoming another child two years after. Yeojin's younger brother by 3 years was born, Hwang Hyunjin. Their mother and father began having martial issues and began spending time apart to attempt to mend their marriage.

When Yeojin was 10 and Hyunjin was 7 their parents got a divorce, her father becoming protective over them as they got older. Worried he would lose them too one day. Yeojin was always a smart kid, more like average intelligence. Hyunjin on the other hand was intellegent beyond belief. So when Yeojin went to take her high school entrance exam, her father only wanting her to get except into one of the science schools in the area. So when she found out she was invited to attend NCT Prep, came as a shock to her family and her school. Leaving for NCT Prep was the hardest thing her father let her do.

She floated through school for the next three years, and when she returned home after her third year she came home to see Hyunjin holding his NCT Prp invite. One night during her fourth year she wondered down to the basement as she heard something, spotting four other students in the stairwell arguing with each other on if they should open the door, Yeojin trotted down the stairs and opened the door. The next morning she woke up with a spiltting migrane gripping her head she stumbled out of bed and went to her book shelve grabbing the medicine on top of it, when she looked up she felt faint. Purple streaks and green eyes looking back at her.


»strawberries ; will eat anything strawberry flavored
» pink; surprisingly pink is her favorite color which is why no one is allowed in her room.
»hoodies ; her favorite clothing item

 » motorcycles; loves riding them as much as she likes learning about them
»winter ; she likes layering her clothes plus another excuse to wear a hoodie.
»black; her second favorite color
»sweet and fruity scents; she prefers these scents of candles and prefumes


» ghosts; she has a fear of the paranormal
» horror movies; gets scared easily, once punched Johnny by accident after he came around a corner after she watched a horror movie
»conflict; she may be a tough cookie but, she gets extremely nervous when people fight
» cute; hates being called cute 
» weak; she hates people seeing her vulnerable and weak, which is why she keeps everyone at a distance »informal; hates when people right away speak informally to her or others


»hair; she puts her hair up when she is studying to keep it out of her face.
»nails; plays and picks at her nails when she feels uncomfortable or nervous
»sleep; she has to sleep with two pillows on each other and wraps herself with a blanket all year round.


»chocolate; can't eat chocolate it makes her sick
»allergies; dust, penuts, shellfish
»music; constantly has headphones in, listens to a lot of ballads
»animals; will stop whatever she is doing to pet a dog or feed a cat.
»tea; she prefers tea over coffee. All of her tea stuff is labeled in te kitchen.
»milk; is lactose intolerant
»phone; her phone lockscreen is picture of her and her dad and brother. Her home screen is a photo of her and Johnny.


save me, save you



— father : hwang youngjin / judo instructor; Sous Chef / timid, cold, protective/ 7 out of 10
he calls yeojin once a week to check up on her, and now hyunjin.  thee two bicker a lot when she is home, as he never really lets her leave anywhere by herself.

— little brother : hwang hyunjin / student at NCT Prep / outgoing, kind, warm, diligent / 9 out of 10
the two are extremely close as they have always been just the two of them. When Hyunjin gets embrassed about something yeojin reminds him that she has all his baby pictures. He comes to see her when he has trouble in school. He is often in her room siting on her bed studying to get away frm his roomate.  

— roomate, best friend : kang seulgi / student at NCT Prep/ kind, timid, understanding, tak-oriented / 10 out of 10
the two have been roommates since their first year at NCT Prep. And have been best friends since. The two are like the same person but also so different. 

— best friend #2 : nakamato yuta / student at NCT Prep / quiet, weird, caring, sweet / 10 out of 10
they hit it off instantly, especially with her basic knowledge of Japanese. Johnny says its more like they are dating at times from how much they talk with each other.

— public enemy #1 : park sooyoung "joy" / student at NCT Prep / loud, outgoing, flirtacious, touchy / 1 out of 10
they have been enemies since the moment Joy landed eyes on Johnny during one of their free periods where the boys were playing soccer outside, Yeojin walking out with Seulgi after grabbing water for the boys. She noticed Joy smiling as she followed Johnny accross the field. She was only a first year so, Yeojin put it aside as her just not knowing the two had feelings for each other. When it continued to occur and turned into Joy waiting longer by the kitchen after lunch to talk to him about something. Yeojin shoots her glares everytime she gets near Johnny. Everyone knows the two are out for blood.



LOVE INTEREST : seo youngho/ johnny


— wip


—  Let's just say it was love at first sight, more of love at first collision. Johnny began attending NCT Prep in their second year. It was the first day of the new year, Johnny walked into the school pulling his suitcase behind him his face showing his shock. He stood in the middle of the main entrance where Yeojin was busy checking her phone as she walked through the center area, bumping into Johnny. They both apoligised.

Which began the on going glances and shy comments during class. Until one day Yuta just decided to force the both of them to actually interact, forcing them to sit together during class. Let's just say they both owe Yuta a lot.

They soon began dating both suffering during the school break as Johnny would be back in Chicago to be with his family. His parents soon agreed to send him back a week early, which is when he would stay with Taeil. Spending some of his time hanging out with Yeojin as she showed him around Seoul as didn't get to spend a lot of time in the city.

Johnny knows Yeojin is worried about her dad being over protective which is why he hasn't met him yet, despite having met Hyunjin to the point that Hyunjin just calls him 'brother-in-law'. Their friends at school love to make fun of them, and tease them. Johnny and Yeojin share a lot of the same classes, which they are always sitting together in.

Johnny knows Yeojin doesn't like Joy but, loves seeing her jealous when Joy even looks at Johnny. He calls her his marshmellow when she drops the cold exterior and acts cute to him, which his heart can't take. 


— you will see


save you


question : what was their reaction to recieving the invitation to nct prep? 

— Yeojin simply stared at it as she stood at the family mailbox, Hyunjin standing behind her confused as to why she was standing outside. Seeing the NCT Prep seal he snatched it out of her hand opening it in front of her, he scanned the print and smiled. Turning it around, Yeojin read it and brokeout in a smile, the two hugging and cheering. 

question : what was their reaction to discovering their powers? what was the first thing they wanted to do?

— Yeojin was surprised and in disbelief. You would be too if you woke up with green eyes and could see purple static lines in the walls. Once she found out what see could do, she wanted to go to kitchen as she was hungry and it was the middle of the night.

question : how do they see themselves now with powers? are they willing to side with the others to help the others?

— She feels more in control of herself, not her powers they make her feel like she isn't good enough to have them. She is willing to side with the others if it means that it would be safer for them to help out rather than someone else.

question : how do they see the world seeing people with their abilities? choas or tranquility?

— Chaos. She hopes for tranquility but knows, humans disregaurd anything different than what they know. 


penguin23 : meghan  :  turn in

COMMENTS : have fun creating your characters!


— here
— here

PASSWORD : regular (english version)



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