How To Stop?

Seriously though...I don't know what has gotten into me.


But its almost like every other month a new story idea comes to me and I get so impassioned about it that I HAVE to write it. Today another one came to me, but I already have so many stories. I know if I hold it off I'll lose my spark and passion for it. SO I want to get it out there fast but I know that the more stories I have the more time it'll take to update each of them. 


How does one stop!?


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Good for you. I have been wanting to update but... do I have the energy?
I fcn relate to this actually i dont know what is the wwy to stop but i tried to shrug off the idea so sad...
This happens to me so often that it's crazy. But I always hold off cause I know how bad it is to wait for a fic you like and see that it doesn't update regularly. So I just write down my idea in the notes on my phone and everytime I get new ideas about it I just add to it and so far I had regained the spark for it whenever I had the time to actually write down the story with details and everything. But I get you. It's so damn frustrating T_T
I get this feeling all the time!! Inspiration and ideas are fickle and I know it can be painful when you want to write something, but you already have another project on the go. What I do is that I have a little note folder in my phone (so I have it on me all the time) and I write everything down on that - potential titles, characters, brief plot and points, etc. I have an extra folder for scenes, too, as sometimes I might have a really really good idea for this one part of this one book but I'm already working on another! Just try to make your current project your main focus, as that idea will always be there. Chances are that when you read over your notes, the same inspiration will hit you. Good luck!
List down your ideas in a notebook or some place where you won't lose them. And by that you should list /everything/ that you're thinking. You can even write them all out from start to finish if you wish. Then [the hard part is to] promise yourself that you won't upload it until you have finished writing a story that you still have out. Or perhaps only upload it when you've finished writing your new story in its entirety. That way it'll be less stressful for you. Hopefully that works, aha.