I'm Back?

Heyo-if anyone is still here.


I am back?

Unfortunately, though I have a new laptop that no longer has ports.

The main reason that is an issue is that I saved all my documents relating to all of my stories on hard drives and flash drives.

I actually began rereading some of my stories and realized I REALLY miss writing.

Even though some of the characters in my stories are no longer people I support I want to move forward with finishing these stories.

I'm going to treat said idols as just characters in my stories and hopefully make it clear I don't support them anymore.

I also want to mention that I want to move forward by focusing on one story at a time.

I don't think I'm quite ready to jump back into my heavier stories like Our Greatest Desire/Thicker Than Blood/Nicotine or When The Nightingale Calls

So I actually am going to be focusing on my more soft story which is called Being Small.

I think I scrapped the story but after re-reading it I fell back in love with the plot and want to start it up again.

I want to edit it the story in the future but am so excited to jump back into writing that yeah I'm hoping to have a new chapter written within the next week or so.

I hope it is received well.


Also HI!



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