
hello there,

i havent been here in a long time. life got in the way.

i stayed away from kpop for a while because of work and life and new interests, but that was a mistake because kpop is a source of happiness for me.

so as i was a very close minded Sone, now after everything we have been through as a fandom and due to the fact that i am a bit older than i was when a became a Sone, i can confidently say that i am now a MULTIFAN, but still a Sone at heart.

i have been listenning to more groups recently.

anyways, to my old friends here, i am sorry i have been horrible and kinda dropped of the face of Earth, say hi to me so i know who is who lol

to the new friends i will be making, come say hi to grandma (<= ME cause i am in the older spectrum LOL)


see you around AFF




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I think I had just met you when you disappeared. Anyway, I'm glad to see you came back - I was starting to feel like I was the only older person around here. It sounds like you had some good realizations about things and have reached a lot of healthy conclusions.

It helps to be a multigroup fan because otherwise what do you do when management is keeping your group in the dungeon? #whereispristin?