I quit

hey guys, so I made a lot of big changes today I quit playing soccer and jaehwan isn’t my bias in wanna one now because I don’t play soccer anymore, I quit soccer because there was one girl on the team that was bullying me she kept telling me to run faster and get the ball and try harder even when I told her I didn’t want to and I just couldn’t take this abuse so I quit soccer. But most my friends were on the soccer team so now I don’t have any friends and school is too hard and and my parents are too srtrict. They always want me to get A+ but I’m fine with just getting a C- they don’t love me, no one does.


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I understand how you feel, I played soccer as well. It was hard because there was a girl who was rude to me for no reason, she was also one year younger than me and had a boyfriend who played soccer as well (he was in the same grade as me). Bullying is not okay, but I think you should try telling someone( if you haven’t), it’s better to get it out, then just letting fill up your whole body. I just want to say that you shouldn’t feel bad, maybe you needed this quit to see what else you can do. I believe that you can make new friends, even if you don’t think so. I want you to just a few breaths and clear your mind for a few minutes. This is just a new beginning.
For the academics, I think you should take your time. See why your parents want you to try so hard. Why you want that goal. I want you to be happy as well.
Hi there, it's okay to quit. Actually, that's not quitting. That's taking a rest. It's okay to take a rest sometimes. You need to let go of the things that makes you sad, mad or frustrated. Just give yourself a break. :)

I was once in your situation before. I don't get a lot of friends, and I always had this academic pressures from my parents. Then I decided to take a rest from overthinking, take a rest from worrying and enjoy the things that makes me happy. Yes, it's hard to do that. But always remember that you are loved and blessed. Okay? 😊

If ever you need someone to talk to, I'm here!
Don't hesitate 😊
Hey there...
I'm sorry for u that u quit soccer. I wish u would stay longer but I'm not in your place that go through hard time. I know it's hard. Bullying is not something that supposed to take lightly. It's something involving physically or mentally of someone. I may not be going through your experience but i used to get bullied in the past. My senior locked me in a room at night. But then i report the wrong doing to the upper right and they take action. I won't be easy but at least we try. We try for ourselves. What i want tell u here, I want u to be brave and fight for yourself. This is your fight. No one else can help u in this situation except u yourself. U r strong. I know it. Believe in yourself. and i want tell u, it's ok to get C. No one is perfect,honey. Everyone start from the bottom. You can do better next time right? :) There will be next chance so try to make up for this results and surprised everyone. Dont be too hard on yourself. No matter how strict and stern your parents with u, believe me, inside their mind they just want the best for u. They know the best for us. Why? Bcz they've gone through it before and had lot experience than us. No matter what u get, your parents still love u.
And hey. It's ok to have no friends at school. They didn't deserve u. U deserve better. You'll get one someday ;) and if u get one, appreciate them. Appreciate everyone around u that love u and accept u as u r. As for me, I'm here if u have no friend ^_^ I'll be your friend.