Umm?? Commission work I guess??

Hii there everyone, I don’t know how many people follow me or how many people are going to see and interact with this post but I wanted to talk about something. If you have time for five minutes, please read.

Recently I discovered something called “Comission Work” for fanfic writers which seemed quite interesting to me because I had been writing in order to make people happy and be proud of myself when people are happy. As much as it sounds cheesy, it’s true. It also gives me a sense of purpose as I do have a lot of personal issues. I never considered to make any profit off of writing and seeing that people have been recently doing it, made me wonder how my readers felt about this agenda.

If you’re seeing this, please let me know what you think about fanfic writers who write for comission, how you feel about paying for an AU you’d like to read and how much will you ever be willing to pay, or do you prefer fanfic writers to be just be writers for free as that is the true purpose of fanfics?


No hate for anyone who does or doesn’t, thank you! I hope you’ll leave your opinion.


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I love writing fanfics since writing is one of my biggest joys in life and able to write them using my favorite idol as my muse is just heaven~

It's fine if you write for commissions, we all need that extra money. I would do it as well but I'm not confident in my writing style yet to actually ask people to pay me. If the person was exceptionally good, I would definitely pay them if I wasn't so broke. More than once have i stumbled upon breathtakingly well fanfics that make me think if I can send them ACTUAL money to appreciate them