✿ Fleur ✿ Say is blooming.

replace with fc 120*172


birthname. Lee Seryeong (이세령)

❀ Sophie Lee :: English name
❀ Eye Fat :: She has a prominent eyesmile, causing her to be called Eye Fat by her fans

date of birth. 05 February 1993
birthplace. Seoul, South Korea
hometown. ia, USA or Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity. Korea

❀ Korean :: She was born in Korea; parents spoke Korean at home
❀ English :: Moved to the States in 1997 and moved back to Korea in 2011.

social media.

❀ instagram :: @say05021993
❀ twitter :: @say05021993


say my name

faceclaim. Jang Gyuri (backup: Choi Yena)


appearance. (168 cm, 50 kg) Although she's in her late twenties, she still looks like a teenager, to her dismay. She has a bit of a complex about this in private, but she uses this to her advantage when acting cute. When she doesn't smile, however, she looks intimidating, like she's judging your every movement. She has a mole under the corner of her left eye, but it's usually covered by makeup. Otherwise, her appearance doesn't differ much from her faceclaim.

fashion. Not helping her complex about her appearance, she dresses kind of like a kid, with hoodies and skirts. Her favorite color is bright yellow, so she wears clothes in that color a lot. She has a lucky hoodie, which was yellow but after years of wear, it's practically threadbare and honestly kind of dirty. She's the type of person that hates pants, so it takes freezing temperatures to get her to just put on a pair of jeans.

personality traits. observational, playful, judgemental, insensitive, honest, tempermental

personality. Seryeong's poker face looks very judgemental, and while she is, it is mainly due to her past in criminal justice. Her job had required for her to be observational, and to make the according judgements. Even after deciding to become an idol and quitting her job, she still spends a lot of time judging people without even talking to them. Sometimes, these judgements are completely unjustified, causing her to have bad relations with others.

However, she does act nice to the people that make a good impression. She's very playful and laughs easily. She sometimes goes a bit overboard with her jokes, though. Despite being observational, she's actually quite insensitive, as she is not good at telling how others feel about her herself. She doesn't really know how to treat the people she likes or respect their limits, so this insensitivity often results in disagreements. She is, however, very honest, so people can tell when she is trying to be considerate. Lying just makes her feel guilty and she starts stuttering, so she usually just doesn't even bother telling lies.

Lastly, she is tempermental. Her emotions change very quickly, becoming mad or happy or sad at the drop of a hat. Seryeong tries her best to hide it, but sometimes, she lets her emotions get the best of her and it causes severe repercussions, causing people to get upset at her.


Seryeong was born on February 5, 1993 in Seoul, South Korea. When she was four, she moved to ia. She doesn't remember much about her early childhood years until 2000, when her younger brother, Seyong, was born, and the next year, when her younger sister, Sena, was born. Her mother passed after she gave birth to Sena. Growing up, she was like a third parent to her younger siblings, as their father had to work during the day. Everything else in her life was pretty much normal.

Seryeong actually had a bit of a bullying past. Using her old Facebook (since deleted), she would make fun of other people's appearances and spread malicious rumors throughout middle school and part of high school. The reason why is kind of unclear, as even she isn't quite sure why she did it other than just pure boredom. Her classmates, intimidated, often either avoided her or tried to be friends with her to protect themselves. Honestly, when she finally deleted the account, it was just mostly because she lost interest. This entire childish "hobby" ends up biting her in the back years later when she finally became a public figure.

She graduated high school in 2011, and returned to Seoul by herself to go to college. She decided to major in criminal science, and became a police detective in 2015. She didn't work as a detective for much longer than a year before getting scouted by Fantagio Entertainment. Seryeong was honestly already sick of her job, and while she never cared much for idol groups, she thought it would be fun to try.


my buddy


❀variety shows

❀flowers (she has pollen allergies)
❀spicy food

❀being alone

❀watching tv

❀ sticks tongue out randomly
❀ can't stop touching her face/hair

other trivia
❀ Despite constantly complaining about how her contacts make her eyes dry, she refuses to wear glasses.
❀ She is probably the bravest in the group in terms of thrill rides and horror
❀ She is a hardcore fan of Lovelyz and has posters of them in her room
❀ She loves to harmonize even though she's kind of bad at it
❀ She sneezes a lot, hence why she doesn't like sprays, especially hairspray
❀ She's really good at cooking but she doesn't have enough time or effort to cook regularly
❀ Doesn't know how to do her own makeup
❀ She was a bully in middle school but has since corrected her behavior.
❀ Doesn't post much on social media
❀ She gets crushes on a lot of idols (male and female) but never bothers to actually try and flirt.
❀ Did ballet as a kid but quit



❀ younger brother :: Lee Seyong (Seth Lee) (18) / student / istp / 8 / Seryeong and Seyong are very similar in person, but Seyong is really awkward over phone, so they've become less close than before while Seryeong had been living in Korea. fc: jeno from nct


❀ younger sister :: Lee Sena (Sabrina Lee) (17) / student / esfj / 9 / Seryeong makes an effort to talk to her baby sister over the phone at least once a week. Sena's greatest wish is to become an idol, so she looks up to her older sister a lot. fc: jinsol from april

❀ father :: Lee Sejin (53) / banker / istj / 7 / Seryeong doesn't check up on him as much as her siblings, but they still call each other when important things happen, during the holidays, etcetera. Initially, he got mad at her for trying to become an idol, but since she went to college, he knew she could find a job anyways if she failed. (fc: i don't know many older male celebrities)

the awakening

plotline. Sunflower (Bourgainvillea? Either way I'd have to rewrite lol)

trainee life.

Seryeong joined Fantagio Entertainment in March 2017. This was a bad time to join, however, as Fantagio confirmed the debuting members of Weki Meki just a few months later, and she wasn't part of the lineup. While training, Seryeong focused mostly on singing, but wasn't too bad at dancing either. She would practice from sun up to sun down, having no school or job. Seryeong decided to leave in 2018, because the likelihood of debuting with another girl group soon was slim, and either way, all of the members would be way too young. At her age, becoming an idol was almost ridiculous considering how most rookie idols are in their early 20s or late 10s.

Seryeong took a break from any idol training-related activities for ten months, until she heard of a company that was training and planning on debuting another older trainee (Rose). Seryeong decided to try and audition for it, and made it into Star Entertainment in December 2018. Although her training period under Star Entertainment was very short, she improved a lot more in that period than she did under Fantagio. Because the age difference between her and the other trainees was a lot smaller than at Fantagio, it was easier for her to become closer to the other members.

other activities.

❀ She was in several cfs and variety/reality shows after debut (your call on whichever ones you want to write lol)


❀ 2019 :: iljin scandal :: true / false
After Seryeong debuted, because she had kept relatively private about her background, there were many rumors that she was an iljin. However, as she spent her school years in the States, this was disproved, yet this caused her bullying scandal to surface. Iljin=basically means like a delinquent? here's an article about how people see iljin to better get the idea
❀ 2019 :: bullying scandal :: true / false
After her iljin scandal, people dug up her past, with proof of her bullying other students in middle school while in the States. There were screenshots of posts from her old social media accounts where people found her making fun of other students. While some people defended her, saying she was only in middle school, she still issued an official apology and went on hiatus for (however long).
❀ 2019 :: dating scandal :: true / false
Some people still held grudges against her after her bullying scandal, so they released photos of her on dates while on her hiatus. Those photos, however, were of her and her younger brother, not a boyfriend, so the rumor was untrue. She actually doesn't have much interest in actually investing time going on dates or anything, so she really doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend.


you are my star

vocal twin. Jiho from Oh My Girl (Yein from Lovelyz)
dance twin. Daisy from Momoland (Mina from Twice)

persona. Refreshing and girly
stage name. Say (세이) : The "se"(세) from Seryeong plus the "i"(이) from Lee makes "se-i", hence "say".

replace with fc 95*95

marshybleep : annie

comments. I'm so excited for this!! 

scene requests.

– variety shows!
– I feel like Seryeong would be such a er

password. Petals? Blooms? lol I'm bad at coming up with names



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