
What the hell...? WAE AM I SO FAT?!?!?!? UGGGGHHH!!! >:O I hate it! I have really bad thigh fat and it bothers me so much. Everytime I see girls in public and their legs are like half the size of my legs. I always get self-conscious. I've always had a low self-esteem. Especially about my weight. I also really hate it when BOYS are skinnier and lighter than me. It bothers me...so so much U__U

And it doesn't help when all of my friends are all so effing skinny and weigh less than 115 pounds.


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I'm positive you're not even fat, because you should still be proud it's more healthy to have some fat than to have very little fat.
Don't worry. Fighting!!!!!!!!
Gena...We talked about this. YOU ARE SKINNY! YOUR FRIENDS ARE NOT ON THE AWESOME LEVEL like us. The people you look at are KOREANS who are mostly always SKINNY AS A TWIG.
Some times its a good thing sometimes not but hey, who cares?
Boys like something to grab onto ;)
Plus always think theres someone bigger thats what helps me!
You guys are amazing. Thank you! I'm trying. Trust me! ;~;
awww...I know how you feel....I'm fat too!
but let's be proud of ourself like eisagaL95 said! =D
who cares? D:<

my boy classmates who are skinner than me call me fata**, so i just shut them up by calling them skinnya**!

i agree with eisagaL95, be proud of what you got, girl :3
no, don't be!
I was once like that. I really have a big legs and my boy classmates kept teasing me about it so i got self-conscious. I stopped wearing shorts, skirts and pedals.

BUT i realized I shouldn't be ashamed. I should be proud of I've got. Don't mind what people tells you. Just be yourself and show them what you've got. It just depends on how you handle it. :D