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BIRTH NAME 정소희jung sohee
daddy long legs : the members and the fans call her this as she has a pair of rather long legs #leglengthgoals
vi : short for her stage name
kiddo : seoguk calls her this as she's his baby sister, though she'd often call him kiddo too since he is just as childish (if not more)
airhorn : due to her extreme loudness; also sort of a couple name that goes along with sebyeok's 'megaphone'
BIRTHDATE december 24th, 2000
BIRTHPLACE busan, south korea
HOMETOWN busan, south korea
korean : fluent
japanese : conversational; learnt it in school
english : basic; has very limited knowledge but loves saying random words or phrases in english



FACECLAIM kim doyeon of weki meki
BACKUP FACECLAIM jung jinsoul of loona
APPEARANCE sohee is more on the taller side, 171cm to be exact, with her toned legs taking up most of her body. she is rather slim, weighing about 50kg, with slightly wider hips creating an hourglass figure. you can't really say that she's gifted in the chest and bottom area, but she also isn't flat. has long, chestnut brown hair, reaching a bit over her mid back. she isn't too fond of having her hair crazy colors, only black or brunette, though she always wanted to try dying her hair pastel purple since it's her favorite color.
FASHION her fashion choices mostly consist of oversized hoodies, sweatshirts and tees, along with ripped high-waisted jeans, leggings or shorts. either that or baggy-ish pants/sweatpants with a tight tee or a crop top. pretty basic, couch-potato type of style. though when she is going to an event where she needs to dress up a bit more, she goes all out. well, all out for her at least, as people are used to seeing her in super casual clothing, so they get shocked when they see her all dressed up. at times like this, she'd often wear bodycon mini dresses or a matching set of a top and a skirt, or one of her favorites - cropped top paired with high waisted pants, followed with heeled sandals. is a er for fishnet tights.
scroll left on the pictures




esfp // think of idols such as exid's hani, exo's baekhyun, bts's j-hope, even kim doyeon herself // very outgoing and friendly // extremely loud and hyper // always screaming, singing at the top of her lungs, dancing, jumping around // can't stay put for more than one second // extra af and prone to embarrasing herself // finds everything funny and laughs way too hard even at jokes/things that are barely laughable // kind of childish // very talkative, like she doesn't have an off switch and commonly interrupts others // blunt, in other words - brutally honest // great at giving advice but bad at using it herself // appears strong and confident, but is very insecure // vulnerable to criticism - she'd dwell over even the smallest negative thing someone says about her // hardcore perfectionist // she strives for perfection but she doesn't believe she will ever reach it // keeps her worries and problems to herself since everyone sees her as an always happy girl, so she wants it to stay that way // when fights occur, she'd mostly just stay on the sidelines and not interfere // rarely, if ever, gets into fights/arguments with others // really big on skinship - she can constantly be seen kissing, hugging, touching, etc. her friends/members



jung sohee was born on 24th december 2000 in busan, as the second child of jung taewoon and lim ahreum. even as a little child she was overly hyper, so in order to decrease her energy levels, ahreum got her into her friends' dance school for juniors at the age of six. she liked dancing so much that when she passed the age limit for the said school, when she was about 10, she signed up for another school. the first one specialized in ballet and jazz, while the other one was more hip hop, street dance. 

at school, she never really had any problems; she had good grades, a bunch of friends, etc. she did however got sent to the principals office a few times for being too loud during class and talking to her friends, but she only ever got away with a slight scolding. no problems at school, though there were some at home. her parents were arguing a lot during her childhood, they never seemed to agree on the same things, so eventually they decided to split. it was when sohee was 13 that their divorce was finalized. the children moved with their mom to seoul, but would visit taewoon back in busan whenever possible. 

the divorce did take a toll on the siblings, but they all saw it coming. sohee was old enough to understand what was going on and why it had to happen; yes she was very down when it happened and it took a bit for her to get used to it, but she knew it was for the better. what hit her harder than the actual split was moving away from her father. sohee is a daddy's girl, and having her time spent with him reduced to about two weekends per month was hard.

a little over a year after the divorce, taewoon suffered a heart attack and unfortunately passed away. to sohee it was like her whole life got smashed to pieces. as mentioned earlier she was a daddy's girl; he was basically her best friend, her everything - he was the one who encouraged her to audition in the first place and was always so supportive of her. the first few months of his passing, it was like sohee became a whole different person - she wouldn't leave her room, she was always sad, she barely talked, she didn't even have an ounce of energy as she always had. her mom tried getting her into therapy but sohee refused to go. it took a few months for her to get out of her shell and back to her old self again, once she realized her father wouldn't want her to be like that. 

even though she went back to her fully energized, loud self, even four years later, sohee can't move on. she would often cry herself to sleep at night thinking about her father and how much she misses him. she can't look at his picture or even say his name without breaking into tears. since sohee doesn't like sharing her problems and feelings with others, she rarely ever talks about her dad with others, even with her family and best friends; if she could only let herself pour her heart out to someone and just have a long talk about her father and everything that's bothering her, she could finally learn to let go.



○ the only time sohee isn't crazy hyper is in the morning - she definitely isn't a morning person and takes forever to get out of bed, but as soon as she's up she is fully energized
○ she is very flexible as she used to train gymnastics and is good at sports, especially volleyball
○ drinks so much redbull that at this point it practically runs through her veins instead of blood
○ favorite food is sushi, especially california rolls, any kind
○ probably the only korean who hates kimchi. cabbage makes her vomit, even the smell of it
○ wears little to no makeup (unless necessary) so she is probably the fastest to get ready
○ her ideal type is kim hanbin aka b.i from ikon as she said in a few interviews. the members and her close friends are very well aware of how big of a fangirl of his sohee is, she is basically in love with the guy
○ rihanna sunbaenim (as she calls her) is her favorite artist
○ as for kpop, her favorite groups are bigbang, ikon and exid
○ loves dancing to boy group songs; you might say it's her speciality
○ people say that she is nana from after school's look alike, who is coincidentally her role model
○ she talks in her sleep and has been caught sleepwalking a few times
○ has two grey italian greyhounds called lumin (m) and bambi (f); loves them more than anything or anyone
○ her favorite color is pastel purple; almost everything she owns is purple 




best friend | zhou jieqiong | 20 

the two met while sohee was a trainee at pledis ent. and have been inseparable ever since. at the beginning of their trainee days, most of the other girls were rather shy, while kyulkyung and sohee couldn't keep their mouths shut and that's how they got close. definitely not as loud and talkative as sohee, but kyulkyung is still above average in those categories. people think the two are in a relationship as they are always together, hugging each other, sitting in each other's laps, holding hands wherever they go, kissing each other on the cheek, neck, etc. they literally can't go a day without hearing from one another. 



brother | jung seoguk | 22

— seoguk acts like a kid most of the time; he is hyper and really loud, just like his baby sister, but just a lot more immature even though he's older. sohee and him usually get called twins because of how same their personalities are, but they also fight a lot. their fights are usually based of stupid, childish things, like who has the remote or who ate the last cookie. gukkie, as sohee calls him, and his sister are really close, but he isn't the one sohee can come to with her problems, well most of the time, with him being so childish and not taking anything seriously. the two enjoy making fun of each other more than anything.



close friend | hong sebyeok | 18

— sebyeok and sohee met when the latter transferred to moonlight entertainment. much like with kyulkyung, the two were definitely the loudest and most outgoing out of the trainees and bonded with their extremely outgoing nature. sohee and sebyeok are basically one and the same, with their loud 4d personalities. with the two of them around, the mood is automatically lifted and there's no way in hell you'd get bored. just listening to them making lame jokes, dying laughing at them, singing at the top of their lungs, jumping and dancing around, will basically make you go crazy. the dynamic duo or the beagle line, if you will, are dubbed as the airhorn-megaphone couple by the fans; their shorter couple name though is seso.




stage name. violet 바이올렛 : the company was thinking of a stage name for her, as sohee is a common name. they spent a long time trying to come up with something until it hit them - violet. it comes from the fact that her favorite color is purple/violet and she is very often wearing clothes of that color.

position. main dancer, rapper, sub-vocal
talent twins.

dancing twin : chungha
singing twin : soojin of (g)i-dle
rapping twin : dahyun of twice

training years.  pledis - three years; moonlight - almost a year

trainee life.  

sohee was a trainee under pledis entertainment since 2012. making new friends was never hard for her due to her friendly and outgoing nature, so she became friends with a bunch of fellow trainees. such a perfectionist that she is, sohee would often stay after training and practice all by herself, unless someone joins her. she is too hard on herself, so she'd keep repeating whatever she's doing over and over, and would never be satisfied, leading to her being overly exhausted and even fainting a few times. somewhere mid-2015, pledis chose the 7 girls to represent them in the first season of produce 101, and three more girls who'd all later debut as pristin, but sadly sohee wasn't one of them. this crushed her spirit and made her think that she is worthless and seriously lacking. after her best friend kyulkyung crushed these negative thoughts she had and helped her get back to her feet, sohee made the decision to leave the company and look for a new one. while she was in the process of finding a suitable company, her school hosted its annual talent show and sohee decided to participate. she choregraphed her own dance to the song 'lean on' by major lazer and won second place. while she was performing, she caught the eye of moonlight's scouting agent who was in the crowd, who approached after the show and asked her to join moonlight entertainment which she did almost right away. since that was in late 2015 she didn't train even a full year there before debuting, so she put all her effort into practicing and overworked herself to no end, but for her it was worth it as she finally got the achieve her dream and make her dad proud.



sohee has said in interviews that hanbin is her ideal type, not thinking of the backlash she'd get from his fans. this rumor that they're dating started after hanbin was asked if he heard that he is sohee's ideal type and what's his opinion on it, and he replied that he heard and that he thinks that she's really pretty and an amazing dancer, all the while getting really shy, the other members teasing him. not too long after there were videos from the ending of a music show (like mcountdown or something) where blossom is standing behind ikon, and hanbin lets them infront by telling sohee and slightly touching her back as in to lead her to the front. this created an outrage with delusional fans thinking that they're dating even though the two never even officially met, just kind of bumped into each other at shows and events.





comments. hi hi! i hope you like my bebe sohee! hope you don't mind that her personality is very similar to your sebyeok, but i already wrote a decent amount of my app before i checked out yours and realized that
i originally wanted to use hanbin as her love interest but since you said the oldest l/i's can be is '99 i decided that she is just gonna admire him from afar lmao

scene requests.

— the girls going on a variety show and sohee volunteering to participate in every single mission/challenge, that the members and the mc's have to put her in timeout so that the other members can get a chance to do something (some of the girls secretly enjoying that she's doing everything so that they wouldn't have to though)
— an interaction with her and hanbin, possibly on a variety show. maybe they are coupled up to do something and both of them get super shy; the fact that it's public knowledge that he is her ideal type makes everything more uncomfortable (she dies inside and doesn't stop smiling and squealing about it when she gets back to the dorm)
— the girls doing the ' and blow' game and sohee purposely dropping the paper so that she'd kiss whichever member she was passing it to. everyone going crazy and that member being grossed out, but sohee just laughs to herself and feels proud

  PASSWORD. "a new flower has bloomed! hello, we are blossom!"






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your layout is so simple but pretty,., really tickled me. everything’s good to go!
violet is accepted ♡
im sorry for stalking but this pretty...i cri