I wonder

I wonder what it feels like for a person who oh so badly wanted to get famous and eventually gets it. You want fame so bad, you'd do anything to be known. Then when you're already famous af, people recognize you anywhere you go. You won't be able to walk in the streets peacefully. You won't be able to shop alone without people following you and taking a video/pictures of you. Except the benefit of financial freedom, I wonder if he/she thinks it's worth it? Is it worth it to lose your privacy? I just thought of this while listening to Bobby's song, "Runaway". I remember he said that he made the song because he wanted to runaway for a while. To be "normal" even for just a short while. Listening to this song would always make me sad because of that but then, at the same time, happy? He wanted to win SMTM to help his family and now he has achieved that dream. 

I never envy famous people, I may want to be as rich as them, but without the popularity. 


#randomthoughts #1amthoughts


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
I get what you mean. I myself have never envied them because I’ve always thought of the downside of fame.
I honestly pity them. Imagine having a lot of money but not having the freedom to go around or even to fall in love. You don’t even know if the people you are with are there because they care about you or because you have something that they want.
I think it’s hard enough being ordinary because the situation above can also happen, what more when you have a lot of money?
I will go and listen to the song now . Sometimes I do wonder the same thing too. But I guess everything come with a price ?