Through the ages

look at me 

BIRTHNAME: song jiae 「 송지애 」

jiji : people who are close to her call her this

DATE OF BIRTH: september 16, 1992

BIRTHPLACE: seoul, south korea


FACE CLAIM: im jinah 'nana;

BACKUP FACE CLAIM: choi jinri 'sulli'

APPEARANCE:  standing at 170cm, jiae is rather tall, with her toned legs taking up most of her body. she is quite slim with a flat stomach, but you could say she is kind of gifted in the chest and bottom area, though you could thank her surgeon for that as she underwent a enhancement surgery since she was insecure about her flat chest. another plastic surgery jiae had was rhinoplasty to make her nose slimmer and more pointy. her current hairstyle is long, dark brown hair (throughout the years she changed her hair up for promotions, basically she had all the hairstyles nana had thus far). she has a few tattoos, like the ones in the pictures below.


FASHION STYLE:   think kendall jenner. sophisticated, elegant, high-end brands. a type of parisian street-style. a most common outfit would consist of a tight top, either cropped or tucked into skinny dressy pants paired up with heels. another go-to would be slightly oversized button-up shirts with the top few buttons ed and underneath a stylish lace bra. though when at home or the dorm she would wear oversized tees, hoodies or sweatshirts, with either leggings or shorts underneath, depending on the weather. accessories are a must for jiae. she loves mix&matching golden chokers and necklaces, and wears a bunch of bracelets and rings.

OFFICIAL STATEMENT: "the last time i talked to ____ was on august 6th, so two days prior. i caled her to ask if she wanted to go with me to our shared friends' birthday party which was supposed to be on the 10th. she said yes and that she'll call me the day before the party so that will figure out what time to meet. that was the last i heard from her."

INNER THOUGHTS:  jiae is deeply shocked. she wasn't really best friends with the girl, but they were close nonetheless. she doesn't belive kim sejoo is the killer; she thinks he went to check up on her and found her like that. jiae obviously can't say for sure, but she finds vista's new leader suspicious. the two were never really on good terms and even if she didn't kill her, jiae thinks she might've had a hand in it.

SECRETS:  jiae's biggest secret is her eating disorder and everything related to it. no one outside the company and her closest friends and family knew for sure that she had developed eating disorders. as for the company, not only did they sweep it under the rug, they encouraged it. since she was the visual, a lot of pressure was put on her to look her best and that drove her to stop eating - the company thought her skinny appearance would pull more people into being fans of vista. 

even though she's no longer under pandora entertainment, jiae has a fear of sharing her secret with the world. if the truth gets out about how the company treated her and how they encouraged her eating disorders, they would be sent to flames and she feared that if that happened they would try and bring her down with them, ruining her career or even a chance at ever having one.

song jiae was born in seoul, south korea as the only child of jin minwoo and park ji yoon. the family was well-off; minwoo a successful bussinesman and jiyoon a retired supermodel. due to jiyoon's love for modeling and her success in it, she got her little daughter into a modeling agency when she was quite young, at the age of six, to carry on her legacy. the two parents travelled a lot because of their work, so jiae spent most of her childhood with countless nannies.

besides her being an only child, her parents' absence had a big impact on her becoming so friendly and talkative. she desperately sought for attention and acceptance, so she would always try to insert herself into any group of friends and would approach and befriend anyone she sees. she felt alone with her parents gone so often, so, even as a little girl, she made it her goal to make as many friends as possible so that she'd never feel alone again.

jiyoon was very strict towards jiae and put a lot of pressure on her so that she'd be just like her when she grew up. this shaped jiae into a perfectionist and someone highly self-critical. her mother was an extreme perfectionist and would not let jiae make any mistakes; she'd make her do things over and over until they were perfected. even to this day, in jiae's eyes her mother is her biggest critic. she cares about her opinion more than anyones.

at the age of 14, jiae's parents got divorced. minwoo cheated on his wife with his secretary and after she found out and the divorce was finalized, the secretary moved in with minwoo, while jiyoon and jiae had to move out. he ended up marrying jungha, the secretary, when jiae was 15. jiae actually found out about the affair before her mother and from then on started resenting her father; she's barely spoken to him since.

around the time of the divorce, jiae started changing her interests. her mind was set on becoming a supermodel, just like her mother, but she slowly started taking interest in music and was captivated by the celebrities she saw on tv. when she first brought up to her mother that she'd like to become an idol the answer was of course no. jiyoon had already set her expectations for her daughter, and being a 'trashy singer', as she said, wasn't in her plans. jiae kept begging and begging to audition and eventually her mother let her, although disappointed. seeing her mother disappointed in her is the worst thing in the world for jiae, so she promised herself she'd work so hard to prove to her mom that she chose the right path and make her proud again.

considering she had no training in the music field, meaning she couldn't sing, dance nor rap, all the companies she auditioned for didn't accept her. this pretty much crumbled her and made her think she's worthless. her mother, although not supportive of her dream career, said she'd pay for singing lessons and then when she deems her vocals good enough, she can try auditioning again and that's what happened.

2009 was when jiae auditioned for the newely established company, pandora entertainment. she was finally accepted and started training. she trained for three years before finally debuting. as she was chosen to be the visual, the company pressured her to take better care of her appearance than the other girls. the pressure she felt, plus her very low self-esteem caused her to practically stop eating. she'd eat about one salad a day and drink some water, which was all of her calorie intake for a day. when she felt hungry throughout the day, she'd binge on things such as chocolate or snacks, but later go to the bathroom and make herself throw up the food she just ingested. 

people started noticing her extreme weight-loss and tried talking to her about it, but she'd just brush it off. this kept going on for a while; the company was very well aware of her condition, but rather than trying to help her out, they encouraged her to keep going. they liked her now really skinny figure and thought it would attract more fans. it wasn't until she fainted during their showcase for vibrato and was hospitalized, that she was diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. she was unable to attend most of the comeback promotions as she was hospitalized, but the company never publicly disclosed the real reason of her absence, they just said she had health issues. though it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which health issues she had, looking at recent pictures of her.

after finally getting back on her feet and leaving rehab, in which she spent quite some time, jiae finally felt good about herself for once. she wasn't fully confident still, but her insecurities weren't killing her as they were before. the people in her life, as well as the fans, could now see her radiating personality. she was eating relatively normal again. everything was going great for about a year, until the ceo pulled her to the side during their preparations for the comeback with 'remember' and told her that she's gained weight and that her visuals started lacking because of it. when she heard this, her heart dropped to her feet. already that night, she made herself throw up the food she ate. jiae was now back to her old habits of not eating, and throwing up whenever she does eat.

her weight-loss was, again, very noticable during their comeback that year. as she was falling back to her eating disorders, she also developed a really bad depression. it again took a while for her to even get diagnosed, as she was denying treatment or even denying that anything's wrong whatsoever, as well as her company pretending not to notice and just sweep it under the rug. she was slowly getting worse and worse, and by the time vista wrapped up their promotions for 'crying', jiae was hospitalized once again. the same story was sold to the public, that she had health issues, the said issues never being disclosed. 

this time the group went on a longer break until their final comeback. during the break, jiae had enough time to go through rehab again and countless therapy sessions. she was prescribed a lot of medication, but was slowly getting back to her feet. 

finding out about the disbandment triggered her depression again, though fortunately her eating was barely a problem. after vista officially disbanded, jiae being heartbroken that it's over and worrying about what to do now, she increased her prescribed anti-depressant intake. she started drowning herself in wine and slowly getting addicted to her medication, as well as starting to not eat again, until her mother finally had her sign to a modeling agency. jiho and her mom convinced her to go to therapy. not long after she got signed to the agency, her modeling career took off.

jiae now (well, before the accident) leads a successful modeling career, her health has gotten a lot better and as for her depression, it's not fully cured but she's doing much better. though she does have bulimic tendencies when bad things happen. 

woo jiho 'zico', best friend, 26

jiho and jiae have been best friends since they were practically babies. they are actually both from the same neighbourhood in mapo and went to the same elementary and middle school. not only that, but they were born in the same hospital, just two days apart, and that's where their moms met.
jiho has been next to jiae through everything. he was always there for her, her biggest supporter and quite frankly her only solace during dark times.
flamboyant / talkative / blunt / opinionated / narrow-minded / temperamental / insecure / reticent (when it comes to feelings)

jiae is a social butterfly. she could approach anyone at any given time and become friends with them instantly. she is also very open, making her approachable and easy to talk to. being talkative comes with being so friendly, but this girl takes it to a whole 'nother level. she doesn't have an off button when it comes to talking, so it's hard to determine if being talkative is a good or a bad trait; some would say it's good since there will never be awkward silences when she's present, but others would disagree, since they too would like to say something but can't because jiae doesn't know what letting someone else speak means.

she isn't the type of person to sugar-coat anything, she would say as it is, which brings me to the fact that she's blunt. another way to describe it is 'brutally honest'. she has a sharp tongue and isn't afraid to say anything to anyone. obviously, lying is bad, but it can also be bad to be too honest. sometimes it's better for people not to know the complete truth or someone's opinion about them because it can be hurtful, but jiae just doesn't care. so the next time you wanna know if that dress makes you look fat, just ask song jiae.

jiae has a set of her own opinions which she is not willing to change. no matter what you say, she'll stick to what she believes and will fight you for it. she isn't really the type that would say 'i have my own opinions, but i respect what others think' since she thinks she's always right and would try to convince others to think the same way. even if at some point she realizes she's wrong, she won't admit it. another thing about jiae is that she has a bad temper. she easily gets annoyed, either by things not going her way or by someone being 'stupid' as she'd say, and would start fighting with who ever riled her up.

all of these traits might make her seem like she's very confident, and she does appear to be so to the common onlooker, but in reality she has really low self-esteem. she is very insecure about her looks, her abilities and basically anything she does or says. she cares too much about what others think of her and is very vulnerable to any form of criticism. if this isn't already bad, what makes it worse is that she doesn't share her insecurities and struggles with others, she just bottles it up, so she has spent countless nights crying herself to sleep.

 — nothing as of now, might add later


application for VISTA: DEATH OF THE


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