Asian Drama Universe loves to screw with my feels

Oh boy are we in for a ride.

I love watching asian dramas. I tend to watch more cdramas then kdramas; just my preference. But when I watch these dramas I tend to pick a favourite male character and most of the time it ain't the male lead. It tends to end up being either the second male lead or male side characters. When tends to happen to these characters that I grow a connection to is that they either get killed off or they get pushed to a side where they would end up sad and alone by the middle to the end of the drama. When I started getting into watching dramas this seems to happen i kinda accepted it. happens and life is unfair - was what I thought. But after watching many more dramas and seeing that almost all of my favouite main characters either be killed off or end up being sad and alone I am like 'the high powers of the universe must really hate me'. I mean like come on. Just for once in my life let the my soon to be next favourite character in the coming dramas have a good life and feel loved. I'm not asking for the next drama to have my soon to be favourite character and the male lead to lip lock (but it would be nice if it happ - oh god, nose bleed. CODE RED). All I ask is for the next drama to be kind to the second male lead and male side characters.

Sorry for the rant. But I just need to get this off my chest.


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Try watching Empress Ki if you haven't watched that and if you're willing to watch something a bit tragic again (it's tragic in the end). It messed me up pretty badly. In a sense, it's a mix of Chinese and Korean history so you might like it.