Kokris rants: episode 830



It's getting so in hard to write both of my fanfics atm



Bc I lack in the emotion department, that's why. 


I'm not saying I don't feel emotions but I have a hard time expressing them. 

So I also have a hard time writing emotional scenes. 


Like, there's a I've been trying to finish for the past few months but I can't bc it's supposed to be a very intimate moment between the characters and it's supposed to be low key really sweet and


But I'm not sweet? In general? I don't do fluff, I don't do lovey dovey, none of that? I can't even use the L word when it comes to feelings bc I just... Don't? I can't? 

I'm the kind of person that calls you an imbecile but doesn't mean it. It's just my way of telling you I appreciate you a lot. 


So here I am, stuck and trying to write this sappy bc I want my readers to be happy while dying on the inside bc I just start blocking at every damn word.


Is there a cure for this?



- exit Kokris


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if you cant express yourself that well, maybe start by observing how people express themselves to other people then describe/write about it by using the words you know, then maybe youll find a way to finally be more expressive
Write it with YOUR style. Every story should Ben written by YOU, it should always have a piece of you in it. And it shows in the writing. If you’re not an outwardly affectionate person it’s fine. Your stories don’t all have to be fluff. doesn’t have to be fluffy and cute.