Need German and French Songs Recommendations

I started studying German and I need some nice songs to get used to the language better and I love French but I don't have many songs. Please help me to find some good ones.


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Omg there’s this one French song I’m absolutely in love with—Si t’étais là by Louane. Dumbo by Vianney is also a really chill song. Someone below mentioned Kendji Girac, and I completely agree with them! I especially love his song Elle m’a aimé!
Andalouse by Kendji Girac. Or anything by Kendji Girac, really.
Wie wäre es mit folgenden Liedern:
Raf Camora - Sag Nix
Bausa - Was Du Liebe nennst
Kontra K - An deiner Seite
Kontra K - Fame (feat. Raf Camora)
i remember when i learned french, i used to listen to a song titled "je m'apelle hélène", a children song "aloutte" and one of les miserables songs titled "à la volonté du peuple". i think there are more nice french songs to listen to.