
As much as i want to be happy. Things get tangled. And.. i am too tired.... Its just too much to handle.. I don't know. I feel lost.... And the thing is. I can't share the things ..... I Try to forget the things and smile. Its painful. Things are not getting better... I don't want to cut myself. Neither even hurt myself. But i can't just be calm...  People around me tell me to be happy and smile no matter what... Why don't they get. Even i get hurt... .. i am too tired... Things may be easy for them. But its different and difficult for me... :(   


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I'm really just forcing myself at this point
I feel like I'm always being crushed under the weight of my own life
In life , nothing is easy. Everyone will somehow be tested with some kind of trouble , challenges , and obstacles. It dosent matter if you're a kid , teenager , adult and etc... As long as you are living , there will be problems and etc.. That makes you a human. Everyone will have to go through it.

However , you shouldnt compared your pain / struggle to anyone else because everyone way of handling a situation is different. Some might be better at hiding it, some just practically brace through it , some seek for help and etc...

If you feel lost and tired , maybe its time to re-evaluate your life and do some self reflection to see where things went wrong , what you can do to improve or make ot better and etc.. Take some time off for yourself. Its okay to rest when you're tired. Go soul searching. Ask yourself questions that only you have the answer.

I think its not that people dont get it or dont really care. The thing is , no matter how others try to help and understand you , there are still things that only you can do to help yourself . Also there are things that only you yourself will understand because who knows you best other than you right?

Second thing , you cant seems to share or tell it so how do you expect others to know specifically ? You need to understand that people cant possible read your mind .

Third , even if they have been through the same thing as you , still the level / degree of struggle might be different. As each person react , feel and cope differently. Basically , no matter how someone try to put themselves in your shoes , there's still limitation to what they can do because at the end of the day its you who feel it , you who knows how deep the struggle is and etc..

I think whats important is that , you need to first understand yourself. Know what you want . If you need help , then go seek for all the help and suppport that you need. You want to feel better , than maybe do some changes in your lifestyle and etc...

Hurting yourself will not solve the problem. It will only.cause you more problems in long run.. So go take some time for yourself and try to find a healthy solution to your problem. Know that nothing stay the same forever , so as to your struggles and pain. There's nothing that cant be solved. The only thing is you need to be willing to do what it takes .

Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. I hope that you'l see things in a brighter light and try to have more faith in yourself that you can handle it because you're stronger than you think :) Give yourself the chance and opportunity to learn and grow from experience. Its okay to feel what you feel, but its not okay to hurt yourself. Stay strong.. May things get better for you. Have a blessed day :)
In life...
Nothing is easy, for you, for them.
In the end we all have to fight it.
It's difficult, it's hard.
When people just say 'stay happy' they Literally want you to be happy but they can't help but be concerned about you, they don't know how to deal with it, the reason they say it, Just to let you know that they care, they want you to fight your way out of it.
I am glad you don't hurt yourself, because hurting yourself is life bookmarking your pain, you will get triggered again and again.
I don't what it is, it must be really painful and hard but trust me there's always a light after darkness even if it may seem impossible or hard.
I have to constantly tell myself "stay calm, don't worry, its gonna be alright, things will get better etc"
i wish i could just live my life happily but i always have a lot of problems all at once and no energy