◦ °YAN SHU° becomes °THE WANDERER° of Jingyue Valley ◦


iismomo — momo — 8-10 rate

basic profile.

name — Yan Shu

His name was given by the Emperor, Yan for the Yan dynasty and Shu for tree for him to be strong and rooted like a tree.


Xiao Shu + only used by the female students who uses it to in a "cute" way because he is tall. he hates it and never answers when anyone calls him that.


birthday & age — September 30th, 26 yrs old

face claim & backup
Darren Wang + one | two | three

Yang Yang + one | two | three

FC here! 180x220

find oneself. 

APPEARANCE & style — nothing different froom f.c. 181cm & 63kg
fashion wise Yan Shu never really care for it, he dresses with comfort and in clothes that he is able to move quickly and swiftly in. he only wears dark shades, mostly black. with his long jetblack hair down he looks intimidating and scary. he has the more edgy and been through some look compare to most students who are clean cut. Yan Shu has some scars on his back, shoulder, arm and chest all old wounds from training since he was young. they are not too dramatic or noticeable unless you're up close.

one | two | three




      INTJ / + independant, strong will, loyal, confident  / - ignorant, judgemental, unaffectionate, cruel

A protagonist who people suspiciously think is an antagonist. Yan Shu is extremely independent, reserve, and stoic. He knows what he wants so he knows how to get what he wants. Yan Shu is a quick thinker and is always aware of his surrounding. He keeps an arm length away from people simply because he doesn’t like to get involve with other. He is fine on his own, does well on his own, knows he is at his best and does not think other will benefit him much. Ever since he was young he always been more interested in learning, reading, and doing things on his own. He was rather much more mature then kids his age. He is very confident in himself and takes a lot of pride in himself and his skill sets. He is quite competitive even though he knows he is great he still love a good challenge. He isn’t one to get angry easily either so Yan Shu tends to love to mess with people and piss them off on purpose if they are the kind of loud mouth and rude people.

Yan Shu definitely does not have a warm presences or welcoming vibe. His arm cross and death look makes it hard to approach him. He may be judgmental and always side eyeing people because of his work but he is respectful and would never hurt people intentionally. Because of his work he tends to overanalyze people’s intentions and words. He may look scary and all but he is still very much like a child who gets curious of things he doesn’t know. He is also clueless when it comes to any romantic relationship. He treats everyone the same, whether you’re a female or male. If he isn’t interested in you he’s gonna walk right pass you. Female or not if you annoy him with gifts and heart eyes he will confront you and make sure to put you in your place. He speaks his mind well and doesn’t care if he offends you. he can be quite cruel because seeing tears doesn't move him, he is emotionaless over tears. he doesn't know how to comfort people. It's hard to soften him up but dogs works and sometimes kids...sometime, only if he sees a connection between the kid and himself other wise you can expect him to push kids out of his way with his finger to their forehead. Because of his upbringing he doesn’t understand the concept of affection, love or friendship at all. You can either be really quiet and stone cold like a statue or he can be really agrresive, like get out of his way or else.

To some special one or two person who happens to look pass his hard shell he can become very protective of them. Once you have earn his trust and loyalty you can rest assure that Yan Shu will always be by your side and ready to put his life on the line for you. he can’t show any kind of affection but his “affection” is showing loyalty and honor to the person. It all depends on how you approach him and how he feels and judges you as a person to see how he reacts and is around you. if you're respectable and kind he will be the same back. it doesnt take a while for him to get use to people though.


- being active
- always praticing material arts & sword
- peaces and quietness
- meditating
- enjoys reading poems and novels, listening to story telling, lerning new things
- he doesn't fear the unknown he is more curious
- loves animals. he feels like he can understand an animal's face more then a human's word
- enjoys the night more then the day because of how peaceful it is


- arrogant people (but he kind of likes them because loves seeing them piss off when he beats them or scares them)
- females, because they talk too much & are weak (its a little ist but think of the time period and he was raised around males only)
- being center of attention or attracting attention
- flashy clothes and jewlery


- he was raised mostly in the temple so he is a vegetarian
- its hard to seee him smile but you'll see him smirk more often and his smirks are only when he says something sarcastic or someone else says some witty and a person is being roasted
- he is strong and always calucalte moves and attacks efficiently but it can cause him to lose a fight too because if he gets stuns his mind becomes bottle with thoughts and he loses his concentration then rages comes and his fighting while still strong from rage becomes sloppy & slow
- he can read and write and was taught at the temple and palace
- plays the xun
- he learn shaolin kungfu with other material arts
- best with sword, good at bow & arrrow, and also fist fights, and bo staff.
- does not drink wine or alcohol because he still lives by his temples diet
- knows a lot about herbal & plant medicine
- has a habit of chuckling and smirking at people to piss them off
- he doesn't talk much and usually answers people back in one or two words only, but don't get him to roast you cause he will and he will enjoy the hell out of it

The past is the past.


His birth story is unknown. One chilly fall day three water errand monks found a baby crying in a basket by the river with nothing but a white blanket wrapped around his small body. They took the baby into their temple and raised him on goat milk. They named him Ah He,( Little River). As he grew older he train along the monks but he was not restricted like most monk even though he follow their training and diet. Because the monks believed when he is old enough he will have a choice to stay or leave even though he was raised in the temple with the monks and follows the religion closely up until he left the temple. Now days he does not pratice it realigously but often still does pray and count beads when he is stress. When he was 13 years old he was one of the best discipline at the temple. One day a man from the Palace came to visit the temple and saw Ah He, he was so impress by his skills that he challenge the young boy into a duel. Ah He lost the duel but the man was very impress because he felt threaten by the boy and knew that the boy could have easily won if he was just stronger and older. He told the head monk that he wanted to take the boy to the palace and would have him train with the best fighters to become a royal secret guard for the royal family. Curiously got the best of Ah He, he had only heard stories of the city and palace from people and was too curious to say no to the man.

He traveled to the city with the man and joins the Palace’s special training. Thinking he was the best already his got beaten a lot during training by his teachers and classmates. It took him 10 longs year of hard blood, sweat, and tears training to be even able to set foot into the palace. By his 10th year he was easily one of the best. He met the Emperor who has been watching him grow, who then gave him a new name Yan Shun, in hopes that with his skills and loyalty he will help protect and serve the Emperor and the Palace. For his first 3 years he was one of the Emperor personal secret guard. Their jobs were to be hidden from everyone and protect the Emperor 24/7 in secret. Only the Emperor and the special force knew of the secret guards.

As the Emperor and Empress decided to sent their first Princess off the valley, the Emperor instructed Yan Shu to follow her in secret, to become a student as well and protect from all harms while being discreet. Yan Shu accepts his orders and prepare for his new mission.


family — 

▪   Name | Age | Relationship | Personality Traits


Other relationships — 

▪   Li YuLian | 19 | The person he must protect | Perfectionist, Fierce, Outgoing

▪ Yulian doesn't know anything about Yan Shu and just thinks he is a regular dude coming to join the valley. She does senses that he always has his eyes on her so she doesn't like him too much. She is suspicious and the two starts off not so friendly with one another. Yan Shu was given a mission but that doesnt mean he had to like her either. He knows only by his first impressions that this girl is a spoil princess from his days of protecting the Emperor. Otherwise he knows really nothing about her. Up until she was sent here he had to follow her every move for a month before hand to gain a feel of how she works and think. He is smart enough now to know what goes on in her mind when she's stress or angry. He can predict where she might leave or go, what she might do next and such. Yan Shu looks like a mean older brother who always beside her or watching over her with his arm cross. Because of her out going personality he has to be around so much people and it annoys him so he is more short temper latetly, since he has to keep watch on everyone around her too. Everyone thinks  Yan Shu has taken a liking towards YuLian thats why he is so protective of her. Even YuLian begins to think Yan Shu has a crush on her and calls him out to stop following her or looking at her. As they grow closer Yulian treats him as a friend and even enjoys his company, and they even have an argueing sibling vibe.

▪   Feng WuShuang | 23 | Sparring Mate | Hardworking, Responsible, Pushover

▪ Yan Shu can see Wushang and Yulian becoming closer and he knows they are not suppose to. Also he can't trust Wushuang fuller, he just seems too nice and perfect. There is definitely respect between the two but Yan Shu also tends to be more of a jerk towards him and even bosses him around just because he can kind of get away with how nice Wushuang is. They are totally opposite of each other like their stylish and living arrangements but both are strong leader like type and loyal, somehow they are kind of a like as well. so they get along but kind of don't too, more like Yan Shu doesn't open up as much as Wushuang. Wushuang is friendly and always does his best to make sure Yan Shu is not uncomfortable and treats him like everyone else.


▪   Emperor Li | 48 | Father Figure | Authorative, Direct, Caring (in Yan Shu's eyes)

▪ Yan Shu would feel ashame to ever admit that the Emperor was a father figure to him, because he wouldn't even dare think of it but it was true. The Emperor watched Yan Shu grow up every since hearing how great and talented he was. Yan Shu almost felt like a son he should had first instead of Yulian. The Emperor  is very much still a detached person and does not speak much to Yan Shu but praises him once in a while. Yan Shu is someone the Emperor trust before becoming an official secrect guard he was task to get rid of some people and protect the king during a fake sneak attack, putting Yan Shu's life on the line many times. The Emperor's exhaling his name 'Yan Shu' makes Yan Shu appear from behind the curtains or from above the roof in seconds to aid the Emperor. Yan Shu is very obident to the Emerpor and does what ever he asks so far. Yan Shu never felt like anyone has ever depended so much on him before and trsuted him so lmuch that he really respects and feels a tied bond with the Emperor.

▪   Elder Feng  | 52 | Mentor | Respectful, Strict, Fair

▪ Yan Shu chose to go for Elder Feng because he always wants to go for the best or to challenge himself. Elder Feng was quite impress by Yan Shu but still he is even more strict towards Yan Shu because he knows Yan Shu is good but that doesn't mean he will let Yan Shu slack off or praise the boy meaninglessly. Yan Shu is always taken by suprise when he thinks he done great but Elder Fend still disciplines him as if he was the worst student.Yan Shu might be too full of himself in Elder Feng's class so maybe he will get drop. (i'll leave it up to you & also you can chose for Chanhua)


LI here! 180x220

romance is but a phrase.

love interest — Bai Chunhua

nickname(s) — 
Xiao Tuzi + Little Rabbit + given by Shan Yu because of how small, bunny teeth, and hyper active she is. she reminds him of a rabbit hopping everywhere.


birthday & age — May, 15 + 22

Face claim & backup 
Chen Yao + one | two |three
Wu Qian + one | two | three

Appearance & STYle  — nothing different from the face claim. She loves lookig beautiful. Outside of her uniform you can see her in blue, pink an purple gowns with beautiful head ornaniments. but of course now that she isn't living her luxury life she has tone it down a bit more. she loves pastel colors, she like being neat and clean. since she sold all her good jewls, she only has a couple jade bacelets, earrings, and rings left that she uses to accesorize. 160cm & 48kg

one | two | hree

- food, she loves eating
- pastry and sweets, this girl has a sweet tooth, esp. tanghulu & sesame balls
- people because she hates feeling alone and lonely
- loves baby breath over any extravagant flowers anyday
- skinship (mostly with females)
- cooking, she can cook well

- being alone...she feels so bored, odd, sad and awkward when she's lonely, even when she sleeps she needs another to be sleeping with her so she can hear them breath.
- alcohol because its bitter to her, for her tea she needs extra swirl of honey in it
- thunder or stormy whether, because it means people will go and relax on their own which means she'll be alone and the loud thunder scares her
- rodents! her worst fear

- she's very pyshically not strong but she is quick and precise
- is a cry baby, she the type of people who when is upset and angry cries when she doesn't want to
- can cook, clean, sew, paint, read, write, play guzheng and pipa
- has a habit of winking at people


Personality  — 


ESFP / + Friendly, Bold, Sympethatic, Optimistic / - Manipulative, Irresponsible, Sensitive, Exaggerator

A little flower born in spring. She is refreshing and and happy like spring. Chunhua follows her heart and not her head. She is warm, friendly, and has excellence people skills, she's a social butterfly. She loves being the center of attention, she loves entertaing people, she loves socializing. There is nothing intiminating about the girl from apperance. She's the happy good morning person. Chunhua easily open up and befriend people, espcially displaying affection like hugging and holding hands. She is bold though and will confront you if you've done wrong. When she's angry she act like she's 6foot, 200lbs monster but really she just looks like an angry squiral throwing a tantrum ready to fight. Chunhua has witty responses and speaks of the elephant in the room. She is sympathetic towards others but only if you're blunt about it, she's kind of clueless. She lives day to day always seeking for excitement and nevers plans ahead. She is selfless and always put others before herself sometimes forgetting her own happiness and needs. Chunhua can be quite childlike but she cares for those around her with mother instinct.

Chunhua can be easily bored, so her mind is always wondering and thinking. She wants to do one thing in a bit and wants to do something else the next second, resulting in her to be irresponsible. She can't multitask and cracks when there is too much pressure and things to do. She is a very dramaic girl, she speaks volume and with large movements. She loves gossip and shes one of those who exaggerate eveything to the smallest details. Chunhua knows how to use her look to get things her way. A litttle bat of her long eye lashes and a shy bite of her pink lips has men pouring love, gifts, and favors to her. She knows when to be tough and when to play victom. She's not a liar but shes totally a white liar, everything form her words and actions are very believable. Chunhua is a super cheerful girl but she is senstive when people judge her and critize her espcially those she thought her friends. She hates being wrong and being look down on. when she is hurt and sad, she can easily be cheer up with words. She is simple minded, you don't have to do much to gain her trust and love again.

Background  —  Born in the spring in a brothel, yes her mother was a brothel worker and musician entertainer. Most women were told to get rid of their child ro give them away but her mother was one of the most talented entertainers and was able to keep Chunhua. Chunhua grew up in the brothel and mainly helped in the kitchen and run errands. When she was 6 years old her mother taught her to sing, dance, play instruments, write, read, and paint. She wanted her daughter to be better then her. Chunhua's mother wanted to raise her to be one of the best female entertainers and soon enough as she grew into a young woman her beauty captivated many men who visit the brothel. People gain more and more interested in her. When she turned 17 years old someone from the Green Mansion came to scout her out. She decided to join the Green Mansion and became popular for playing guzheng, pipa, high intelligent conversations, peoms, and for being a . When she enter the Green mansion she took a self desense course to protect herself and was taught how to use dagger.

when she was 20 years old, a high court official who was madly in love with her wanted to buy her from the Green Mansion, although it does happen but the Green Mansion really gives their girls a choice. Chunhua was not going to marry some old man to become his concubine. The man was became more agressive as time went on as she refuse his proposal. In fear of her life she started saving up and eventually bought herself out of the Green Mansion. All she really had to do was act innocent. sweet, elegant, and her life could be set, but she hated not being able to laugh out loud and just fool around. She knew better though that the man wouldn't stop looking for her and thats when she heard rumors of Jingyue Valley. She decided that she need to go into hiding or live a low key life for a while. Thats when she traveled down to Jingyue Valley.

relationship  —  They both actually met on the road to the valley. tired of walking she opted to acient hitch hiking in hope ssome man would let her ride their horse or sit in the back of their carriage. Yan Shu came in time riding his black horse up the road and Chunhua was determine to ride that horse. Fixing her dress and hair, she batted her round eyes and wave her hands tiredly at the man but he rode right pass her leaving her in the dust. She screamed after him but lucky enough Yulian's carriage stopped to help the poor girl out. Upon arrive at te Valley and settling in she tried many times to catch Yan Shu's attention to confront him about what he did but he avoided her and she akways missed him. Finally she was the first one to notice the way he look at Yulian. Thats how the rumors and misunderstanding started. She was sure he had a thing for Yulian and told Yulian about how she see him watching her and following her with his eyes. Yan Shu and Chunhua do not get along at all. He sees right through round innocent eyes and cute smile (oh so you think my smile is cute?..she say) She ends up ing him from "protecting" Yulian because she's gotta help her sister out when she says she doesn't like Yan Shu. At first he is quite cruel to her twisting her arm behind her and pushing her aside, when she falls he doesn't even look back, when she talks to him he walks away as if she never said a word. The more he ignore her the more curious she got of him.She has honestly never met any guy who wouldn't smile at her.

In the begining most guys were interested in her but as time went on they just started sprouting insult like oh she's just a who sleeps around yet she's denying us. everyone judge her hard and it was hard for her to get along with a lot of people, even girls stayed away from her thinking she got some kind of bug or disease. at first Yan Shu thought the same that she was just some brothel house girl up to no good, useless with no self respect.

Once during a sparring Yan Shu gotten hurt. "Is Mister I'm too good for yall hurt?" Chunhua would snicker. "Let me see." She would take his hand and sit him down to check his wounds. "It's not that hard letting someone help you." "No one is asking for help." he say yanking his arm back. "WEI!" She smack his arm and sit him back down. She gave him mother vibe he never knew and experience. At first she was annoying to him. But she is witty, silly, and caring that it sort of soften him up suprisingly. He would even catch himself smiling at her as she dances happily and claps her hands excitedly to eat sweets or snacks. He couldn't help but start to miss her presences and voice. A high pitch voice always calling his name from behind him. As he starts to befriends her, he secrectly takes care of her too. making sure she doesn't hurt herself or he'll help sharpen her sword, tie her boots laces, actually help her when she falls, but if she ever says anything about it then he stops immediately. When people talk bad about Chunhua he make them shut right up with a glare. Since Chunhua was very open about her background and life Yan Shu listen to her stories and felt closer to her and became more protective of her. He even help teach her too.

Yan Shu would never admit he has open up to her but even without saying it Chunhua understand his intentions and is just happy he seem more open up to her. She likes him and teases him a lot by resting her head on his shoulder or holding his hands or jumping on his back for piggyback rides. Any gentle touch from her makes him freezes. Yan Shu is here on a mission and although he likes her very much he still has to stay focus so from time to time he shut her out and it would confuse the hell out of her. Her motherly vibes mends his broken heart of never having that figure in his life but he does not believe he has any romantic feelings towards her.

last words.

comments/questions — I tried...i haven't watching a chinese drama in a long time, the last one i watched was Ice Fantasy but i only skim through it and the really last one i've watched was fairy from wonderland....gosh really dating myself here hahah

scene request —
- i love piggybacks sorry please add one for me
- girlmance between Yulian and Chunhua
- Wushuang thinking Yulian and Yan Shu is a thing
- i don't know if you like angst but i love angst so i totally give you permission to kill off Yan Shu or Chunhua lol

password — Empress Ki is like one of my all time fav.

turn inback to story


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