replace with fc
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

birthname. park, yoonjae

— player park; given by his housemate due to his player nature

birthdate. 23 | 10 | 1993
birthplce. busan, kr
ethnicity. korean

— korean - fluent - natve
— english - proficent - studied

faceclaim. seo kang joon
backup fc. park bogum

— nothing different from the faceclaim. he works out three times a week for a well built body, he is tall standing at 183cm, beautiful intense monolid sharp eyes, and a stunning smile with dimples. he may appear a little intiminating at first glance but once he smiles you know he couldn't hurt anyone.


— he has a simple clean cut look. he doesn;t like bold statement cloting style but he still like to look presentable and stylish.

one | two | three | four

 ESTP | blood type a

positive - friendly, extrovert, romantic, polite, sweet,
negative - narcissistic, manipulative, insensitive, flirtatious, misleading
little of both good & bad - persuasive, charming, direct, bold, laidback

prsoNlity. the man who walked out of a manga book. most of girls at the university knows him as player park, but they are yet still hopefull for a glance or smile from him. yes he goes around from girl to girl, but he is charming, friendly, and connects with all kind of people that it's hard not to like him. yoonjae has always been an outgoing person, in high school, he sat with and maneuver throughout the lunchroom hanging out with everyone. he is really attentive and always remembers little things people say and they apperciate it, but it also makes it easy for him to befriend and become persuasive to "use" them. He certainlly gotten lots of people to do his homework, get him water, snacks, etc. he knows his good looks and charm works so he works it. Yoonjae loves being around people, pushing boundaries, and giving it all to what ever he is doing. he is totally a work hard, play hard kind of dude.

The boy got thick skin. He is aethetlic and loves outdoor activites but if he fails or makes himself look like a fool he still somehow looks good failing. he smiles and just brushes it off, no big deal. because he treats his life that way he tends to be insenetive thinking everyone thinks like he does and got thick skin. he says a lot of wrong things at wrong times or says stuff that he think doesn't mater or wouldnt hurt anyone but other could say otherwise. Yoonjae flirts like no one else is in the room. his flirting style isn't disgusting cringy but his flashing smile, soft glances, and well manner sweet boy like personality is 100% flirty. He'll grab your hands intentionally as natural as possible when complimenting you and it makes your heart race. his subtle skinship makes girl blush. it's very misleading because he plays hard to get as well, one moment he's treating you like found teasure, the next like a bro, then to a child, and back to flirting. his kindness is also misleading, he is a simple man who sometime is honestly really just nice he is helpful and caring but people do mistaken it as flirtying when he isn't too, so he just learn to have a what ever attitude that kind of stuck.

yoonjae speaks his mind well, yes he is resepctful, thick skinned, polite, charming, and sweet but that does not mean he holds in his emotions. He isn't blunt but he is bold and direct, no beating around the bushes or being soft uwu. if he doesn't like something he will say it, if he doesn't like a certain girl he isn't going to wait to break her heart later, its now. but when you are already friends with him expects lots of morning hugs, he will forever be loyal and got your back, if someone makes you cry his wide shoulder is there for you and his shirt for your snot (even if he finds it gross he will lend it to you to see you smile), and always include you no matter how introverted you are, if yoonjae notices you are uncomfortable he let everything else go and attend to you.

bckground. born and raised in a small town in busa, his parents ran a small seafood restuarant. his father fishes throughout the season while his mother ran the shop along with his paternal uncle and aunt.he lived a pretty average life. at a young age he had girls following him around but soon boys began to make fun of him because of his parent's job. he embraced it though because he thought his father was the coolest man on earth as he rail back to shore in his blue small ship waving fishes in the air with a smile on his face. he grew up in a very happy enviroment which help shape him into who he is today. he always seen his father help his mother, and his parents act like they were still dating.

in high school he befriend nearly the whole school, but they had rivals in other school since he was part of their baseball team. his dream was to be pro baseballer but because he gotten into a pretty bad fight the summer before his senior year he hurt his shoulder and couldn't bat no more. he became very depress and distraught. thats when he became more flirty and became known as player park since he had loads of free time now on his hands.  yoonjae hated all the pity looks he was getting from classmates, his team, school staff, and all the neighbors. he left to join the military right away leaving everything behind.

2 years later, yoonjae enter the university in seoul for mass media in radio, and stay a the school's dorm. yoonjae didn't like how strict the dorm life was because he found out he loved clubbing and hanging out late which was a no no for the dorm. he started working delivery pizza and chicken for local chains, then did some waiter jobs at restaurant all of them that were just very part time easy cash flow and good tip so he could afford a small apartment with a friend. he currently works at a very luxurious restaurant as a waiter, it pays average but his tips is what made him keep the job he is also part time content intern at KBS Radio. as his last year is approaching and with his friend graduating already. he had to find a new place and when he found the flyer for Belle Epoque, he ripped the flyer right off the bulletin board.

fun facts.

— he loves people except for kids mostly around 5-11 years old because they are the hardest to talk to, and he finds them at the most annoying age
— heavy drinker
— loves & down for all sort of food and isn't picky (just like his women)
— extreme sports
— hates liars (he esp hates liar or two face people...yes he is a player but he doesn't hide it)
— he can easily detach from people
— suprising likes indie acoustic music even tho he loves clubbing
— netflix documentary junkie, all sort of documentaries he has seen them all
— can't cook to save his life (his mother always cooked for him)
— animal lover
— he likes to keep his place clean so he is really a neat freak and hates it when things get messy
— americano at least 3x a day
— quietness...he hates having time to think so he always has music on even when he sleeps. he uses it to cope with his depression in high school and it kind of just stuck, so whenever its quiet he hates it
— mostly only dates older girls because they die when he says "noonaya" in his busan dialect
— is not an early bird and loves his sleep, gets pretty angry when he doesnt have at least full 7 hr sleep
— he is a minimlist
— always eat out because he can't cook
— does not understand personal space
— he smokes but has been trying to stop because his father was diagnose with lung cancer a couple months before. he use to smoke 4-5 a day but on days where he drank and party it be around 4-9 a day. nowdays he smokes 3-4 a day and chews on a lot of gum to help
— has habit of winkig at people male or female they all recieve one
— always complimenting people
— has a 30minute skincare routine
— has sympathy but no empthy, its hard to see this guy cry
— hates dessert, cake, sweets, candy unless they are sour candy
— he is very experience in the bedroom department and may have a girl over once or twice a week but he will try to respect everyone's ears
—  he hardly ever gets sick but when he does which is once a blue moon he gets very very sick and is on bedrest for at least a week before he gets better. he becomes whiney and needy when he gets sick too
— he doesn't really use social media but he has an instagram under 'pyj19' hardly ever post has been open since 2015 and has 100 photos. mostly of his coffee, some selfie, his motorbike and his shoe,
— his kakaotalk is 'pyoonjae_19'
— the only fear he has in this life are rodents! he will squirm and cry if he sees them! no more cool image
— has a black & red ducati
— 1/3 of his paycehcks he sends to the the family of the guy he immobile monthly.


— coworker / ex roommate : kang kiyoung / radio producer assistant / clumsy, loud, simpe minded, caring / 8-10

they two met in the military training and became really close even though kiyoung was 3 years older. it was kiyoung who introduced yoonjae to radio business. they are the prime example of brother from another mother bromance. they got so much dirt on each other it's dangerous. kiyoung is totally the cute and fun sidekick. who ever are friends with one has to be friends with the other guy too. they come together like a great 1 + 1 deal at the grocery store. although yoonjae is younger he bullies kiyoung a lot but kiyoung is totally the more responsible and caring one too.

— girlfriend : jung yoomi / school nurse at the university / outspoken, elegant, charming, sarcastic / 6-10

one of his longest relationships who knows about all the other girls in his life and is totally fine with it. they are basically buddies. they do have some kind of emotional attachment but they are open to seeing others or sleeping with otthers while still together. she is his noona of 10 years. they are pretty close and has had many late night talks and are almost a like in person except she is more calm and level headed then him. he acts more needy and child like towards her. they have a relationship where they can just chill over a movie or and be normal the next day at school.

— coworker//onesidedlove : kang mina / student + waitress / soft spoken, naive, shy, indecisive / 4-10

they both work at the restuarant togetther. he given her ride home a couple of time since both of their shifts ends together at night. she has a huge crush on him and is very shy and awkward around him. he treats her like a little sister but likes to fool around and too because he likes seeing her blush and flusterated. he sometimes treats her too kind and flirts with her too much that it confuses her and even asks her out on dates but has never confirm if they are dating or not.she is totally head over heels for him and does not believe the dating rumors about him and is muchtoo scared to confront him or ask him about it. she recently transfer to sihyun's school and is actually in one of her lectures but she doesnt know that sihyun and yoonjae lives together. he sees her more as a cute girl nothing serious tho


— house mate : cho sihyun / student/lecturer / bubbly, honest,  affectionate, implusive / 7-10

the two get along fairy well because of both of them are outgoing and they are both from busan. yoonjae loves teasing her too though because of how clumsy, scatter brain and indecisive she is. she also hates how he is a playboy and feels bad for those innocent naive girls he brings over once in a while. they totally act like brother and sisters who care for each other but also beat each other up and are just so petty over the smallest things. he loves pinching her chipmunk cheeks and teasing her height differences compare to him and of course making fun of her otome game. sometimes he likes to to see if she blushes or gets shy by being a "ert" getting into her personal space which she slaps him away. he thinks she's super cute though


— house mate : ryu mijin / 6-10

yoonjae considers mijin his coffee. he loves how shy she is but also how extra and temperamental she is. he enjoys her compny a lot because she is spontaneous and like trying new things like him. he be like no one understands me like mijin when she prepare his black coffee for him because she remember he said he always drinks one in the morning. since their classes starts at the same time sometimes he would give her a rideto school. they do have their ups and downs too because he is a simple jerk who teases too much that she gets rile up and upset at.


— house mate : yoon eunchae / 5-10

she claims she hates him because he is egoistic but then she'll turn around and as in her busan accent "oppa-ya can you open this for me?" yoonjae considers her the baby and very much does like to baby and spoil her. probably the only girl he has not try to hit on in the house. he love walking slow on purpose just to piss her off. he also likes annoying her by calling lee junseok her boyfriend. he likes calling her yepeunchae.


— house mate : san sumi / 5-10

any coffee lovers are his friends. she is the other child in thse house he likes to mess around with. you can always hear him saying "your beautiful lip will get ruin if you keep biting it." to her. they are face mask buddies. he is her hype man. she is taken a bit back by him because he is overaly friendly and talkative but they get along. "earth to mong mi, is anyone there?" when he wants to for spacing out then giving her a light knuckle head. he's like an annoing older brother..just wait till he finds out about her secrect tho those bullies are gonna get it.


— house mate : kang ren / 5-10

yoonjae admit it was harder to get comfortable around this girl but he still tried his best. he coems home late so he often sees her up when she is awaken by her ptsd but he never ask just casually greets her and tell her she needs her beauty sleep. they do however become closer because he goes to the bar where she works at with his friends. sometimes he will give her a lift home in excuse not to go for round two with his friends.


— house mate : lee dayeon / 6-10

every morning when she get home from her run yoonjae would compliment "how do one look so beautiful even this early in the morning?" if she tries to cook. "love, you are sitting and waiting with me." they are totally skincare buddies too. yoonjae is oblivious that dayeon is insecure and thinks shes totally confident with the way she carries herself. it would upset him one day if he finds out how insecure she is because he believes she is beautiful inside and out. she probably hates him less compare to the other girls. maybe who knows they all probably hate him lol he likes that she is comfortable around guys cause then he sees her more like one of the bro


— house mate : min yujin / 6-10

is yoonjae looking in the mirror? is this yoonjae if he was a girl? these two hit it off right away. lots of flirting between the two heck maybe something might even happen but they keep it chill and don't make a big deal out of it. they both love drinking and partying, they are each other smoking buddies. but he doesnt like how messy she is nd he calls her out on it. they have such strong personalitlies that they probably argue with each other the loudest and most in the house but hours or days later they be chill and talking again normally too. when they are out together he does keep an eye out for the poor girl too. cause he been there done that and sees where girls like her end up.


— house mate : jun leslie / 5-10

they have lots of fun talking and joking around. he always tries to take leslie out to party but leslie refuses all the tie he would say "such a pretty face thats being wasted". they get along but there is a weird vibe between the two because yoonjae is all about the party life and leslie doesn't like it. yoonjae might be a bad influences and he doesnt even know it.


— house mate : choi hyunseok / 5-10

someone yoonjae constantly going to for "legal" advice. even calling him 'hyung-nim' even though they are only months apart. they are mutual and friendly, they both love watching crime shows together and they are super compeitive in basketball. yoonjae thinks hyunseok's sister is super cute and teases him by flirting with ahreum.


— house mate : lee taejoon / 7-10

yoonjae loves this kid, he just loves how sweet, silly, fun and innocent the kid is. he teeases tae a lot asking him vulgar questions and talking about just to see him blush and giggle. he also wish tae wasn't so hyper active in the morning when he has a hang over but he still love the kid and pull him to cuddle in the bed or give him lots of knuckle sandwhiches. if there is a bromance award its these two for sure. he loves all of tae's skinship.


— house mate : kim chanwoo / 6-10

"oh my....why are you so tall?" as yoonjae tries to tiptoe next to chanwoo. yoonjae also loves this kid. unlike tae those he loves pushing chanwo's button barging into his bathroom, nagging him like a mom when he plays too much game, but secrectly stocking chanwoo's stash of snacks for him, and flirting with his noona. they get along and he treats chanwoo like a little brother.


— house mate : kang haneul / 5-10

yoonjae always have a good laugh with kang meme. they get along for the most part but because yoonjae is a little insenstive he often says things that upsets haneul. yoonjae is quite vain so he is gonna be slapping haneul with compliments about his looks.



— house mate : kim jaewon / 5-10

although it is harder to get close with jaewon they both have a lot of same sport and outdoor activities interest so they get along alright. yoonjae tries his best to open up jaewon but its mostly yoonjae talking lot to himself. he is probably the person yoonjae bump head with the most because you can be rude to him but not to girls, so if he sees him being inconsiderate to the girls yoonjae will call him out. he's kind of like an tough loving older brother to jaewon. they would talk things over a cold beer on the roof or something.




replace with face claimreplace with love intreplace with love int

year in school. 4th
major. BA in Mass Communications

your secret?.

— the reason why he left busan...yes it was because of his shoulder injury but also because after dropping out of the baseball team and losing his dream, he got into a bad fight with again with the guy who broke his shoulder after the court decided not to punish the guy and ruled it as an accident. the fight got so bad that it left the guy with a bad head injury. his father kicked him out of home and the guy's family decided not to press charge either because they knew their son did wrong too and took it as an eye for an eye. it left both of them not able to join the baseball team no more. after that yoonjae felt like and horrible so he left town. it still haunts him to this day seeing the guy on the ground cover in blood and his own image holding the bloody baseball bat. he also has not talk to his parent since although he pretends his family is still loving and happy. no one knows this secrect but yoomi.this might be a reason as to why he is a play boy because he doesn't think he deserve to love anyone or he doesn't deserve anyone to love him because the guy he beat up is basically immoble.

your mug, house slippers, etc?.


what does your side of the room look like?. 


— he likes it keep and simple as possible. he does not like it to be clutter or to leave anything on the floor. he also likes plants so he has a couple in there to freshen up the rom.

daily schedule. 

— on school days his classes starts at 8am so he up by 6:30am tthen he waits his turn to use to bathroom and its usually the time he is also grabbing a quick breakfast of toast and jam that Sihyun or others has made and was about to eat. he leaves the house by 7:30 and rides to school.

his classes are from 8am-1pm. after that he usually goes out for lunch with some friends from school. then he heads home to get ready for work. Monday, Wednesday, & Friday he works at the restauarnt from 5pm-11pm. On Tuesday. Thursday, and every other Saturdays he works at the radio station from 8am to 1.pm. he honestly hates working out so he just tries to stay active which works and eat healthier

after work he usually hangs out with friends or coworkers again. he is never home. yoonjae and most his friends are still very suprises as to why and how he is still in school because they never see him study but truth is his first 3 years he hardly went out and his last year they were mostly major class now which is really easy so he doesnt need to study as hard.

Yoonjae sleeps in well on the weekend because of always partying Saturday night. on Sunday and the Saturdays he is off they are his days he uses it to go out with girlfriends, or going out to try something new he heard or see of. it all depends on his mood. but he never just stays home.

comments. finally i am done~~ i love age of youth so much. hope you liked yoonjae!
password. how can i chose one?! T_T because i love jiwon but also love eunjae cause i totally related to season one eunjae so much but i am also jiwon! and the i love joeun so much too!
scene requests.

— yoonjae flirting at least once with all the girls in the house
— sihyun getting protective of mina
— camping trip!!!
— yoonjae kissin one of the girls in the house heck let him kiss one of the guys too
— a fight would be nice lol
— the kitchen actually burning down like the corner or sumthing small from one of the tentant who doesn't know how to cook or a spark from someone's plug T_T
— flirting with any female that walks through bella's door
— yoonjae gotta teach everyone strip poker
— someone brother or love interest getting the wrong idea of yoonjae and punches him
— yoonjae gonna break one day and he has to cry after his secrect is out but probably try to look and stay tough in front of everyone and then he would cry alone in his room with sihyun or on the roof with anothe tentant
— sihyun walkin in on yoonjae and a girl about to get it on but she scream and the whole houses comes to see what happen.
— rivals and the man he immobile's older brother  hisfrom home town heard he been living good in seoul and comes to beat him up after seeing him at a club they track him down and as he stop by the convient store near the house they jumped him. as some of the roommates were passing by saw and helped him...girls or girls and boys called the police and try to help



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