Still the same day 😊But I..i.. I got a gf called Ja.Gi.Ya😄

Hi everyone. Thanks u still read my blog. Today, U stop worry about me. WAe...wae...wae... Yup, MY condition still like the day before but, *ehemm**cough I...I have someone special now, chinggu ya. *blush blush😄 Actually, I was so afraid falling in love again. But, I think, why I was afraid fall in love? (Maybe) my reason cuz I never want to falling in love. And, (to the point) she come to me and... hahahahaha.... Ehmm *shy shy shy** she think I m so cute. *blush blush** and I m falling in love with her. yupp... She make my world complite. Thanks Jagiya, Honey, my sana, unnie, sachan, xixixi... Ohhgg I smile like an idiot Hem... Bye, see ya again *blush blush***


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I know this blog is very old, but I only saw this now. Had I seen this earlier I'd be very very happy for you. I'm happy for you reading this, so knowing that you are not feeling well now, I hope you rmb this happy thing so you will feel maybe a bit better 😊😊😊😊