Lets appreciate the talented graphic makers of AFF uwu YOU GUYS ASTOUND ME TT

I needed to write this because you guys just… ah, you guys uwu On AFF, there are some incredibly talented designers, and, if you clicked on this post, chances are you are one of them – and, if not, then stick around and let’s appreciate the designers on this website uwu some of the posters are so brilliantly aesthetic, and there are many designers who put in high quality work, spend loads of time perfecting their stuff, and it seriously amazes me that they can make graphics so beautiful TT


Honestly, I am constantly trying to learn and grow from the designers on this site; whilst I will never reach their level (part of that based on my ty picsart software, but more admittedly based on my own lack of ability lmao), I am constantly in awe because some of the designers here are SO. AMAZINGLY. EKRHWRHQLI TT what I am trying to say is – thank you guys for creating the work you do, on behalf of everyone here, we appreciate it :3 you are incredibly gifted at what you do and I am so lucky to be learning from you all TT


*bows down to the AFF graphics gods*


THANK YOU ALL TT <3 if I can even be a fraction as good as you guys some day, I will die happy TT


Stay amazingly wonderfully magically fabulous uwu




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You're such a sweetheart ;A; <33 Hey, you're doing great too, ya know? <33 I'm happy to see that you're improving too!!!
And agreed-- more love and support to the graphic artists here!! Amazing people doing this not for monetary gain but just for the fun of it! like WOW that's dedication right there
This is totally for hardworking designers (you too peanut) who make Beautiful pieces of work with so much effort. I don't even consider myself as designer fkdicor i don't even have a desktop to start with lolz
(u called it ty again iidkdk$dkdk$ *the app is hurt* jk jk)
But to all great/new/talented/perfect designers out there (what do you eat? Gimme that) Why so good ciieode?
Those posters, be it angsty, fluffy or theatrical. The hardwork is visible xididk *bows 90*
And to everyone new (including me) out there making graphics, it's not necessary that everyone will love your work, but you keep making 'em that's what important. Y'all great
^^ Thanks, and I agree ther are so many more artists better than me at it but I still do it on occasion <3
Agreed. Many designers make awesome edits out of their free time yet they don't get much recognition for their work. Thanks for writing this blog to recognize these awesome contributors to the AFF community!
your work is buff too