My mother want me to stay in my house. Arrr.... I have a job, I need to go every early morning cuz it s a bit far. My mother doesnt want to move to my sister's house that near by our work place. So, what must I do? Another problems: I need reat but my mother never sleep. She feel hurt all day long, and cannot doing anything. She got parkinson and it has been since 10 years. Any body still wante when you know My mother parkinson? I'm afraid every day in my life,, will my furure like that too? Am I will get and get that parkinson?!?!?!. It so aaarrrrggggg


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I'm sorry for your situation... I hope you feel better soon. I hope things get better soon
I think the reason why your mom wants to stay in your house because she feels more comfortable with you and she likes your house better cause its more convenient for her needs.

I know its hard for you since you need to work and also care for her without having much rest. Usually , its normal for sick elderly people to be more cranky and restless because they are in pain and there's nothing much that they can do.

I'm sure that she dosent want to be this way too. She dont want to burden any of her children as mother's love is the greatest love of all. She just need more love , understanding and patience.

Maybe you can discuss it with your siblings to take turns to care for her or employ a nanny for her . Try to talk and convinced your mom. Sometimes they are afraid that the children going to leave her so she will act this way. Maybe you and your siblings can try to convinced her that you will come back after work and not leave her not matter what. I think maybe what she need is some assurance that she will not be abondoned.

It maybe hard , but if you take good care of your mom , love her sincerely and sacrifice alittle , God will help you. You only have one Mother, never give up on her. Always pray to God for her recovery. Ask your mom to pray too.
You know, someone special will get special love. It's not a sin if Your mother has parkinson, but it will be a sin if you hate your mom because of that. You know, your mother had a chance to die when she was pregnant of you because a pregnant woman is nearly to die in their life but she still choose you.

I know you don't hate your mom but you are in a difficult situation.

Your mom has a special conditions so she deserves to get a special love from you.

Communication, that's the key. Talk to your mom about yiur conditions that it's not what you want but you have to do that because like it or not you need to work.

Mother's pray, ask her to pray for you so you get a stable condition so you can rent a place near your workplace and then your mom can moving in.

Talk. Try to talk with her.

About the parkinson thing, let's focus on what will you do tomorrow, hm?