21 day journey of getting rid of my bad mindset

Hello! Welcome to my small blog! I decided to create this because i feel a lot of pressure to be pretty, smart, skinny, and to excel in everything i do. I don't want to feel that i have to look like the "perfect" high school korean girl. I want to get better and i want to truly love who i am, where i am going, and the body that God has givin me. I don't want to feel gross everytime i look in the mirror, i don't want to be annoyed when my friends are natrally beautiful. (*they are so cute btw! They are such great friends and i love them so much!*) anyway, feel free to do this 21 day challange with me in order to love and feel good about yourself. (*if you don't already*) i feel if i don't start now i will never be able to quit! I want to become my best self this school years and i want to truly love the body God has givin me!

Why 21 days?

It takes about 21 days to end bad habit and get better new ones!

Why now?

I have to do this now because i belive that in order to truly be able to love someone else, you have to love yourself.

Do you think you can do this?

i belive i can if i have somebody to report to every day. Which i belive will help me stay on track! :)

Plan of action

  1. Think 3 postive things about yourself every day.
  2. Meditate for 15 minutes to clear your head before you sleep.
  3. Get off your phone for a bit before you go to bed. So that you can feel good when you wake up, and you can fall asleep faster. (*it will make you feel better. Hopefully resulting in body positivity*)
  4. Everyday when you look in the mirror think you are smart, beautiful, caring, kind, loving, powerful, etc.
  5. Write down how you feel when you love yourself!

Anyway! I hope you feel motivated to at least say some positive things about your body every day!❤



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Mate that pressure is real but when we start loving ourselves the confidence level is highest. Reminding ourselves our own worth feels so heavenly.
Im pretty sure you must be beautiful inside and out! And this challenge is great.
I look at mirror everyday and can't stop admiring myself muhaahahaha *distant psycho laughing* *flips hair*
Thats amazing. Keep up the good work :)