21 day journey of getting rid of my bad mindset

Hello! Welcome to my small blog! I decided to create this because i feel a lot of pressure to be pretty, smart, skinny, and to excel in everything i do. I don't want to feel that i have to look like the "perfect" high school korean girl. I want to get better and i want to truly love who i am, where i am going, and the body that God has givin me. I don't want to feel gross everytime i look in the mirror, i don't want to be annoyed when my friends are natrally beautiful. (*they are so cute btw! They are such great friends and i love them so much!*) anyway, feel free to do this 21 day challange with me in order to love and feel good about yourself. (*if you don't already*) i feel if i don't start now i will never be able to quit! I want to become my best self this school year and i want to truly love the body God has givin me!

Why 21 days?

It takes about 21 days to end bad habit and get better new ones!

Why now?

I have to do this now because i belive that in order to truly be able to love someone else, you have to love yourself.

Do you think you can do this?

i belive i can if i have somebody to report to every day. i belive it will help me stay on track! :)

Plan of action

  1. Think 3 postive things about yourself every day.
  2. Meditate for 15 minutes to clear your head before you sleep.
  3. Get off your phone for a bit before you go to bed. So that you can feel good when you wake up, and you can fall asleep faster. (*it will make you feel better. Hopefully resulting in body positivity*)
  4. Everyday when you look in the mirror think you are smart, beautiful, caring, kind, loving, powerful, etc.
  5. Write down how you feel when you love yourself!

Anyway! I hope you feel motivated to at least say some positive things about your body every day!❤

day 1 

it is the first day of school so i wasn't exactly feeling to hot about that! Haha! I tought a few negative thoughts about myself anf other people! Buuut it was less often! Three posituve things that i think about myself for day 1 is... i am powerful, passionate, and beautiful.


Do you love how you look?



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