I cant get rid of my test anxiety

I can't get rid of my test anxiety. No matter how many study classes I take. My test anxiety just knows how to come and ruin it for me when it comes to a test. If I pick the right answer then,my test anxiety would say the other answer is the right answer. Then,I cant pick which one to go with for the right answer. I feel like a burden because I have to take the test over and over again. I even feel like people would laugh at me.When I have to retake the study classes. I feel a shame of myelf. Most of the stuff that we learn through out school. We wont use it when we find a job that we like. Can they just make test's easier for everyone to be on the same platform?


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Phoenix_Tears #1
I can totally relate. I really struggled with text anxiety throughout college. I would always second guess myself (usually my first answer was correct) and end up getting the question wrong. It was really difficult for me to deal with for a while for many reasons, but my friends were really supportive and my professors were able to help me as well. On top of other reasons (I wont get into it because its very personal) I was in a separate testing location with other students that also suffered with text anxiety like I did. It helped quite a bit because I was able to just focus on the exam in front of me. My biggest advice that I can give is to not to change your answer, unless you are 100% sure that your first answer is wrong. Go with your gut. It was really hard for me to do it because, well, I never felt confident in myself. It took a while, but I was finally able to go with my first answer, and I began doing better in my classes and on exams. And on the exam that really counted, I REFUSED to go back and check my answers because, knowing myself and my history... I would have changed all my answers. (On this exam, once I hit the submit button, there is an automatic pass/fail that would come up) And guess what, I passed it :) Dont feel like you are a burden, lots of people struggle with it. Believe me, text anxiety really and its difficult to deal with, but it is manageable. People wont laugh at you because of it, and if they do. Screw them! You dont need people like that in your life, just ignore them. Your friends, family and teachers will be there to support you and help you in anyway that they can. I hope that this helps you! If you ever need anything, you can message me and I can do my best :)