Latest Graphic - what do you guys think of it?

Heyo :3 so I mean- this isn't even for anything, but I just rewatched multiple times the performance of Ddaeng at the prom party and... boom, inspiration to spend my hours doing this bc hey why not. What do you guys think? If you like it, come request here at willow graphics (lmao my advertising skills are so smooth you can't even right????)




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OOHHHH i like it :D <3 Love the dark colors and composition, yo!
Omg this is gorgeous!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Bcs I'm viewing on the phone so the quality might seem mehh buttttttt
That's a smooth blend on those characters (ノ゚▽゚)ノ and I guess you really like adding noise in your work, adding your own style? Signature? Just something that scream you xD
On side note, omg why that dorky namjoon is allowed to hold that fan (;∀;)
melon-ball #4
It looks really cool. I love the colours you used and the font, as well as the pictures you used for each of the boys. :)