So dreams are weird (long- dream ramble ahead be warned)

So… basically what the title says >.< My dream last night was incredibly vivid and, whilst all dreams are somehow strange, this one was just… A lot of things happening, and I remember a lot even now. I wanted to, y’know, try analyse it, but then some of the content… Lmao, read this and share your analysis of it (ARMY who ship BTS members, you will probably like some of this >.< and if you think it’s weird to ship them, then definitely ignore this)


So the first part of the dream I remember is that my family had bought a new house to sort of renovate and build back to its former glory. In reality, this makes sense, bc we have recently just bought a new house to soon move to, and it’s a renovation project, too; however, this dream-house was like literally huge, and sort of just sat in the middle of a field, really run down but full of old, valuable items from its former owners. It was crazy. This also probably makes sense bc the house we are moving to is pretty small >.< so juxtaposition- There was a huge, huge library room (maybe bc irl my mum is a librarian?) with no doors and a missing wall that meant you could just waltz in from outside, and strangers frequently did so.


Anyhow, my dad and my brother were working on this house, but then my dad comes out with this story about how my brother “broke” the flowers – carnations. He said he caught this awful scent of timber which warned him my brother broke the flowers, which were the house’s main attraction for resale (bc “breaking” flowers results in the scent of timber, apparently). My mum and him then argued about the rust on the gates – my dad liked it and wanted to keep rusty gates, my mum thought they were just a little “too” rusty. This is also reflective on reality lmao, my dad wanting to keep certain features in the new house we bought that my mum wants to modernise or change.


Later that day, I have some kind of party or something, I don’t really remember, and I have to choose some clothes. I go to the “clothes shop” which is essentially a sort of a very stereotypically vampiric realm with three different tops and four different skirts. I try to choose what to wear, then this old lady begins to chase me saying she hates the first skirt and loves the cheapest one (maybe this is a reflection on my new job at a charity shop? Older women keep asking my opinion on the clothes they try on lmao xD). I finally decide on this outfit that I had actually tried on in reality yesterday during my lunch break (even though I hated it and thought it looked terrible), and some weird stuff happens with bats. Idk. I just remember hiding in a changing room and hugging a mannequin and a bat flying around telling all the other shoppers to give me the skirt.


From here is when it gets a little more whacky. My family decide to go to the seaside and we pass this field that has a lion casually roaming in it. Just a lion, being casual. Idek. I know what a lion symbolises in dreams, but I still don’t understand what the context of it in the dream was. I do know that in reality when I was at school, my bus passed the house of this man who kept tigers, an orange and white one, so in the distance if you were lucky, you could see them roaming in their cages. It was so strange and not a typical irish view at all. At the seaside, it was night, and I just remember being absolutely terrified; we were in a seaside town and driving near the sea, and I kept thinking my dad was just going to drive us into the ocean and we would all drown. Admittedly, in reality, I do have a fear of driving near water (part of me think subconsciously this is to do with something that happened in my mother’s family before I was born), but not to that extent. Anyway, we stopped the car and my mum, sister, dad and brother decided to get out and walk along this really narrow passageway of slippery rock, from which there was a direct drop to the deep ocean floor. I stayed in the car and sobbed in fear, thinking one of them would slip and die as they traversed the rocks. They returned safely though, thankfully.


Even though it was night and pitch dark outside, we decided to go shopping for a new bath to put in the house (we have done this in reality already, so… Fair? Though not a night lmao). We went to this office in a nearby town with a showroom shop in the adjacent town, and the guy who worked there called the showroom shop for us and asked if there were any baths. The answer was yes, so this cheery woman came and showed us a selection of colours they had on display. There was a mint green, a deep navy, beige, and four variations of cream – no white. When we disliked all the colours, she began pointing at the walls and saying “we can do this” etc. so we decided to go to the shop. Here, everything was locked in place, even smaller purchases, so you had to take a key from the reception desk to buy anything. We didn’t take a key at first so a sales assistant kept following us around. Everytime he came near, he leaned into my younger sister and spoke in her ear like a first-class creep, and my mum said he kept her arm. Therefore, I tried to manoeuvre us around so that we could ignore him, taking my sister down every aisle he wasn’t. Eventually, he became too persistent and so I somehow pushed him into a plastic yogurt container (okay idek) that was human-sized. I was relieved that he was gone, but then, later on, we went down an aisle and there was the container, and he burst out of the lid, covered in dark red liquid, a bit like mud. He tried to hug me and my sister so we high-tailed it out of there. Yet on the journey home, I felt guilty; I thought – maybe this man was a creep, but maybe he actually just… wanted friends? Lmao that was weird af yeah


I had an art class afterwards so I went along. I used to study art so maybe that’s why this was a thing. I went and then my old form teacher was there, who was also an art teacher, and several random strangers and people from my old irl art class. He handed out some pieces of work (all things I remembered people completing years ago in reality’s art class, none my own) and told us we were going to be future make-up designers. After we began to work in the workshop, he then came out with a plate of cookies and offered them to us. They looked so good. Before he gave them out, however, he said something along the lines of “Whilst I am your teacher and want to make sure you do well and enjoy your time here, I also have to make sure you look after your health and your figures” and he then took a rolling pin and bashed all the cookies up into fragments instead of full biscuits, so that we had the option to take only tiny bits. This right here is indicative of the stress I had in my ED of being unable to eat a full portion size of something, ever, I think, and the apprehension I faced in recovery with knowing what was too much, what was too little, and what was normal.




Okay, I went home pretty exhausted and just went to my room and began to watch BTS videos (realistic :D). In the dream, they had this behind the scenes photoshoot video from recent times, and the concept was just them in a forest, really ethereal and pretty, nature and flowers… So beautiful. Anyway, I was watching one of the videos and then, I kid you not (okay I feel ing weird also but) Namjoon was with Hobi, and they were sitting close on the grass, as was their instruction, but then Namjoon leant forward and began to nibble Hobi’s ear.


Lmao what guess whose subconscious secretly ships it


Anyway, I was very very asdjwehrwehr unable to comprehend, BUT I also felt my Jihope heart dying. I have a special love in reality for Jimin and Hoseok shipped, after all. So I went to find more videos from the shoot of those two together to see how their relationship was progressing, but I found this video of Hobi and Jimin and… So, apparently BTS were separated into teams – three groups of two and a judge. Idk the rest of the teams or even why they were in them, but Hobi and Jimin were together. They were in a run-down shed and Jimin was dressed… as a girl? He had this long dress on and lipstick and it was just kinda cute and funny. It was part of the challenge so idk. I can’t remember much after that until the next few scenes where Jimin and Hoseok were doing photos together. I think in the dream it had been confirmed Jimin was like openly gay and it was 100% obvious he loved Hoseok, but Hobi was blind and could not see TT so that was






Oh and did I mention that throughout, in every car journey I forced everyone to listen to a “best of BTS” CD and my mum inadvertently called them hot lmao why WHY that was probably the most disturbing part


Anyway dream analysists… what the actual hell does this all mean? Because I am struggling. And hey don’t hate on me it was my subconscious not me. Idk what I was dreaming, I HAD NO CONTROL


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I laughed for a solid minute xD this is quite the dream haha
okay wow that is one long dream but OMG that was a lot to take in XD,, I really wonder what it all means now!!
I know that dreams may also be a direct interpretation of subconscious desires so the BTS one is definitely the formation of what you desire in a ship?

Apparently in a dream a crossdressed person indicates your desire to bring out a masculine side (if female). *O*
0.0 wow that's a long dream.... (IT'S NOT CURSING IF I'M REFERRING TO DONKEYS!!! <-- did anyone get that?)