Hi :(


Have you ever look at you're phone for online shopping? Then,you just look away for a minute. All of a sudden you're thumb press the confirm pay button on the mobile website. Next,minute you look back at you're phone then the online store say Thanks for buying the items online. Then,next minute you freak out. Then,you check you're bank account. And you said to yourself,"What did I do?" And you try to cancel the order's but,you cancel one order. And trying to resolve the issue. Then,you look at the other items. And you start to worry. Here is my question, Once I confirm items to buy. Some of the items would partial pay. Now, If I put money into my bank account will the rest of the money go to the items before,the item ships to me? I'm trying to cancel my order's but,nothing yet. Has this ever happen to you?


PS,I need to be more careful now



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