
I’ve always considered myself biual just in case a guy comes into my life and somehow makes me fall in love or some but every time I think about that it doesn’t make me feel warm and giddy compared to me thinking about women. I’ve never ually fantasized about males the same way as women and I noticed my past crushes on guys were very forced like I just did it to fit in to the heteronormativity. My first crush was in first grade and it was a girl, I remember hanging out with her and I imagined my eyes turning into hearts.

Also, a person before told me that I ized asian women but I literally grew up in Asia as a child so of course I would gravitate towards East or Southeast Asians. 

I’ve never dated anyone because 1) I’m lowkey scared and 2) I’m really picky like I wouldn’t just date anyone cuz I have standards. 

But yeah I’m still kind of confused. Part of me wants to date a guy to impress my family like I’ll feel meh/ok about it but I also want to date a girl just to see how I really feel.


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ilovehuahua #1
woah same haha