»»————- Choi Jooeun in Sweet Revenge ————-««


Choi Jooeun


BIRTHNAME : Choi Jooeun

"Damsel in distress": Jooeun's father used to call her by these types of nicknames often when she was a child. Other people would occasionally call her this, but she's grown to dislike it over the years.

"Chuuwoon": A cute-ified version of her name; only close friends would call her this.

DATE OF BIRTH : June 5, 1997
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea
NATIONALITY : South Korean

— Korean (native): Korean, born and raised

— English (conversational): Jooeun would often travel overseas for her father's work and her own vacations


"Hello Beautiful" 

FACE CLAIM : Rosé (Blackpink)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Roa (Pristin)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 167 cm + 55 kg


— Even though Jooeun's face looks filled-out, her body is toned and taut from years of exercise. She has dyed red hair that she retouches every few months. She cares a lot about her body, causing her to not have any prominent scars, except for small ones on her legs from falling down.


— Why do rich people pay to look homeless? Jooeun doesn't have the answer, she just knows it's more comfortable. She's always wearing sweatshirts, leggings, tennis shoes, etc, but the catch is: they're all name brand. Costs too much for normal people but is too trashy for rich people. When she needs to be fancy, she'd wear a dress (skirt above the knee ofc) and flats.


"Tell me more about you"

PERSONALITY : It's...spoiled, I guess. She really doesn't think about consequences at all, and doesn't spend any time before she decides to do anything. Yet, at least for her, it doesn't matter, because the one to suffer the consequences is never(until now) her. She only thinks and cares for herself, and what she wants in the moment. It's almost like a physical inability to reflect on one's past actions. Even though she has this type of "high and mighty" sort of personality, she's quite cowardly as well. When she confronts a scary situation, she backs down too quickly, and tries to run away from the situation. This is why she always has unrealistic expectations of others, because she's too afraid to face reality. She would prefer to place blame on someone else even when it's obviously her fault. She's not afraid to lie to someone's face to preserve her image.

Even though she seems (and is) spoiled, she does actually have friends. Half are probably there because of her money, but that means that the other half wouldn't, right? It's not like she really cares; she still talks to many people regardless. However, only those that are very close to her can see her vulnerable side. She's relatively apathetic to most people, but to her close ones, she makes up for it by caring too much. She treasures them a lot, almost more than herself. Also, when it comes down to it, Jooeun can actually be quite clever. Most of the time, it doesn't show/matter due to her rash nature, but in a situation where she pushes that rashness aside, her ideas can be creative and well thought out. However, when she does take the time to think things out, she tends to overthink to the point of going crazy.

BACKGROUND : Jooeun was born in a (very) well to do family in Seoul, South Korea. When she was younger, her father was still situated in Seoul. Needless to say, her childhood was very luxurious. Even though she moved around often (because of her father), she never even went to a public school--her parents enrolled her into only the most prestigious schools. Her father and mother doted on her a lot when she was a child, but as she grew older, her father began to move around without Jooeun and her mother. Jooeun had suspected her father was having an affair (overdramatic) because he usually took them along as he moved for work, but she was unaware of his involvement with the mafia, which he began working with again at that time. Her mother still doted on her, but Jooeun was in her rebellious teenage phase, and found many different ways to avoid her mother by traveling around anyways. She would never go to the same places as her father, upset by his "affair" and how he always left the house. This led to her having a bit of an estranged relationship with her parents. Currently, she's in university studying business, but she really doesn't show up to class often either because she doesn't care that much anyways.


— She plays a lot of golf
— Once a year, if he was home, her father would throw an extravaganza. Jooeun enjoys the attention and especially enjoys it when a clueless suitor decides to flirt.
— She hates flavorless foods.
— She's extremely clumsy. It was to the point where her parents suspected she may have had some kind of motor neuron disease or something when she was a child, however, the doctors said she was normal, just really bad at walking.
— For the reason above, she doesn't trust herself to wear heels.
— She's actually very good at painting even though she seems to be the type that's too impatient.
— She has a nervous habit of simultaneously her lips while tucking her hair behind her ear. It seems pretty normal until people realize how often she does it.
— Her favorite color is purple but she wears pink more.
— She's seriously not afraid of making a scene in public.
— Jooeun, throughout the story, seriously would never realize that the mafia is involved, even after being kidnapped, until someone literally tells her explicitly, because the idea is so unfathomable to her.
— She actually really likes the dark.


"Family is everything"


— Father : Choi Youngho / general / hard-working, stern, oblivious / 4
Jooeun has major daddy issues lol. Jooeun's a "daddy's girl", technically, because Youngho's extremely unaware of what his daughter actually thinks of him. Jooeun resents him for leaving home, thinking he has an affair, while Youngho still sees his daughter as his baby. However, Jooeun doesn't dare to say anything to oppose him; he's paying her credit bills.

— Mother : Choi Jina / housewife / doting, protective, cunning / 5
Jooeun's mother sees her as a child, and spoils her, but Jooeun always tries to get her mother off of her back by traveling around. Jina pretends to let her do so, but secretly influences her trips, preventing her from traveling anywhere with potential enemies (by cancelling flights, contacting locals to change her paths, other shady stuff). Jina used to be a mafia member herself before her retirement when Jooeun was born. Youngho actually got involved in the mafia to take her spot when she gave birth.

— Friend : Jennie Kim / college student / pragmatic, mature, caring / 9
These two met in their first class in college and became friends almost instantly, something that doesn't really happen for Jooeun. Even though Jennie's visuals look colder than Jooeun, her personality is actually warmer and more caring. However, what Jooeun doesn't know is that Jennie is a bodyguard hired by Jina. Jennie originally didn't care much for the younger and pretended to be her friend, but after spending so much time with her, she grew to actually care about her. She would be the first one to actually notice Jooeun going missing.

— Highschool friend : Elsie Tang / college student / spoiled, optimistic, naive / 5
They went to the same highschool and were part of the same clique, but were secretly wary of each other. Neither of them particularly liked each other, so once they went off to college, they never spoke again.




— Yoongi's very no-nonsense. If someone proposes something that seems too unrealistic, he'd shoot it down immediately. He's always responsible and quietly carries out whatever he needs to do. He doesn't really express his feelings well, making him seem unwelcoming. He rarely gets close to people, and when he does express himself to them, they would learn that he does worry about the people he cares for, and is completely apathetic to the ones he doesn't. He tends to stay to himself, but still gives off a confident aura. He always seems self-assured, but on the inside, he's self critical and worries a lot. We love an onion. Even though he's a softie, he is especially harsh to his enemies, to the point of being extreme. He's definitely killed people for something as petty as looking at him the wrong way.


— Yoongi is the son of the lord of one of the country's largest drug cartels, under the guise of a pharmeceutical company. From a young age, Yoongi and Jooeun were betrothed, but throughout their childhood, they didn't see each other too much. Maybe about as much as one would see their distant cousin; holidays, parties, etc. And either way, they didn't really speak to one another. Definitely not enough to really affect their life.
This would change once Jooeun turned eighteen. The wedding was set to be after Jooeun graduated university. Their parents, due to the impending wedding, rushed to set up dates for the two. The dates in the beginning were fine; both of them were respectful, yet stiff, and found nothing really spectacular about each other. Neither of them wanted to get married, so they agreed to work as hard as they could to convince their parents to call off the wedding. They would stage huge arguments in fancy restaurants, cause scenes, and constantly talk smack about each other, even for something that seemed petty.
Their relationship was strictly platonic, however, when Jooeun went missing, Yoongi was surprisingly worried. Of course, this would cause him to panic internally. Their agreement meant that he still had to pretend to hate her. So, under his mask of apathy, he struggled to figure out his true feelings for her. (I don't really know what happens during this time, so I just kind of glossed over it)


— Depending on what you want, either Jooeun would also realize she loves him and decide to get married, or Jooeun would not reciprocate and they'll have a marriage with one-sided feelings.


marshybleep : annie  :  turn in

COMMENTS : I'm not the greatest at writing characters, so feel free to ask me to clarify anything! She's supposed to be la cosa nostra but idk where to put it.


"Hmm, Youngho's 'Damsel' is here... how ironic."
— Yoongi and Jooeun staging a huge, ridiculous fight in a fancy restaurant.
— Someone losing their temper at Jooeun's behavior.
— Bodyguard Jennie getting outed

PASSWORD : "Screw whatever our parents did! Why does it have anything to do with me?"



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