»»————- Kim Sohyun in Sweet Revenge ————-««


kim sohyun


BIRTHNAME : kim sohyun

— scarecrow - given by some of the mafia members becauase she stands still and doesn't talk making her look like a scarecrow


DATE OF BIRTH : may 26, 1993 (25)
BIRTHPLACE : seoul, kr
ETHNICITY : korean

— korean | fluent | native

— french | conversational | she learn it in school for 6 years and lived in france for 1 year


"Hello Beautiful" 

FACE CLAIM : lee jieun (iu)
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : park jiyeon (tara)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 162cm & 44kg


— sohyun has a pale apperance with shoulder length raven hair. she doesn't wear any make up, and when she does it's very bare face base make up. her body is slim and fragile looking, the girl looks like she can be blown away by the wind. she is lazy and unbother to work out so she isn't very athetlic and could possible be blown away by the wind. however when she goes out she goes all out with her make up and red lips.


— when she was younger she was more into fashion and the pretty girly clothes but she's much older, more experiences in life and kind of has been through hell so she doesn't care for those fancy clothes no more. she's on the more edgy look but she is fine in a shirt and jeans, oversize cardigan, sneakers, anything that screams black, simple and comfort. her hair is usually just down or tied at best it could with strands falling out because of her short hair. she just got kidnap her fashion or clothes isn't going to be the first thing she worres about. when she purposly goes out to piss off her father she dresses in the most expensive and showie clothes she can find. it's pretty much just to tarnish his fame.

what she usually wears

one | two | three | four | five

what she wears out

one | two | three |four | five


"Tell me more about you"



PERSONALITY : from looks only sohyun seems like a sweet, calm and well manner girl, but looks can be very very deceiving. She is nothing sweet and nice like her pure innocent white skin, plump lips, and rosy cheeks. Her plump lips are nothing but sweet, her words can be sharp, quick, and hurt like a knife. sohyun has a sarcastic dark humor that makes people confuse & uncomfortable, like she'll joke about her own disability. She speaks her mind well and has lots of emotions to show, she does not hide her feelings at all. She is brutally honest and that can give her a y vibe but she rather tell the truth and grow rather than living in a white lie. If she is annoyed with you, you will know by her round eyes glaring & throwing dagger or rolling to the back of her head. She's got really thick skinned. People's opinion does not really matter to her because she knows those people who judge her will not be in her future, she only does what is best for her interest. the way she upholds herself is very smart, sophisticated and like she's on a high horse. if she doesn't have to speak, she rather not speak at all. she enjoys keeping to herself rather then talking and meeting new people.

sohyun has strong will and doesn't let anyone intimindate or scare her no more. if you're acting tough she could care less and act even tougher. she doesn't back down easily unless she doesn't care then she will look not even bother by yout attitude. sohyun can be manipulative  and act very convincing that it hards for people to tell if she's joking or not.

those lucky enough to befriend her before her life went down hill and kept a close friendship with her knows sohyun will never back down on her words and that sohyun is very loyal. even though she talks less now and isn't as outgoing they still enjoy sohyun's quiet company. she's mature and gives honest advice. to her close friends the girl is motherly in a tough loving way. she'll scold you but later take care of you too. she'll never openly admit of looking after you nor does she seek for thank you and return favors. sure she sounds mean and like an but of course if she sees you crying she isn't cruel and will ignore you or add fuel to the fire, sohyun will console the person even if she just sits in silences being a shoulder t cry on. but if she notice that you're a lot weaker or more vulnerbale she'll talk to you and try to help...maybe after getting to know each other more not right away though. she'll ignore you right away if she's only met you.

BACKGROUND : sohyun is the youngest and only daughter to the head of korea's arm, general kim hojin. she has an older step brother who is 14 years older then her, his mother pass away from cancer. he is aboard in new zealand as a ceo of his own big and successful shipping company. her mother, her father's second wife is a young and beautiful woman who was arange to marry sohyun's father, she is 10 years younger then her father. she is a chaebol, gew up with rich money and had always lived the good life.

her father was always busy with work and her young mother had lots of shopping, gossiping, and high society meetings to attend with her girlfriends. Her step brother adore her but when she 5 years old he had gone overseas for college and so she had little to no memory of him. sohyun's father had always been strict and authorative in the household, everything he said was the way to go and do, no one ever dare to stand up to him or speak back. she was always fearful of her father. because he was strict sohyun had always ben obident towards him and never spoke a word unless asked too. there was no real daughter and father relationship. to the outside world they appear as a healthy and happy family. sohyun knew how to play the part well as well pretending to be close with her parents to save them faces during their high soceity parties and gathering. sohyun knows alot about the things her father has done and what he does because she seen and overheard things but she was much too fearful of him to ever say anything.

growing up sohyun was basically raised by her nannies and servants. she was raise to be a polite and sophiscated girl. she went to school, did ballet, took violin classes, judo, and had ton of after school advance classes too. finally when she finish highshool she was allow to study aboard something she always wanted to do. she chose france since she's been taking french classes. while abroad she met a young french student name Thomas Ray Muller. they both took the same classes and major in the same international business major. soon they fell in love and were inseperatable. when sohyun's father found out about it he was furious. she was to be wed with the president's son (or another plot's father's son) and there was no way he will ever accept a white french man as a son in law. she was 23 one year shy from graduating school when her father's men arrive at her school. they were to bing her back to korea to be wed. sohyun refuse and she tried to run away. Thomas pick her up with his car not understanding the situation as she yells at him to drive off and fast. it all happen so fast that one second she was turning back to see if those men caught up to them and the turning back to see a semi truck coming straight their way and then Thomas screaming and it all went black...

the next time she open her eyes she was in korea. her mother told her they were in a car accident and that Thomas did not make it. sohyun was in shock and cried a lot. she loved him so much and was super angry at her father. for the next few days she scream, yelled and cried a lot. that wasn't enough she had found out that during the accident she had a traumatic brain injury so it was hard for her to walk again normally on her own.

2 years later she is all better, she can walk but she has a small limp with her left leg. from time to time she would trip and fall over because her leg would just give off. sohyun basically doesn't care about life no more but she wants to walk on her own so she can leave her household and live on her own thats the only reason she's still trying so hard. 2 years later and she still hates her father.

currently sohyun isn't doing much but just staying home and being away from the whole world. sometimes when her best friend visit they would go out for food or to the movie theater because that is one things sohyun really enjoys, watching movie. when her father is home she is never home or locks herself in her room. she would go out and party hard even though she hates the party life. throughout the whole night she'll pretend to party hard for one good hour just to get some press photos or photos out and then she'll just sit the rest of the night piss and annoyed. yes she's just doing all this to piss off her father.


— likes: ➳ the color black ➳ fruits! strawberry, mango and watermelons! ➳sweet bread! cream fill bread! jelly, cake, etc ➳ americano black ➳ movies any kind except comdey, its hard to make this girl laugh ➳ baby breath flowers! ➳ succulent plants, her bedroom is fill with them ➳ fireworks, because its loud and colorful so it takes her mind off the world

— dislikes: ➳ arguing with her mother / seeing her parents ➳ people staring at her "yes i'm limping, can i help you?" ➳ spicy food ➳ not getting enough sleep ➳ the cigarette smell/ smokers ➳ loud music and people ➳ hates passive aggressive people, like please just be upfront like her

— hobbies: ➳ watching youtube all day on her bed ➳ watching documentaries about anything all day ➳ reading a ton of books, whether its novel, bios, history, or self help ➳ going to movie theater ➳ going to art museums because its quiet and peaceful

— trivia: ➳ use to do ballet ➳ can play violin ➳ swears a lot ➳ black belt in judo ➳ has a hard time falling asleep, she always always have to take sleeping pills or she'll never fall asleep ➳ she cant hold her alcohol well, when she's drunk she's more calm, happy and cute but its rare to see because she never drinks ➳ has a soft spot for animals


"Family is everything"


— father : kim hojin / general / authorative, malicious, independant / 2-10
this man is black and white, there is no inbetween with him. what he says goes. the two were never close to begin with but at least before sohtun could pretend but no soojin doesn't even bother to greet him or go out with the family to attend events. her father loves her dearly but because the way he was raise he doesn't have a clue on how to show love or affection. sohyun may think her father doesn't care about her but he does because she will be his baby girl always.

— mother : kim sungryoung / house wife / whimsical, loyal, matericalistic  / 6-10
yes even if her mother neglected her a lot as a young child when sohyun grew into a teen her mother got more involve with her life.  the two were fairly close because her mother was the one who convice their father in letting sohyun study aboard. she knows her wrong, she knows she should had taken better care of sohyun from the start but she was young and dumb. nowdays sohyun doesn't like speaking to her mother either but she knows her mother is trying and really means well but sohyun just has so much pain inside her that she can't get close with her mother again.

— best friend : park jiyeon / occupational therapist / sweet, outgoing, silly / 9-10
the only friend who stood by sohyun's side till the very end through thick and thin. most of her previous friends talked about sohyuns accident and looked at her all side after it. sohyun hated their pity looks but jiyeon treated her the same as before and didn't make a big deal out of it. the two are super close.jiyeon is also sohyun's therapist. jiyeon talks a lot and shes the only who can talk that much and not get scolded by sohyun. with just one look they can tell what each other is feeling and going through. sohyun is very greatfuk to jiyeon and the two text to each other daily almost like girlfriend and boyfriend, with good morning text and good night text.


LOVE INTEREST : jang kiyong (26 yrs old)



— kiyong doesn't talk if he doesn't have to. but he is one to start a conversation when he senses awkwardness but he doesn't like being in the center of attention. he likes peaces and quiet, he has always been fine doing things by himself or with small crowds. kiyong is quiet but direct. he really does not like beating around the bushes, he gets straight to the point, its not to be mean but critical and truthful to learn and grow. he is open minded and also welcomes criticism towards him too. he does not judge people off the bat and is friendly.

kiyong is a calm and level headed person, he is observant and calculate all his thoughts and actions even if he is direct. he is not shy and awkward, it may appear so because he doesn't talk first nor does he ever really laugh, but he swears he's not.he doesn't like disclosing information about himself, he just likes to keep to himself. kiyong has always been independent and he like to stay that way. just because he doesn't really like to interact with people does not mean he hates people. kiyong is caring and observant and enjoys listening to people talk. he is sensible when things seem to be wrong and comforts people warmly with a fatherly vibe.

kiyong hates to burden others and just doesn't know how to share his personal thoughts and feelings. kiyong always puts other before him it's always been second nature to him to help others first, putting others feelings before his, and take care of others. He always feels the need to help others as best he can and if he can't he beats himself up for it. he overthinks and overloads responsibilities on himself.

out in the work field he is very intiminating but he isn't ruthless and violent. if he has to kill someone he does it as quick and painless as he can. to the young kids or younger members as he calls them he actually has a fatherly vibe. he takes cares of them, tease them, and jokes around with them because he knows how scary and stressful their line of work is.

he was an ex cop but he had only been a cop for one year when the system fail him. a close friend of his was killed and the son or nephew of the rich daimond cutter, hegot away with nothing but a slap on the wrist. kiyong decided to leave the system and eventually he ended up with gang 2 years later.


— right from the begining sohyun was very sarcastic about the whole kidnaping that it surprised the gang.

"so it really does happen. i can't believe i'm actually kidnapped." sohyun would say. "i'm sorry you guys, i'm not going to be of any help if you guys wanted money. my dad doesn't care about me."

"yall can untie me, i can't even outrun you if i try, cause if you guys haven't notice, i limp."

"do you guys need a photo of me crying? cause i can cry on cue."

"it might be better just to kill me now guys."

"i've always imgaine i be kidnap and locked up in  a darker and more gross looking basement."

"can you guys shut those girls up with a rag or something?"

kiyong doesn't understand why she's so sour and negative. because in his eyes she's got it all, her family is rich, she's gone to school overseas, she's beautiful, she basically got life handed to her. at first he would get annoy and piss off at the way she was treating the other girls telling them to shut up as they cry. yes he kidnapped them but she was being too much. he would try to comfort the other girls or at least help them get comfortable and some clean blankets and clothes. sohyun didn't speak much and when she did it was always negative and sarcastic. he wasn't curious and she wasn't curious about him either.

but in reality sohyun was scared but she saw those girls who looked even more scared so she played tough. she couldn't sleep at all and she was worried about her mother. one late night kiyong found sohyun crying quietly alone it was the first time he saw her crying. he waited for her to finish crying and as she was walking back to the bedroom he gave her a handkerchief. she hugged him and it really made him jump back but he settle down as she sob quietly in his chest. truth was he seem like he had a soft spot for the girls so she wanted to manipulate him in hopes she could escape some how. she open up a little more to him and talk to him more giving him a small smile here and there. kiyong without knowing she was faking it actually liked her smile a lot. he enjoy seeing her happier and talking with the other girls.

sohyun did really recieve a lot of warmth and comfort from kiyong yes he kidnapped her but for the first time since her boyfriend she actually felt like someone geniuely care for her and was not faking it out of pity. sohyun displays a lot of public affection at first just to mess with him but she gotten use to his bag hands holding her, his wide shoulder and chest agaisnt her face, and his long arms wrapping around her small body.


— sohyun thought she was gonna play kiyong but she played herself and fell in love with him. kiyong however liked her but totally not as much as sohyun liked him. he was still faithful to his work more then on sohyun. he cared for them but he can detach to anything pretty quickly. sick man i know

i love angst so i totally give you permission to kill off any of the two


iismomo : momo  :  turn in

COMMENTS : hiii i dont know if this was what you're looking for or if i totaly took it to a different direction lol


— here
— here

PASSWORD : "when it comes to living, dying is the easy part."



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