YING YUE is a RED Hero!

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mello_marshamllow | Quinn | 9/10

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BIRTHNAME : Zhou, Ying Yue

▸ Xuan Nu — It's the name she uses when she introduces herself after she escaped from her mother away from the Zhou family.

DATE OF BIRTH : July 16 (22)
ETHNICITY : Han Chinese

▸ Chinese — Native language

▸ Rouran — Conversational: She spent 2-3 years in the around the towns north near the border of the Tang Empire. So she had a lot of contact with merchants from Rouran she ended up slowly learning the language of the Rouran people from these merchants. (A/N: I don't know what the exact name of the language is)

FACE CLAIM : Tang Yi Xin
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 165 cm and 52kg

▸ here


Image result for legend of dugu outfit

▸ Hairstyles like above and this


PERSONALITY : no limit to number of traits but don't skimp out on this section! feel free to include your inspiration, archetype, mbti type etc.
+Positive: Adventurous, Cheerful, Optimistic, Loyal, Friendly
-Negative: Impulsive, Cautious, Secretive, 


At first Ying Yue was a carefree type of person that would seek adventures. Especially after all the stories her father would tell her about his battles he’s been through. She dreams about seeking adventures of her own. Meeting new people, seeing different sights and scenery and exploring the far reaches of the Tang Empire or even beyond. But after realising what her mother was planning and how the last couple of years living in the Zhou family was just her mother grooming her to be the perfect young lady for her mother to enter her in the selected candidates to be the wife of one of the princes, the more cheerful and carefree side of Ying Yue started to disappear. Once she escaped the Zhou household she could seek the adventure she has always wanted. She was optimistic about every new day and she slowly started to become the cheerful and free person that she use to be. However due to her hiding her identity from people working for her mother she is very secretive about her past. She is very cautious about who she meets, how much she tells them and whether she would be able to trust them or not. But after getting to know who her true friends are she will remain loyal to them. After being part of the Wu Clan for a while she starts seeing the members as her brothers and sister and she would be loyal to them like how they are loyal to her. She can be an impulsive person and would start fights with people who are ist or really offend her.



▸ Healing: 50/100
▸ Agility: 45/100
▸ Strength: 40/100
▸ Stamina: 65/100

POWER/WEAPON : Electrokinesis/Halberd

▸ She only uses her powers when it is absolutely necessary. She trust her own strength more then the powers she has within. A year before her father died she was in her father’s armoury looking at all the different weapons When she laid eyes on the halberd it peaked her interest. When she touched it electrical sparks from within her hand wrapped around it like it was meant to be used with her powers. Using her powers she was able to make it appear and disappear at will. From that day on it became her main weapon. 

BACKGROUND : Ying Yue’s father Zhou Guan Yu was a high ranking general that one of the few that have gained the emperors praise. He and his wife Zhou Ging Yi had two daughters’ Li Fen and Ying Yue. Even though they were born 4 years apart they are very close and Li Fen would really care about her little sister. Her mother raised them to be perfect ladies however Ying Yue became more interested in martial arts. Whenever her father was practising his swordsmanship he would allow her to watch. But as she grew up her father would start to train her in martial arts. At the age 4, it was after a large storm and one of the trees in the garden had been struck by lightning. Young Ying Yue went outside with her father and some of the servant to check the damage. The little girl touched the part of the tree when lightning struck which burned her hand. The doctors that had a look at her hand said that the burn will fully heal but she had also gained the power of thunder and lightning. After that Ying Yue’s father helped her every step of the way with her powers. Seeing her daughter practice martial arts and these added powers really displease her mother. Over the years her mother turned into a scheming power hungry woman. She wanted her daughters to be a part of the royal family. Even though Ying Yue’s father knows that it is not wise to be in with the royal family he let his oldest daughter get married to the duke’s son just so his wife is satisfied. But he warned his wife that their family cannot meddle too deep with the royals or the whole family name will suffer. When Ying Yue was 15 her father pasted away and her uncle stepped in to handle the military affairs of his brother. Sure, he wasn’t as skilled as his brother but was good enough for the job. Ying Yue’s mother became more and more power hungry as the years passed by. Ying Yue’s uncle also warned her mother not to meddle with the princes. But what did she do? She waited until Ying Yue’s uncle left the capital to attend military affairs in other regions of the empire and she started setting her plan in motion for her youngest daughter to be introduced to the princes. Li Fen knew about this and organised for her to escape. She met Ying Yue secretly one night, snuck her out of the Zhou residence and told her to run far away. Which is what Ying Yue did. She escaped up North towards the border and stayed around the towns along the border of the Tang empire.

For the next 3 years she spent her time traveling from town to town along the border of the Tang empire. She knows that her mother has sent out people to look for her so she changed her name to just Xuan Nu. Most of the time she spent around merchants and a lot of them were from Rouran coming to Tang to do business. Most of them could speak Chinese and she befriended a few. Which was how she started learning their language. At first it was just a few words and phrases but after a while she learnt more up to the point where she can hold a small conversation in the Rouran language.

One day while walking through a forest she saw a guy in the distance fighting off a big monster which had the body and head of a lion, wings of a bat and a tail that appears to look like the tail of a scorpion. (x) But he was losing the fight and it ended up clawing his arm making him drop his sword. Her halberd appeared in her hand and she charged it up with lightning energy before she threw it as hard as she can at the monster. She blasts it with all the lightning she had within her before it collapsed and died. She helped the guy up. There was a stream nearby so she led him to it and cleared up his injuries. As she was doing that she asked who he was and how he got into a fight with that monster. He told her that that monster was reaping havoc throughout these forests and the villages close by. As for him, he’s name is Zhang Bai Li a senior member of the Wu Clan. She had been wanting to join a clan for a while since it might help her hide from her mother. She had also heard that the Wu Clan was a well-respected one and since she ran into one of the members she bight as well ask to meet with the clan leader. Bai Li agreed to take her to the clan leader. When she was face to face with Wu Yifan she was kinda intimidated by the cold look he was giving her. Bai Li had explained to him that she wishes to join the clan. When he asked her for her name which she answered that her name is Xuan Nu. He gave her an even colder stare “What’s your real name?” he asked her as he analysed her face. A that moment she was taken aback “How did he know?” she thought to herself and then ended up asking him. “I can tell by the way you say that name like you’ve rehearsed it to the point you would be able to believe it yourself” he told her. “Wow. He is good” she thought to herself before answering his previous question “My name is Zhou Ying Yue, daughter of Gaun Yu.” “Hmm… Now why would the daughter of a high-ranking official be wondering around by yourself hiding behind a fake name” he asked her. So, she explained enough to give him the gist of her situation. After thinking about what she just told him and what Bai Li had told him about her he let her become part of the Wu Clan.


▸"I'm your daughter. Not a pawn piece for you to use"
▸"Have you even thought about the repercussion that would affect the Zhou family if I enter the royal family."
▸"You're not my mother. Right now you are just a corpse thats driven by the need for power wearing her skin."
▸"How can I bring disgrace to the Zhou name when you have corrupted it"
▸"You're not the one that has to hide their identity from the person you once called mother" - This is when she is arguing with her love interest.


▸ Likes
- She love plum blossoms
- She loves exploring different places and areas 
- She loves food. But finds it better when she's sharing a meal with another person.

▸ Dislikes/Fears 
- She fears that her mother would find her and force her into her mother's plans
- Later she fears that her mother would capture the one she loves and torture him
- Hates dry fruit
- Hates dealing with jerks, epesically narcissistic ones 
- Hates people who think she's weak just because she's a girl

▸ Habits 
- Because she goes off by herself she sometimes gets stopped by bandits who want to take advantage of her. Or members from evil clans but she takes care of them easily either by martial arts or by her powers

▸ Hobbies
- Before she met Huang Li Xing she would fold origami and use her powers to make her creations come to life 
- She would sit/lie under the plum blossom tree and watch as the petals get carried by the wind

▸ Fun Facts.
- She knows how to play the zither and is really good at it.
- She sends off an origami bear when she wants to write to her sister. Which isn't very often in fear of their mother finding out. She really misses her sister and wishes that she would be able to see her again.



▸ Mother — Zhou Nian Zhen (49) / Madam of the Zhou house / Cunning, power hungry, manipulative / 2
As both her daughters grew up she slowly saw then as pawns for her to marry them off to higher powered families and be up there with the big shots. When her husband passed away she forgot his warnings of not to meddle with the royal family. So, when Ying Yue was of age she tried to get her daughter to be introduced with the royal princes in hopes that she would marry to the royal family. But it was a day later when she found out that her youngest daughter had escaped. She dispatched her men all over the empire to look for her daughter.

Image result for tiffany tang historical
▸ Older sister — Zhou Li Fen  (26) / Wife of a duke's son / Protective, Kind, Caring, Selfless / 10
She cares about her younger sister a lot. She in a way sacrificed herself and married the duke’s son who she has never met so to please her mother and that her younger sister can live happily and free. Even though she hoped that their mother wouldn’t force Ying Yue through an arranged marriage to gain power that was what ended up happening. She didn’t want her younger sister to go through what she went through so she organised for her sister to run away and live a better and free life. Even though it would be the last time she would see her younger sister she warned her never to come back to the capital.

Image result for kris wu sword like a dream gif
▸ Clan Leader — wu yifan/ Leader of the Wu Clan / 5
Even though Ying Yue isn’t that close to Wu YiFan she respects him and is grateful for letting her be part of the Wu clan. She admires his leadership and his sharp thinking. Though he seemed cold and intimidating to her at first, over time she sees how he really care for each of his clan members.

▸ Clan Member  — Zhang Bai Li (Around the same age as Wu YiFan) / Senior Member of the Wu Clan / Caring, / 8
With Bai Li, Ying Yue addresses him as her senior and respects him. He is the one that shows her around the Wu clan and teaches her the rules of the clan. Over time she sees him as her older brother that she never had and he trains her to be a better fighter then when she first joined the clan.

▸ Clan Member — Xiao Shiqin (19) / Member of the Wu Clan / Carefee, Daring, Implusive / 5
She doesn’t know her that well but is interested not only by her fox spirit abilities but also her daring personality. She is amazed by how daring she could be with the way she handles things.

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LOVE INTEREST : Huang, Li Xing

▸ Xing Xing — She has always referred to him by this name in her mind but one day she accidentally called out to him using this nickname which caught them both by surprise. He told her to continue calling him this way and gave her his signature warm smile.

DATE OF BIRTH : August 23 (20)
FACECLAIM : Chen Li Nong


▸ He is the type of person that can be friends with anyone with his bright smile and personality. He is a cheerful and bubbly type of person and knows how to cheer people up. But when he is constantly compared to his older brother he gets frustrated and angry that people can’t see and accept him for who he really is. When he is around the person her really like on the outside he seems will his normal bubbly self but on the inside, he is kinda freaking about either about the way her acts how about what he says. He over thinks it and stresses over it.


▸ Huang Li Xing is the son of a low ranking official. He has an older brother Huang Jian Hong that is not only intelligent and skilled in politics but also charming that all the ladies fall for upon meeting him. Li Xing was always compared to his older brother by family and friends for most of his life that he was sick and tired of it. Whenever he had a crush or was close to the person he like her would try his best to hid them from his older brother since he knew that he is done for when his brother meets the person he likes. Seeing as how the Yang clan is one of the most known and well-respected clans among the other martial arts clans. Li Xing’s father has some ties/connection to the clan. So, after the last person he liked was stolen from him by his older brother he asked his father to join the Yang clan to train martial arts. But the real reason was to get away from all the people that only see him as the shadow of his older brother.


▸ He doesn't have a specific power but he is able to learn how to use magic (in a way like marvel's doctor strange)
▸ He joined the Yang clan to get away from everyone he knew and meet people who don't see him as his brother's shadow
▸ He and Ying Yue would send letters to each other by folding it into a crane and using their powers on it so it's able to fly to each other. x
▸ Uniform of Yang Clan that he mainly wears.

LOVE STORY ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY : The beauty saves the hero then the hero saves the beauty.

▸ After joining the Wu clan Ying Yue walks along a road down the mountain towards the local village that’s on the foot of the mountain. On the way she passed by a cliff and heard someone calling for help. So, she carefully looked over and saw someone holding on for dear life. She looked around her and luckily saw some long vine. She told the person to hang on for a bit and ran over to quickly grab the vines and tossed it over. The person grabbed on and told her to start pulling him up, so she pulled with all her strength. As the person was close to the edge of the cliff the vine snapped and he was going to fall. But lucky she grabbed his arm in time and helped him up and away from the edge. After she checked that the guy was fine she asked him what happened which he told her that he was fighting members from an evil clan but they outnumbered him and backed him up so he fell this cliff and left him to die. They ended up introducing each other with him telling her his name is Huang Li Xing and her giving him her fake name Xuan Nu. They both talked for a while before she noticed the sun was setting and started saying her goodbye. He told her that he would walk her home but she told him that she would be fine and they both parted their separate ways. She kind of hoped that she would be able to see him again. But for Li Xing it was love at first sight. After a few hours it was it was dark and Ying Hue was in the village. It was a special day in the villages due to a night festival that was held in honour of an ancient spirit that helped a hero save the village many many many years ago. In which Ying Yue roamed around watching the street performer, looking at the street stall and looking at the amazing lanterns. Afterwards she went in an inn/restaurant to eat. There was a fight that broke out just outside of the inn but Ying Yue didn’t notice since she sat deep within the inn. But somehow the fight set fire to the inn and chaos broke out. Ying Yue started to panic but saw others and quickly she started helping people find an escape. Meanwhile Li Xing had met up with his seniors from the Yang clan in the village but soon they saw that there was a fir in the distance and went to investigate. When they got there, people were rushing out of the inn when an old man rushed to them telling them that there are still people inside. A few of Li Xing’s surrounded the perimeter and used their water magic to start putting out the fire while Li Xing and the rest heading into the blaze to help people out. One of his seniors was using his fire magic to try and control the blaze. Li Xing saw the girl from before pushing people she saved to the exit but she looked like she was about to collapse. Luckily, he caught her in time and carried her out. His senior finally got everyone out and Li Xing still carried Ying Yue in his arms. She opened her eyes a bit and spoke “It’sss..yo-u…” but the her eyes started rolling back and she was unconscious again. He took her to a doctor and was told that she would be fine after some rest. He told his seniors to head back first since he wanted to stay till when she wakes up and they all did except one who rented a room at a different inn close to the doctors since he was curious about Li Xing’s and this mysterious girl’s relationship. In the morning Ying Yue finally woke up but not without a coughing fit that woke Li Xing up. He passed her a cup of water which she gladly took. After that she looked at him for a bit. “You saved me from the fire” she told him. “Yeah. That was me” he told her. “I guess we’re even” she said with a small smile. “I guess we are” he said a bit shy as his cheeks started to dust a light-coloured pink.

At first, they would meet each other by chance, like when they were fighting enemies or monster, when on mission or just when they were travelling they might cross paths. But the more they met up their friendship grew. They started sending small letters to each other through magic paper cranes.One time they met in a town close to Li Xing’s home town and were wondering around when they ran into Li Xing’s older brother Jian Hong. Li Xing looked horrified and Ying Yue saw the look on his face. Jian Hong started looking at Ying Yue up and down. Meanwhile thoughts raced through Li Xing’s head “Oh no. I’m done for. He’s going to steal Xuan Nu (Ying Yue) away like every other person.” Jian Hong started being the usual flirt that he is but Ying Yue wasn’t having any of it and really wanted to get away from this narcissistic jerk. Clearing and said pretended to also be part of the Yang “Xing Xing, didn’t we need to do that thing” Li Xing just looked at her confused. “The thing for the our clan” she told him pretending to also be part of the Yang clan just so its easier to get rid of Li Xing's brother. She tilted her head slightly to leave. “Oh, right that” he said, realising that she wanted to leave but was confused as to why. She grabbed Li Xing’s wrist and lead him away as she bid Jian Hong goodbye “Hopefully for good” she thought as they were both walking away. “Oh heavens. How is that your brother?” she asked Li Xing. “Wait what? You don’t like him?” Li Xing asked her as he was still confused by her actions. “God no. Narcissistic jerks are not my type” she said as they sat at one of those food stores and ordered tea. She then asked him what was the deal with his older brother since she saw Li Xing look like he saw a ghost when he spotted his brother. He told her how his brother steals all the people he’s ever liked and how he’s only a shadow of Jian Hong. She tells him not to worry about Jian Hong and that she prefers him as he is. But then she say too much and starts blushing.

After a while her feelings for Li Xing becomes more of love then like but she feels guilty. Even she lied about her real name to protect herself to him she felt like she can’t keep doing this to him. The more he calls her Xuan Nu the harder the guilt hits her. After a lot of thinking she’s decided that she must tell him. So, once they met again Li Xing could tell that Ying Yue has something on her mind. She tells him that her name isn’t Xuan Nu but it Ying Yue. She didn’t mean to lie to him it’s just because of her situation that she need to introduce herself as someone else. She then told him about what’s going on about her mother and what she planned to do and by the end of her explanation she was in tears. She kept repeating she didn’t mean to and how she doesn’t was him to get hurt because of her. He opened his arms and held her tight as she cried while he her hair and spoke soft words like “It’s ok. It’s not your fault. Everything will be find. I won’t let anything happen to you” to calm her down. “You’re not mad?” she asked as she looked up at him. He just shook his head and said, “No. I’m just glad that you were able to tell me all of this” with his bright smile.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  Adorable relationship blooms but Ying Yue still fears that if her mother finds them she would torture Li Xing so the Ying Yue would obey her every command.


LAST WORDS : Hello. There's my character. I've also added character quotes that I have thought of as I was creating her. Random fun fact - the soundtrack to Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and Empress of China helped me a tonne when writing up my character. Sorry I at writing personalities.



▸ Ying Yue’s mother men captures her and brings her back to the Zhou residence to try and ‘talk some sense’ to her ‘disobedient, unfaithful’ daughter. But after what her mother has become she would not give into her mother’s wishes. Outside the residence the Wu clan has been alerted that Ying Yue has been taken Wu Yifan sends a group to try and get her back. Li Xing hears of this and ends up joining the group from the Wu clan along the way. He is willing to fight anyone that stands in his way to stop Ying Yue’s mother marrying off the person he’s fallen in love with.


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