Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate you all

Ah, cringe, haha-

Firstly, sorry I haven't been active too greatly these past few days, and I've been literally at replying to conversations. I've just been a little tired (I'm okay, just tired xD) and I have spent loads of doing things here and there, so my days have been pretty full. I decided though that I wanted to do a little note though because I feel like showering you all in love :3 the community here has already provided me with some amazing friends and inspirations, and, if you're reading this, then you're very likely one of them :3 I know I haven't really been around for long in the lives of many of you, but I hope you can all maybe grow to value me or accept me as a friend. The truth is, offline, I have nobody that's really "like me" per se; I don't mean that in the sense that I'm-a-special-snowflake, haha, moreover it's just that I'm usually denoted as the eccentric one, and nobody holds my tastes. Truthfully, it has been hard for me this year; though school is over now for good, I did have difficulty, because I missed half of the school year due to illness. I isolated myself in that time so as not to impose upon anyone my silly dramas, but, when I returned, I found people had moved on, people didn't really care, not to a great extent. They'd all formed stronger bonds with each other in my absence, so I found myself as the member of the group who just wasn't ever truly 100% in on things, the one who didn't get invited out, wasn't privy to secrets etc. Of course, that's a petty drama, and I never brought it up, but it's why the community here means so much to me because I actually feel accepted, unlike anywhere else. 

I do worry sometimes about how you all may view me, particularly those of who you who have just started to get to know me. Part of me wants to do a blog-post to let you all know more about me, to show you the Emma behind the screen, as such, although I don't know if anyone would be interested in reading that, or what I would say, haha >.< I'm just conscious that I don't come across as how I would like to, somebody who cares about the community here. As in life, I am aware I often can become lost in my writing and find myself seemingly putting it before people. I don't mean to, not at all, it's just... Writing is a very fundamental part to me. I do not come without my keen, enthusiastic writer-drive (not that I am an amazing writer, but, hey, when the ghost comes knocking, I fly away with it >.<). I can be unresponsive at times and disappear for several days, but that is never a reflection on what you mean to me, and I do want to make that clear. I would also just like to get to know you all more, so I might just do a series of questions in a blog post and then provide answers, and get you all to hopefully do one in response, too :3 would that be a good idea?

Anyway, I'm going on a tangent, and this isn't supposed to be focussed on me >.< ! To all of you who have made me smile in light conversation or showed your care repeatedly, and to all of you who have supported me or my work, provided comments on my stories, blog or feed, just know that I really, genuinely appreciate it. It's one of the first times I have felt included in a long time, truly, and I would love to keep my place here growing stronger in the eyes of many of you, as I wish for our friendships to grow stronger, too. Thank you for everything, and thank you for reading this, too.

I love you all very much :3



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Aww we love you too!! From what i have seen you sound like a really amazing person that i would love go get to know better!! (Unfortunately in a week or so I will be inactive from Aff for a whilw though and my phone doesn't have data) But i would really like to get to know you better!!
Aww you're so sweet Emma! I'm glad that I meet you here.

Be strong OK, and take care of yourself, always.