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 Won Yeonjae 

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameWon Yeonjae 원연재
other names

— None


—  Yeon - it´s the first part of her name and is something most people call her as her name is kind of long

— Umma - since she´s the oldest of the group she has a tendency to act like a mom as well

birthday 21st of January 1995
birthplace Wonju, South Korea
hometown Wonju, South Korea (1995-2011)

Seoul, South Korea (2011-present)
ethnicity Korean
languages spoken

— Korean - fluent - native

— English - conversational - took it in high school

face claim Yang Jiwon - former T-ara and Spica member currently a member of Uni.T 
back up face claim Kim Hyemi/Hyeme of Rania
height & weight 160 cm and 45kg

— Yeonjae is of fairly average height for an asian girl, but she´s fairly skinny. Her hair is naturally black but she sometimes dyes it a mid brown tone. Her eyes are a dark brown color. Overall Yeonjae has the type of face and body to fit both a cute concept as well as a y concept.


personality traits Trustworthy, compassionate, encouraging, responsible, helpful, picky, bossy, argumentative, blunt. perfectionist

— Trustworthy: Yeonjae is the type of person everyone just trusts. She would never tell anyone else if you told her a secret and this is very well known. She´s the perfect person to go to if you want to talk about something that you don´t want others to know, because she will not tell anyone about what you´ve told her as long as you tell her not to tell anyone else.

— Compassionate: Yeonjae has a lot of conmpassion and sympathy with others. This goes against her being blunt but also makes sense as she can sometimes be so blunt that it hurts others. This is where her compassion comes into play because aftyerwards she will feel horrible about it and apologioze profusely.

— Encouraging: Yeonjae is a very encouraging person. She always tells people to do their best and to keep fighting. She believes that as long as you´ve done your best that´s okay and no matter the outcome you should be proud of yourself.

— Responsible: Because of her age Yeonjae is a very responsible person. She makes sure to get the things she needs to do done before she takes time off. This also leads to her working too much and makes her easily stressed because she puts a lot of time into everything as she´s a perfectionist.

— Helpful: Yeonjae enjoys helping people. This ties into her being compassonate and having a lot of empathy. If she could she would save the whole world and would love to use her status as an idol to do some good in the world by working with various organisations like the red cross and doctors without borders and others like these.

— Picky: Yeonjae is ectremely picky in all regards. She´s a picky eater as well as picky when it comes to the people she talks to and the people she´s friends with. She thinks that if you don´t like someone then why be friends with them?

— Bossy: As Yeonjae is a perfectionist she likes control and likes to make decisions. This leads to her coming off as bossy to some poeple and if she doesn´t get to make decisions she worries whether things get done in time and good enough.

— Argumentative: Yeonjae likes to be right and this leads to her getting into arguments a lot. She has a hard time accepting it when she´s wrong and this leads to her sulking.

— Blunt: As mentioned Yeonjae is also blunt. Being honest is good but when it comes to a apoint where you tell the truth so much that it at times hurts people is where it becomes a problem. It also creates a problem for Yeonjae as she´s compassionate and feels extremely bad after having hurt someone no matter if it was her intention or not.

— Perfectionist: As mentioned Yeonjae is a perfectionist. Now normally this would be a positive trait, but for Yeonjae it leads to her getting stressed and freaking out if things don´t get done in time and perfectly. 


— Yeonjae was born as the youngest sibling in the Won family. She has two big sisters one of whom also turned out to become an idol. At 10 she started taking singing lessons after being told in calss that she had a good voice by her music teacher. Yeonjae wasn´t the most popular girl in school, but she also wasn´t alone. She was quite the average girl until her bigger sister auditioned for SimTong entertainment. At the time Yeonjae was in her last yeras of middle school and her sisters were in high school. The fact that one of her sisters suddenly wasn´t home and dropped out of high school caused Yeonjae to get questioned about her sister. People would ask whwere she was and why she wasn´t in school, but at the time Yeonjae wasn´t allowed to tell anything about her sister being a trainee for SimTong and this caused her a great deal of suffering as she lost quite a few friends because she refused to answer their questions. Another thing that made her strange was how picky of an eater she was and the fact that she would have a physical reaction to certain foods. This made her family seek medical help and she was diagnosed with ARFID/SED or restrictive/avoidant food intake disorder or selective eating disorder

When Yeonjae turned 16 she decided to audition for JYP Entertainment after her sisters encouraged her. This was in 2011 and she was accepted and moved from Wonju to Seoul. This was strange for Yeonjae as she had never lived in a city as big as Seoul. She was a trainee for JYP Entertainment when her sister had her debut in 2013 as part of the hiphop group Global Icon. When her sister filed a lawsuit against SimTong in 2015 Yeonjae took a year off from her training in order to be there for her sister, but in January of 2016 she got back to training.


— As mentioned Yeonjae is a picky eater. In fact she suffers from RAFID/SED and this means she gags every time she eats certain fruits, vegetables and types of seafood such as peas, tomato, radishes, clams, prawns among other things

— She´s allergic to most nuts

— She dislikes nutella, not beecause she´s allergic to hazelnuts but because it doesn´t taste good to her

— Dislikes coffee but always drinks tea

— Avoids taking medicine as much as possible and relies heavily on traditional Chinese herbs and the like

— Is extremely arachnophob to the point that spiders and the like cause panic attacks

— Loves to read

— Doesn´t eat chocolate dispite liking it becuase she once had a piece of chocolate that had been contaminated with one of the nuts she´s allergic to and now she´s scared it´ll happen again

— Likes drawing especially portraits and nature

— Always carries around a small sketchbook in case she gets inspired by something

— Bites her bottom lip so much that it at times starts bleeding

— Picks at the skin aound her nails whe she´s bored

— Does cross stitching

— Loves true crime and TV.-shows like Criminal Minds and CSI

— Loves to cook and does it a lot - this is because she´s such a picky eater so she needs to know what her food consists of

— She´s a spokesperson for Amnesty International


— relation • name / age / personality traits
interactions briefly

— Mom • Won Bong-Cha / 50 / caring, frinedly, can be stern / Yeonjae and her mother are basically best friends. They tell eachother everything and when they´re together they spend most of their time talking or her mother knits and Yeonjae cross-stitches

— Dad • Won Hanuel / 53 / stern, hot headed, quiet / Yeonjae and her father don´t have much in common, but that doesn´t mean they don´t love eachother. They both enjoy reading and true crime but tha´s about where their shared interests end.

— Older sister • Won Yeonhae / 29 / creative,  introverted, quiet, hot headed / Yeonhae and Yeonjae don´t have much in common but they tell eachother everything. Yeonhae is very protective over Yeonjae as she is her younger sister and this can at times drive Yeonjae insane and make her feel like she´s 5 again. When together they spend a lot of time talking and cooking

— Older sister • Won Yeon Sang (One Ket) / 26 / Seems hardcore and like a a tomboy because of her short hair and way of dressing, but is really pretty girly and very sweet / When Yeonjae and Yeon Sang are together they spend most of their time listening to music. As Yeon Sang formerly was a member of the hiphop girlgroup Global Icon they have a lot in common when it comes to training life and a shared interest in music and performing. Where they differ is that Yeon Sang raps while Yeonjae sings.


PERSONA Umma/the mom
POSITION Lead vocalist, center
BACK UP Leader, main vocalist

TRAINEE yearsFrom 2011 until 2015 - 4 years and again friom 2016 until 2017 - 1 year adding up to 5 years overall.


— Yeonjae wasn´t great during training, but she wasn´t horrible either. Due to her prior singing training she got through taht easily, but her problem was with dancing. When she came to JYP she couldn´t dance at all but throughout her training she got decent and ended up being pretty good. Not as good as teh elad and ain dancers of coursse, but she can handle herself. She worked extremely hard to become a better dancer as she knew she wouldn´t have a chance of debuting if she couldn´t dance at all. Because she had seen her sister through parts of her training Yeonjae knew what to expect and this helped her because she knew it would be tough and she would be pushed to her limit and possibly even over it. One problem for Yeonjae when she first entered JYP was her weight. When she started as a trainee Yeonjae weighed 60 kg and she knew she had to lose weight in order to debut, but this was hard for her because of her ARFID. Especieally becaues one of her safe foods (aka foods she can always eat) is things like white bread and rice. Things very full of carbs and at times during her dieting Yeonjae would break down completely and shut herself in for days at a time. The only time she would com out of her room was to go to her training lessons but otherwise she would just sit in her room. Luckily she got through it and lost the necessary weight, buit it was very tough on her and took almost 2 years.


— Apart from her singing lessons as a teenager, Yeonjae doesn´t have much pre-debut experience. She´s done a few modelling jobs duing her last year as a trainee, primarily underwear or swimsuit modeling, but other than that she has no experience.


— Her underwear and swimsuit photoshoots got quite a bit of attention and were called scandalous and ty by some.


love interest NU´est Aaron
back up love interest BTOB Peniel
BIRTHDAY May 21st 1993
status Seeing eachother but not together


— Aron is very manly. He has a strong first impression but if you get to know him more, he’s really kind-hearted. Although he has a charismatic facial expression, he’s a bright kid when smiling/laughing. Also, He’s really thoughtful, and takes care of people around him well. Sometime, he cooks breakfast and he’s a very romantic guy. He has a personality full of playfulness and reliability, making him the member with overflowing charms in terms of both beauty and talent.


— Yeonjae and Aaron were both at a party set up by Jackson from GOT7. Here Yeonjae had a little too much to drink in order to deal with her stress and Aaron found her in the bathroom puking. Here he did what any gentleman would do and offered to hold her hair which she gratefully accepted. After Yeonjae was done she thanked Aaron and they got talking which ended in Aaron escorting Yeonjae home to make sure she didn´t get lost or hurt. Here they exchanged phone numbers and since they´ve been talking and getting to know eachother better, going out togerther to the movies and the like, but without calling the meetings dates.


— As mentioned Aaron and Yeonjae go to the movies and on cafes together when they ahve the time and when they can do it without being noticed. Mostly they text and do video calls and the like. aaron always looks out for Yeonjae and makes sure she gets enough rest as he knows she gets stressed because of her perfectionism.


— Preferably together, but up to you

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment I really hope you don´t mind my minor layout changes, but I felt it made my application look cleaner to have the border the same salmon color as everything else. If this is a problem I very much apologize. Also I really hope you like Yeonjae! And I apologize for any errors in grammar or spelling as english is not my first language and it´s currently 1 am for me so I´m fairly tired hahah.

scene requets

— Yeonjae "moming" one of the other girls and encouraging her because she´s having a hard time
— One of the other girls telling Yeonjae to slow down because they can tell she´s getting stressed

password Simple



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