replace with face claim

iismomo | momo | 9-10

replace with face claim 80*80replace with face claim 80*80

BIRTHNAME : liu, rongjia

▸ liu rong — the names she gives out because of her boyish disguise and basically everyone calls her that. no one calls her rongjia.

▸ wangwang — a teasing petname the clan given her because of her puppy like features, she hates it and they only use it to .

DATE OF BIRTH : feburary 2 (17)
ETHNICITY :  han chinese

▸ mandarin — fluent with a thick northen dialect & native

▸ guangu dialect — because she lived in northen china and up high in a remote village

FACE CLAIM : ouyang nana
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 166 cm and 48kg

▸ she has a young youthful look with her long raven hair thats usually up in a bun. she is slim and she may look rather weak but she's athletic and tone. the young girl unfortunately has some rough, callous and scratches hands from working hard. she has a very cute and attractive dimple near the corner of . (faceclaim)


▸ liu rong never ever really felt comfortable dressing up in dresses. she hates the long dresses, the accessories, and jewelries as well. she was always working so she felt comfortable in more, pants, boots,  farmer and peddler men clothing. even when she joins the clan she doesn't want to dress up because it's not her. she likes darker shades color.

what she usually wears, darker clothes
one  | twothree (<--- something a little more fancy)

but of course fine if she had to be force to dress in women clothing she'll wear this
one | two (<---fanciest she'll probably go but she aint caryying that shawl and shes complaining the entire time)



positive: independant, outgoing, loyal, humble
negative: deceitful, implusive, short temper, stubborn
other: blood type b | INTJ

liu rong is definitely not a normal young lady during her time, honestly if she voiced all her opinion and act like she wanted to she would probably get beaten, hanged or stoned. She thinks outside the box, and to her the answer is never limited to just one. She is someone who works well on her own, is able to take care of others around her and herself. She is able to make her own decisions, tends to take charge, knows when to say yes and no, hates owing people and speaks her mind well. Liu Rong loves meeting new people, enjoys learning and trying new things. She picks up skills easily and has a very good memory. Money is very important to her and she uses what she has and does what she can with only what she has. She doesn't overspend anything and really look at the face values of stuff she buys. She's not cheap she makes sure that what ever she buys or get is worth her money. Liu Rong has a warm and welcoming vibe to her. She been through hell and back so she is compassionate and does not judge a book by it's cover but also very done with people. she finds it hard to trust people though. She is sassy and sarcastic but open minded. Once she says something she will follow through her promise, once you're her friend you can expect her to have your back at all times.

Troublesome girl who gets into trouble for being too outspoken. While a girl she usually stays home when she is out and about dress as a boy she is very outspoken and has been chase throughout the market because of getting into trouble with some the loan shark guys. Her immature habits makes her boyish, her laughing and hitting people, laughing at inapproate moments, cheeky gestures and remarks, sitting on the floor, squatting, and slouching, She is especially soft hearted towards elders and kids though. Liu Rong is rather deceitful, she like to say she tells white lies but she's not a liar she's just overally dramatic and a good story teller. However to protect herself, her family, and to feed her family she had to lie, and it just became a routine thing in her life. She is a happy and cheery person but she is so moody, because she hates the regiem she lives in where women don't have a say in anything. She's living proof of the saying 'anything you can do i can do better'. The girl can be so moody, she gets upset easily but cheerful easily too. Another world to use instead of willful would be stubborn. She intentionally ignore most people's advise because she thinks she knows best herself. She thinks for herself and she really hates when other tries to influences her or control her. her way is always the right way..naive girl. she thinks she's bigger then the world and is way to stubborn to let other protect or take care of her. she isnt very bright or smart but she'll beat the living out of you...shes that kind of girl

Liu Rong since young had been disguising as a boy that she has the rough nature of a boy. Espcially when she gets upsets she tends say what ever is on her mind cussing people out and just saying the worst thing possible and destory things. When she does get happy again she'll aplogize for her actions and words. even though she always hated her father's temper she has realize that she inheirt his moodiness, impulsiveness and temper.

If Liu Rong was a movie character she would be the sweet main girl's best friend. She's that crazy one who her friends has to hold back, she's the one who scolds you for being naive but hugs you saying it's okay, she's the one who may have accidently point out the elephant in the room, she's the one who jokes around about ual deeds but gets super awkward and nervous if anyone pulled ual advances towards her. Liu Rong is a tought cookie, but she still a cookie so please treat her sweetly like she is. It's not hard to make her laugh and happy.

▸ Healing: 35/100
▸ Agility: 85/100
▸ Strength: 50/100
▸ Stamina: 30/100

POWER/WEAPON : combat, sword, & daggers

▸ her father was her teacher in combat and weapon skills. she started learning when she was 8 years old and she even learn how to make a sword. it started out as just a fun hobby but soon she fell in love with weilding a sword and throwing daggers that she even followed older boys in the village to nag at them to teach her since she was not allowed to learn in the actual classes. her aims are really good.

BACKGROUND : her father was the blacksmith of their town but he was a drunk and abusive father and husband. everyone in the town werent very fond of him. her mother was a medicine doctor who knew a lot about herbs and green medicines. however her parents had gone through 2 miscarriage and 4 infant death due to diseases before having Liu Rong's older sister and then Liu Rong 8 years later. because her father wanted sons but one was a miscarriage and 3 died he was very depress and drank a lot, thus why he treated Liu Rong as a song and taught her how to fight. in those moment Liu Rong loves her father so much and they were such great memories to her.

Weeks after week though they would get visited by tarvens who says their father drank without pay, gambling shops claiming their father didnn't pay up, angry traveler who bought swords from her father but the swords were in bad shape, metal provider who claims her father never paid for the metals, bills upon bills, loans upon laons piled up. it was worse now since her sister had gotten married and moved out, their father became more violent.

it seems life was just getting worst for Liu Rong when she heard news of her mother falling off the cliff while picking herbs. Without her mother's body they couldn't even do a proper funeral and her father wasn't even home. he had "left town to get more material for his business". Liu Rong had enough and packed some clothes into a sack and a small bag of rice grain across her back, wrapped up her sword, tugged two daggers into her belt, tied her hair up, put on her boots, and stole her father's jade wedding ring then left town for good too in the dead of night so no one would know. where was she going? she don't know, but she had enough with this small town.

she's ends up yangzhuo towards the coast where lots of trading happen between China, Japan, and Korea. She did street sword and dagger throwing with her eyes close performances to earn a living, thats where she also learn to pick pocket. she stayed in a crapper tarven, ate and slept there. she intended to sell her father's ring but couldn't bring herself to do it so she wears it on a necklace. its precious and shes very very protective of it.

it so happens that a certain group of people were in town and one very pretty girl fress in blue caught her eyes and she looked rich. *cough*xiao yu*cough* she watched as the girl looked like a lost puppy following the other people around but at the same time looked around excitely. plan in mind she as ready to show the girl a small dagger hand trick swinging it back and forth and then she'll sneakily take the girl's little money pouch. easy done..she thought UNTIL as she was about to leave someone grabbed hold of her wrist. totally intiminated by the tall sharp eyebow man she wanted to give it back but her ego got the best of her. she had to deny that she stole the pouch at all cost not wanting to look bad but she and he is causing a scene in the middle of the market. suddenly two men screaming "thats the blacksmith's daughter!" CRAP! how did they find her all the way here? and why were they still after her! it was her father's doing not hers. She fought the tall man off and dissappear into the crowded market.

just hours later of that day into the night as she eating noodles outside the tarvan those loan shark found her and beat her stealing the punch of money when the wu clan came to save her which she claims she could had handle it herself. (as she wipes her bloodly mouth). the tall man introduce himself as Tang Yuzhe and told her to follow them and that they would help her. (him since they still think Liu Rong is a boy). Stubborn girl laughs and says shes fine on her own. what really suprise the clan was that Liu Rong didn't even flinch when the men were threaten to hit her, her eyes were emotionless. the clan felt somewhat lke she was either fearless, dumb, or really use to it that it didn't faze her. they told her the clan was leaving in the morning if she wanted to to meet them at the south road. she decline again.

in the morning as the clan approach the road you could already see Liu Rong packed and waiting for them.

"i'm going this way too." She says looking to the ground with her bruise cheek and busted lips from the night before.

"Sure." The clan would answer and let her trail following them from behind.


▸ sweets espcially the tanghulu!
▸ white plain sweet steam buns!
▸ learning new things (always so busy body learning new things and easily fascinated)
▸ plants! (she loves being surrounded by plants, flowers, succelents, trees, and honestly just the outside)
▸ nice weathers (she dreads bad weather because one it means no market and no market means no money means no food )
▸ children (she loves them and wishes they don't grow up fast like her)
▸ firecrackers and fireworks! ( shes in love with the new year seasons because of those things)
▸ puppies!!!!!!

▸ rats! (the only animal she despise the most in the whole world!)
▸ bitter food/drinks (her taste buds are like a child)
▸ bad weather/cold weathers (because reason listed above and because since she grew up in poverty she often got sick so she has a bad immune system)
▸ spicy food (taste bud of a child)
▸ being degraded
▸ long and flowing hanfu (she feels like she can't move around properly)
▸ she really hates dolling up... it takes so much time and its so boring

▸ crossing her arms (its seriously just a bad habit that makes her comes off as rude or mean)
▸ when she talks she is very expressive and uses a lot of hand movements
▸ bad habit of treating everyone like a bro. (head locking people, punching people's arm, laughing and hitting people...sometimes she forgets that girls are girls forreal and she shouldn't smack their arms because they stumble forward in pain)
▸ because her reading and writing is still kind of limited, she likes tracing words on the dirt ground or any surfaces so she doesn't forget
▸ tends to over exaggerate things

▸ fishing! (she loves fishing)
▸ hiking/wondering the mountains (her survival skill is no joke in the forest)
▸ being creative (carves animal and swords from woods for kids)
▸ drawing (mostly in the dirt)

▸ RATS! ( listed above. her worst enemy)
▸ riding horse...its a big animal and she's never been on one and it scares her
▸ being kidnapped, a legit fear she has because she knows she has people who wouldn't mind beating her into a pulp

▸ competitve
▸ she is a fast and strong fighter but she's too hotheaded and people could easily mess with her head and it makes her fight implusive and sloppy
▸ she can cook well
▸ she has girl crush vibe and has girls crushing on her whenever she goes to new places because they dont now she's a girl
▸ doesn't affection and can't socialize
▸ she can sleep anywhere nd falls asleep fast



▸ clan leader — wu yifan /  5-10
actually liu rong has a major crush on this guy but yes yes he is their clan leader and she shouldn't be having these feelings but he is just so cool in her eyes. she tries to act normal when ever he is aroound but she shows totally more repect towards him then with anyone else. he was the one who caught her stealing the pouch and at first she disliked him thought he was trying to be tough and cool. at first she really showed him no respect either and didn't really listen until she gotten closer with the other members and heard their stories of how he saved their lives or how he helped them and stuff and it raelly turned a knob in liu rong's heart. he suddenly was in a different light. yifan on the other hand treats her like a little sister, like every other members in the clan. nothing more nothing less. he scolds her when it needs to be done, cares for her when is needed, protects her, and guides her when it's appropriate

▸ member — shiqin (19) / 7-10
the two are kind of similar so they get along but also butthead. they agree on a lot of the same stuff and then suddenly not agree on something and both want it their way or their way is right then both temper flares up and both impulsively does something they'll regret later. at least they both sort of understands one another. liu rong isn't really close with the members because she's always been alone so she can't socialize or get close with people on the level a lot of other members are on

▸ member — xiaoyu (18) / 6-10
both the same age but both very different. because xiao yu is more weakwill and so liu rong tends to like to boss her around. xiaoyu does find liu rong a tad intiminating but she has shiqin to back her up and protect her. but because liu rong teases and bosses her a lot sh's actually showing affection that way because its too awkward to be nice. people tend to think they're a couple (assume the people don't know liu rong is a girl)

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name

▸ nickname here — explanation

▸ nickname here — explanation

DATE OF BIRTH : month day (age)


▸ start here


▸ start here


▸ start here


▸ start here



LAST WORDS : sorrry i think i wrote a little too much for the background! i got carry away! hahaha and im totally sorry for all the bad grammar!! i dont proofread anything and its 2am....i know yall said yifan can't be a L.I. but technically he isn' doesnt have to play a big role either



▸ the clan finding out she's a girl but only after months together because no one ever asked and she never confirm
▸ something dangerous happens because of how implusive liu rong is that she finally stops being a stubborn implusive jerk


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