My old friend became a Kpop hater

Hello everyone. 

I don’t know if this is the right title for what I’m gonna take about

So yesterday I ran into one of my old friends from high school who I haven’t seen in 4 years. She was one of by best friends that help make high school bearable. So I’ve been a kpop fan since Big Bang’s Last Farewell (God I feel old) and have been on and off kpop over the years but still a fan. So this friend that I’m talking about she was the one that introduced me to the kpop world and we fangirled over kpop together. After graduating high school we grew distance and I didn’t see her which was ok since I cherished the memories that I had with her. Anyway I ran into her yesterday and we kinda caught up. I asked her if she still listens to kpop and she was like no and started talking about it like it was the worst thing in the universe. I was like ok you tastes has changed dramatically good for you. I told her to tone down the insults to the kpop fandom and she figured that I am still part of the fandom. You know what she did next? She laughed in my face and started calling my immature and all this other . I was really piss off and hurt. Not because she was making fun of the kpop fandom but because she was belittling me because of my interest and what I like.

Like wft. Hate what ever you want, I don’t really give a but don’t use it to belittle me. At the point I really wanted to knock her out but I ended up telling her off and to stay away from me. After that I walked off. I was so pissed that you probably could see steam coming off from my head. But now not as angry anymore just sad and hurt.

Sorry about my rant I just needed to get it off my chest.


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let her hate, & ignore that saltiness she gave u.
i have a friend thats also vietnamese like me, yet she despises kpop & says that the language is pure jibberish & so not long after she became a teacher (music one to be exact), it didn't take long til bout a few days ago (which took 7-8 months) that she had a student in her class who couldn't go to a concert that was required.
& so she end up tellin this student to look up a country & write about, then this bish went on writing bout bts for tht project, lmao.
my friend got so ticked off that she ended up taggin me & her other 2 kpop friends on it + she sent it to me via snapchat, lololol
karma comes in dif ways for some ppl lol