김하늘 IS A LOSER 🕹️

basic info
full name. Kim Haneul (김하늘) 
ID. gimsky 
age + date of birth. (21) + 301296
birthplace. seoul, south korea
ethnicity. korean
spoken languages. 
— Korean (native speaker): born and raised in Korea
— Chinese (conversational): spent two years in Beijing

faceclaim. jung yerin (gfriend)
back up faceclaim. luda (wjsn)
appearance. (168cm + 60kg) She has bangs, longish brown hair, and a small mole on her cheek.
style. Tracksuits, tracksuits, tracksuits! Name a color, she's got a tracksuit in said color. If she has to dress nicely...a t-shirt with tracksuit bottoms. Okay, but if it's a situation where she would get kicked out for her fashion, she would actually dress nicely in a dress or blouse.

university attending. Seoul National University
major + year of study. accounting + fourth
side jobs. none

background. Haneul was born to a well-to-do family in Seoul. Ever since she was a kid, her ridiculous luck was already wild. She'd always win races, get high test scores--tl;dr she was the kid everyone lowkey hated, but this ain't a sob story lmao. In seventh grade, she moved to Beijing, where she picked up the language...and not really anything else. She moved back to Korea in her first year of highschool. Even though she actually wasn't that smart, her luck striked again when she was accepted into SNU.
positive traits. optimistic, happy-go-lucky, creative, honest, sociable
neutral traits. Gryffindor, ENTP
negative traits. unsympathetic, thoughtless, over-dramatic, impatient, lazy

elaboration.  Because her luck causes many things to go her way, Hanuel is optimistic and she's always happy-go-lucky because she really isn't that worried about her future (bad habit, man). She's creative, always finding new ways to go about things, and finding weird solutions to her problems, even if they're completely dumb. She's honest, and says what's on her mind all the time. She is also sociable. She talks to people easily, even strangers, which causes her to either make friends, or scare them off.
However, Haneul doesn't really notice other people's emotions a lot of times. She would say things without thinking of others' feelings, even though she doesn't intentionally try to hurt people. Her luck just kind of causes her to be narcissistic and selfish. Haneul is also very thoughtless and doesn't think over the consequences before doing anything. She's also very over-dramatic, and tends to overreact to everything. Her reactions are very big, and this causes people to get very annoyed with her. She is impatient. When she loses her patience, she doesn't get mad, she just drops everything she's doing and whines and bothers other people. Lastly, Haneul is very lazy. It's not that she has nothing she wants to do, she just gives up too easily.
— She never calls people pet names unless she's drunk.
— She's actually quite dumb
— Haneul mains Galio...which would be okay if she didn't play jungle. Surprisingly, it works out.
— She's always had good luck, but that's only with games/competition-related things. With mundane things (chores, social life, etc), her luck is pretty normal.
— She only downloaded lol to make money but she got addicted
— Her favorite flavor is melon.
— her favorite food is melon bar.
— Her favorite color is pastel green.
— Her LOL username is her surname (gim=kim) and her given name in english (haneul=sky), but it's pronouced "gimsk-ee"
— All of her passwords are her birthday, so she's really easy to hack...
— She livestreams, but her audience is full of people who are angry but amazed by her stupid playing.
— Somehow, it seems like the most reasonable choices work out the worst for haneul.
— Even though she's sociable, she doesn't leave her room most of the time, simply because she's lazy and would prefer playing LOL.
— She has a weird fixation on people's ages
— She's not very feminine, but not to the point of being a tomboy either.
screen name
nickname. annie 
comments. I don't mean for haneul to be op, just enough of the dumb luck to be annoying lol. Also, this really reminds me of Offline TV and i'm SO DOWN.
scene requests. 
- Haneul getting too cocky and then just completely failing.
- A part focused on Haneul's drunk habit lol
- HaneulxJungkook "bro time"
- the tracksuits...
interview, as done by kyungri
"what do you think you can bring to the team? aside from your share of the internet bill. what role do you play - in the game, or outside the game if you want to get artsy, fluff it like a resume, i'm trying to be serious here, imagine i'm tesla or something, who do you main?" 
"A-Are you serious? I'm the true jungler of this household! Without me, you'd all die!" "But you only use tanks..." *She's the "dumb luck" type. she actually has no idea how to (properly) play lol.

"why did you pick your major? please refrain from using this time to call me a ." 

"Why would you tell me not to call you that's like an invitation. I don't really know why i chose accounting, but i heard it was easy so whatever."

"what was the last thing that you lost? get all metaphysical or something, i eat that up." 

"my innocence...I'm kidding haha i'm the purest one out of yall motherers."

"what do you think our biggest obstacle is in our plan? i mean, apart from us being awful, how do you think we can improve?" 

"You guys should actually trust me! It's the distrust! I know what I'm doing!" (she really doesn't)

"how much class are you willing to blow off in order to make us millions?" 

"What class? I'm already goooooonneeeee~"

"finally - what would you answer to claims that you were the one that drank my beer and ate my leftovers last saturday? this is crucial." 

"I don't like beer, hun. I think you were drunk and did it yourself haha"

lover's lane
name. jeon jungkook
back-up. park jimin
occupation. graphic design + SNU
personality. Jungkook is actually really smart when he tries, so it was a shock to everyone that he went into graphic design rather than something that was a bit more "technical". He's usually very considerate of others and wouldn't say hurtful things to anyone unless they were joking around. He's level-headed and won't get angry easily, but he is very judgmental, especially of stupid people. He is a natural pessimist. He just sees himself as realistic. Jungkook is loud when gaming/with friends but in real life, he's actually quite shy and introverted.

starting relationship. Jungkook, unknown to his parents, who were already disappointed in him for choosing graphic design as his major, was a huge gamer. Jungkook first "met" Haneul in a game of LOL. A player called "gimsky" chose Galio and said they would be jungler. Jungkook immediately thought, "what kind of a -," but for some reason, it was working; their team was getting that coin. Intrigued, Jungkook send a friend request to "gimsky."
interactions. They had been playing together and talking using just the chat for a few months. Then, one day, they decided to use the voice chat instead. ("Hi-" "I KNEW YOU WERE A PREPUBESCENT TWELVE YEAR OLD!" "What, no, I'm a grownass woman" "To be fair, 'Haneul' can be a boy, too.") Turns out they go to the same school, and also went to the same high school, but never knew each other because Haneul was one grade higher. Jungkook was kind of upset, because Haneul now uses her age against him. They have a very "love-hate" relationship.
progression. They eventually end up meeting in real life, which was kind of ridiculous because they had been living five minutes walking distance apart the entire. Because of this short distance, they often stay over at each other's homes, totally platonically. Haneul's housemates just kind of assumed they were dating, so just imagine their surprise when she asked them for love advice. Everything online was just for a guy confessing to a girl, so Haneul showed up at his preppyass frat house with a bouquet of flowers. Romantic. Jungkook seemed to think so as well, so much so that he was not brought to tears. His roommate Yugyeom filmed the whole ordeal and printed his crying face on t-shirts. (Jungkook wouldn't talk to Haneul for a whole two days when she showed up wearing one of those shirts)
ending. Well, they end up dating... Bought a house in a neighborhood with a good school zone, got a minivan, adopted a dog, and had two beautiful children. You know, that kind of cliche ending.

relationships (hover)

#1 jungler: the rest of y'all can leave.


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