mello_marshmallow. Quinn. 9/10. 積読本.
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Liza Zheng
"I start the party" or "I get the party started"
FULL NAME — Zheng, Liza
CHINESE NAME — Zheng, Ying Yue
• name + explanation
GENDER — female
UALITY — straight
DOB + AGE — 08 • 14 • 1996 (21)
BIRTHPLACE — Amsterdam, Netherlands
HOMETOWN — Amsterdam, Netherlands
ETHNICITY — Han Chinese
• Dutch + Native/Fluent + Growing up in a Dutch speaking country its pretty straight forward as to why her Dutch is so fluent. Aside from English, Dutch is the national language of the Netherlands
• English + Fluent + It's the other national language. Even though her is fluent in English, its not as good as her Dutch
• Mandarin + Between Intermediate and Fluent + Her parents would speak to her and around her in Mandarin. But as she went to school and got use to the Amsterdam environment her Mandarin started to deteriorate but she can still communicate with her parents. When she speaks sometimes her Mandarin would sound broken and she doesn't understand idioms that well. She has a heavy dutch accent which makes her Rs sound a bit weird.
BACKUP — Yang Zi
• ALiza is a an average height for an trainee/idol coming in at 167cm and weighing 52kg. Her natural hair is really dark brown, close to black which matches her dark brown eyes. But she always dyes it either brunette or orange brown.
OTHER — difference between your face & your character??
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 167cm, 52kg
• Her style is simple , casual and comfy. One of her outfits is simply dark colour jeans with a plain shirt, a pair of sneakers and either a leather or bomber jacket. Her outfits can sorted into four categories formal, summer casual, winter casual and training. But with every outfit she always has the same bracelet on her right hand. Which is a Tomorrowland bracelet she got the first time going to the music festival and she has never taken it off.
- Audition Outfit: x
- Formal: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Summer Casual: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Winter Casual: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Training: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tomorrowland Bracelet
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+Positive: Creative, Energetic, Adventureous, Confident, Mood Lifter
-Negative: Loud, Annoying, Clumsy, Sarcastic, Reckless
• okie so this is gonna be a bit different, so that i can get to know your character more i'd like for ya'll to write this section as if you are writing your character. all you need to do is make up senarios of their personality so that i can get to know them more = e.g brave: "who is willing to be first" a moment passes, no one puts their hand up, cee then jolts her hand and smiles, "i'll do it!"
• The type of person that Liza is that she is loud and energetic.With her EDM music background it is easy to understand why she is like this. Especially while on stage, she is the main person that would be the person to hype up the audience till the whole venue is turnt. No matter where was or what time of day it is; she could turn it in a party, it was like a gift. However her loud and energetic nature can also be considered a curse sometime because there are times when people just want some peace and quiet but they can't. During these time Liza is considered annoying.
When she's creating music it's like she's in her own little world. She is happy to help others out when they are stumped on composing music to go with the lyrics that they already created. Sometimes in return she would ask others for help with composing lyrics for music she's already created. She is quite adventurous when it comes to trying out different concepts or other music style. When it comes to her love life her friends tell her that they have a crush on someone, she would cheer them on to go for it. But if she has a crush on someone and another has a crush on the same person. She would end up letting the other person have it without even trying. She doe this to avoid drama but her friends close to her would warn her that it would create more drama in the future. 
QUOTES — Liza's - Green, Love Interest's - Purple 
• You write so many love songs but yet you give up on your own love life so easily
• You tell other to take the leap but you don't move a centimetre
• What do you want me to do? Lay my heart in my hands so it gets tossed on the ground and stepped on. No way. There is no way in hell I am doing that again
•  I've spent 3 year training as a DJ. You think I know a thing or two about getting crowd/audiences hyped
•  I'm suppose to hype people up. It's my job.
• Liza's parents lived in Xi'an, China it wasn't until 1992, four years before she was born her father got a job offer in the same company that he was already working in but in Amsterdam. He took it and moved with his wife to Amsterdam and 6 months after he was offered the job, he and his wife settled into their new home in Amsterdam. So Liza was born on the 14th of August, 1996 in Amsterdam and was mostly raised by her mother while her father focused on working so the family can live comfortably. However when she was 10 years old her mother died due to cancer. Her father was devastated because he realised that he was so focused on working that he didn't really try to put aside time to spend with his wife and child. So from that day on he tried his best to be a big part in Liza's life. At the age of 13 she started taking dance lessons and what she learned it was mainly hip hop dance. But when the dance style called cutting shapes which is a form of shuffle started getting popular in Europe. Liza started taking dance lessons to learn the dance techniques and after that her dance teacher told her to use the dance technique to turn it into her own style.
Over the years Liza developed an interest in house music and EDM; listening and creating music of her own. So in senior years of high school she sent demos of her music and an application to music label Spinnin' Records. They were really impressed with the music she created so she was accepted. While working in on finding her own unique style she met Martin Garrix; another aspiring young DJ who joined a year before her which she really connected with even though she found that both of their sounds of music were different. After training under Spinnin' for a few months she met another young DJ named Adam Williams. He was a nice and sweet guy and also became friends. So her, Martin and Adam became close friend. So around two years and 6 months Adam and Liza became a couple which Martin was really happy for them. But Adam had darker intentions. In all honesty he was dating Liza because she was a talented music producer and he wanted to steal her work. So the two dated for not even a year before he took his plan into action and stole a third of Liza'a music that she worked on over the past 3 years. To top it all off he accused her of stealing music from him. Luckily it was kept within the walls of the record label since Liza and Adam were still underground DJs that haven't debut yet. But the higher ups of Spinnin' Records hear this and they were both summoned to a board meeting with the higher ups. The whole thing took hours and no matter how much Liza defended herself it got to a point where they would rather listen to Adam's lies rather then to her. The same thing happened to Martin last year with the record label taking his music. So with a heavy heart she tore up her contract and cussed at Adam stating it's over as she walked out of the board room like the boss she is. Once she was out of the building she called Martin and explained what happened. They met up and he comfort her. After that day she spent about two months at home not doing anything but cry or just wallow in sadness before realising that she need to spend time away, like a change in scenery. She needed to be in a fresh start in a new place. With her father's help she ended up moving to Beijing, China. Which is a place that their family has history and also a place to start new. There she was sent to live with her aunt. So just a few days before she was suppose to leave Spinnin' Records contacted her saying that one of the vocalist that She worked with exposed Adam of stealing Liza's music and his contract got terminated. They also told her that they are offering her got compensation for what she went through, giving her music back and a new contract. She rejected the contract and continued her plans for China. After staying a few months in Beijing she started to feel more like herself again thank to her aunt. She was really grateful that her aunt was there to listen to what she was going through and her suggestions on how to cope with the pain and sadness she was feeling. As news about a new survival show call Idol Producer was going around Liza's aunt suggested that maybe becoming an idol would be a better path for her then becoming a DJ since she had all those year in dance lesson back in Amsterdam and she has some vocal experience. After thinking about it long and hard she took her chances and signed up for Idol Producer. Thinking that if she makes it as an idol then it would be a whole new experience and it's something to do while she put her DJ career on hold.
•Liza isn't one to wake up super early but just early enough then most of the other trainees so she helps the other's that are already awake wake up the rest of the other girls. She doesn't really wear that much makeup so she would be ready half an hour earlier then most of the other girls. After that she would get on with her day and do whatever she needs to do. At night is when she takes a shower. the annoying thing is that it takes a bit more than an hour for her hair to completely dry. But it's fine since she's able to read the comic books she brought with her as she waits for her hair to dry before going to bed.

• Like
- EDM, Deep House, Future House and Future Funk music
- Huge Dance Music that gets the blood pumping
- Matcha and caramel flavoured sweets and desserts
- Food
- She loves the Black Panther Soundtrack - That album is the sh*it. It's the album that she listens to it all the time. Especially when she's going for a run or in the gym.
- Marvel Cinematic and Comic book Universe
- Anime

• Dislikes
- Creepypastas
- Horror moives
- Sea snails (any kind of slugs or snails she hates all of them in general - all slimy and gross)
- Dry fruit
- Dolls
- Clowns

• Hobbies
- Creating new house music
- Making EDM covers and remixes
- Listening to music
- Dancing Cutting Shapes style.

• Habbits
- Cracks many of her joints
- Sleeps just about anywhere
- Sometimes after a long session of practice she would collapse on like she is dead and not move. Give her about 5 to 10 minutes then she will get up
- Dance (Sometimes like an idiot)
- Sing random song (Also like an idiot sometimes) 

• Fun Facts
- She crys every time she watches the music video "Shelter" by Porter Robinson. It doesn't matter how many times she's seen it. That music video will always make her cry.
- She has been to many EDM festivals different countries such as EDC in the US, Ultra music festival in the US, South Korea, Japan, Brazil and the the ones around Europe. But her favourite is Tomorrowland in Belgium.
- She really cares about her fans. She finds that constructive criticism very important; not only from trainers and mentors but also from fans.
- She has a sneakers collection back in Amsterdam but her most prize posession of shoes are these. x and x
- For Liza her’s main goal is to create music and atmosphere that the youth can enjoy. It wouldn’t matter if you were either popular, unpopular, a jock, a nerd you could be whoever you want to be when listening to Liza’s music or seeing her perform either as a idol or as a DJ. So while as a idol she would still continue to create monster dance tracks as a DJ/Producer but if she get eliminated early or the group that's created after the end of Idol Producer ever disbands she plans to return to Amsterdam, join another music label (after researching) and continue her career as a DJ. 
- Character Soundtrack - Here (A/N: This is a playlist that I've made as a soundtack of my character. Not all of these track are 'created' by Liza. It's just an idea of what music she listens to or the type of music she could create - It's mainly dance/house/edm tracks, no kpop or cpop)


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Yang Fei Hung

• Trainee Friend - Idol Producer Trainee - energetic, bubbly, ball of sunshine - They met on the first day of Idol producer filming and quickly became friends and stayed friends all the way through the show. They would help each other where they can. For example Fei Hung might give Liza advice on what she learned as a trainee and Liza would help her with her foot work. For some reason not many of the other girls liked Fei Hung but would block or stand up for Fei Hung if other girls tried to start something with her. When Bei Hong Lin joined their friendship group they became known as the three musketeers of idol producer.

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Bei Hong Lin

• Trainee Friend - Idol Producer Trainee - Introvert, Shy, Sweet - He was the first guy trainee Liza became friends with. He hangs out with her and Fei Hung. Both Liza and he were surprised that they would be doing a duet together but he would rather do it with her or Fei Hung because he is comfortable with them and other members from his company.It got a bit weird for Honglin and Liza when they were getting shipped together but they cleared up and agree that their relationship is purely, platonic friendship it didn't seem as awkward. Both Fei Hung and Liza were sad when he got eliminated but all three of them promised to still be three musketeers of idol producer.

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Adam Williams

• The A-Hole Ex - DJ/Producer (Fraud) - manipulative, backstabber - He was a nice and sweet guy to Liza before and while they were dating. But after he stole one third of her unreleased music that she had taken years to create and accused her of stealing. Which made her quit Spinnin' Records and put her dream career on hold, she prays to all of the forced that the a**hole stays in the past and out of her life completely. (A/N: You can let him pop up in your story if you want. I just included him here because he caused a major event in the past which indirectly got her on this show in the first place)

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Martin Garrix

• Best Friend - DJ/Producer - Energetic, Wild, Prankster - She met him while working at Spinnin' Records. He was so energetic that even Liza gets tired from being around him. He would always invite Liza on stage at music festivals to join him on the turn tables. After his legal battle with Spinnin Records also concerning ownership of music which was a bigger scandal then the one that happened between Liza and Adam a year later since he already debuted as and actual DJ. He urged Liza to quit Spinnin' Records but she was hesitate and in the end it happened to herself. They don't talk as much as they use to after Liza move to China. But when they meet up after not seeing each other for a long period of time the first thing they would do is jump in a car and go for a drive with no particular destination and would just have a carpool karaoke. After that they would hang out like they use to.

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WHAT DID YOU PERFORM FOR YOUR RANKING AUDITION? — For that audition I danced to a song I produced myself called We Can Be Together. The dance style is called cutting shapes and it is a form of shuffle that is really popular in Europe. (Song: X, Dance examples: X & X)
YOU'RE DANCE ROUTINE IN YOUR AUDITION WAS AWESOME. Thank you. *Liza slightly nods her head in appreciation* BUT YOU ALSO ENDED UP SHOWING YOU VOCAL SKILL. WHAT DID YOU END UP SINGING AND HOW WAS IT? — When preparing for this audition I more focuses on the dance part. I also prepared something to sing to just in case, since I included vocals when doing the paperwork. But I was surprise that Jackson asked me to sing a bit because I didn't expect Jackson to ask me to sing. Anyway I ended up singing Latch by Disclosure. It's special to me and is one of my favourite songs of all time. For some reason I felt like I was back home in Amsterdam when singing this. I was so into it that it wasn't until Lay started talking once the song ended that I came back to reality. (Song: Latch by Disclosure)
WHAT RANKING DO YOU THINK YOU WILL GET? — Well, I'll say around D rank, highest I think would be C rank. I think I'm around the middle ground. But judging from my training background I feel like I'm behind the other trainees.
WHICH SEAT DID YOU SIT ON AND WHY? — I ended up sitting in in seat 68. Just like my answer in the previous question of my completely different training background I would have a lot to learn to be up to speed with the other trainees so I put myself below the 50 mark. The reason I specifically chose seat 68 because it has the number 8 which is my favourite number.
DO YOU THINK YOU WILL GET INTO THE TOP 9? — Hopefully I can. I have a lot to learn and I will have to push myself really hard to be able to get even close to the top 9. That is my top goal at this very moment. But in the end I would be happy with how far I would go in this show.
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE MALE CONTESTANTS? — The guys seem so lively and energetic that it's inspiring actually.
WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE FEMALE CONTESTANTS? — To be honest most of them already look like idols. Like they already give off idol vibe which makes me feel kinda intimidated. Having the background of a DJ I didn't really pay that close of my attention to the way I looked but seeing them makes me feel like I need to re-evaluate myself.
DO YOU FEEL ANY PRESSURE? — Personally yes because I feel that everyone around me in this show trained specifically to become an idol. For me, even though I trained in the music industry, I feel that with the training and experiences I've gained to become a DJ is a completely different avenue to making it as an idol.
DO YOU GET ALONG WELL WITH THE OTHER CONTESTANTS OR IS THERE DRAMA? — I believe that I get along pretty good with the other contestants. Sure there are others who question why I'm here or think that I'm in the wrong place but they can think and do whatever they want as long as it doesn't interfere with me. They do them and I do me.
WITH YOUR DJ/PRODUCER BACKGROUND? WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO JOIN IDOL PRODUCER? — This is the result of me and my aunt 'thinking outside the box'. I tend to throw myself into the deep end of things. I don't know why I do this to myself, it just happens. I guess I see idol producer as a challenge. I mean I do have some experience in dancing and vocal experience. So I figured 'let's see how far I get' and here I am.
YOU'RE DANCE ROUTINE IN YOUR AUDITION WAS AWESOME BY THE WAY. Thank you.*Liza slightly nods her head in appreciation* BUT YOU ALSO ENDED UP SHOWING YOU VOCAL SKILL. WHAT DID YOU END UP SINGING AND HOW WAS IT? — When preparing for this audition I more focuses on the dance part. I also prepared something to sing to just in case, since I included vocals when doing the paperwork. But I was surprise that Jackson asked me to sing a bit because I didn't expect Jackson to ask me to sing. Anyway I ended up singing Latch by Disclosure. It's special to me and is one of my favourite songs of all time. For some reason I felt like I was back home in Amsterdam when singing this. I was so into it that it wasn't until Lay started talking once the song ended that I came back to reality.
THAT'S THE INTERVIEW, IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU'D LIKE TO SAY? — Even though I'm different I hope that everyone can support me.


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PERSONA — Life of the party
POSITION — Dancer and vocalist (Strong dancer then vocalist)

TRAINEE YEARS — 3 years and 5 months at Spinnin' Records
TRAINEE LIFE — if you can i would be wonderful if you could explain their trainee years and all that good stuff before they went on idol producer lmao. yknow maybe your company trained abroad, maybe you trained abroad cuz some of the ip trainees did, like esp. the yuehua trainees and he dongdong. or perhaps you went on other survival shows like the guoran boys. you do you hon.

VOCAL — But while at Spinnin’ Records and watching vocalist working with other DJs sparked her interest and saw singing professionally as her next challenge that she wanted to try. So she decides to seek advice from vocalist working there and try it out herself. The approach that she learnt when training on vocals was that is was to enhance the music track. Where as most of the other trainees trained their vocals to be the front and centre of songs. So that is where her skills fall short. But she is able to hold notes for a little over then 10 seconds. (Around a C to a B)
RAP —  Forget about her even trying this. She can't do it to save her life.
PERFORMANCE — Talent Twin: Gabby David Liza has been dancing ever since she was 13 at this age she started learning hip hop dance. But when the dance style called cutting shapes which is a form of shuffle started getting popular in Europe. Liza started taking dance lessons to learn the dance techniques and after that her dance teacher told her to use the dance technique to turn it into her own style. Which is what she ended up doing. Due to this she has been complimented on her footwork when in dance practice and there are times when some say that she looks like she's gliding. (Dance is between rank A and B)
TALKING — The pitch of her voice sound like the actress Zhao Li Ying. She speaks in an average speed. However she has a heavy dutch accent which makes her Rs sound a bit weird.
— do they have a sense of variety? are they funny or not funny? are they extra? dramatic? stoic? bad at variety? etc????
HIDDEN TALENTS Can only play the one punch man theme song and Armin's theme song from Attack on Tittan on the electric guitar. Ask her to play something else on the instrument and she would have no idea.
great dancer - you can really tell by her footwork, she can produce monster dance music that would get the blood pumping and the adrenaline rushing. She is also good at reading crowds/audiences since it's an important skill  for DJs to have to see what works 
what you not good at bb
even if you aint a singer just write if you low or high or both
• The songs she made that she is most proud of: Milkyway, A Night In and Lullaby
•Collaborated with best friend Martin Garrix: Byte and Forbidden Voices
•Collaborated with other DJs: Ghost and Devotion
•Collaboration of DJs with just her vocals: Get On Up, Somehow and Sweet Escape

• Liza was accused of stealing music that Adam, her ex created but it was the other way around. Luckily the he news stayed within the walls of Spinnin’ Records, since Liza was still an underground DJ for the company and hadn’t actually made a debut unlike her friend Martin had. When Liza and Adam her called into the board of the company Liza two choices; either to ‘give the rights’ the music she ‘stole’ to Adam or quit. You know what she ended up doing, she tore her contract that was sitting in front of her and slammed it back on the table. “Here’s my answer. I en QUIT!” she said and start walking towards the door. “Have a nice life you c*ck piece of !!” she yelled back to Adam and she continued to walk to the elevators eager to step out of the building for good. A couple months later a vocalist that worked with Liza at Spinnin’ Records exposed Adam of stealing Liza’s music and his contract got terminated. Liza got compensation and her music back and was offered a new contract to return back to Spinnin’ Records but she declined which is understandable after what she went through and what Martin Went through before her with the same record label.
• There were rumours that Martin Garrix was dating an underground DJ and some people thought it was Liza but both her and Martin denied this saying that it’s so wrong since they both see each other as brother and sister.
• Not exactly a scandal but after the duet performances (A/N: I've put in scene suggestions) Bei Honglin and Liza who performed together got shipped together by fans.
DRAMA A bunch of girls was being a b*tch and complaining about the dorm/living conditions. At first people ignored her and just rolled their eyes. But after a while they got so vocal also pointing out how they have had a 'hard life' that Liza got so annoyed the told them off saying that "Everyone has they own histroy, there own problems but we don't use it to complain. Either it up and dreal with it or complain to the people in charge. You attention seeking jerkwards" After she told them off they shut up for a while.
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BACKUP — Chen Linong
• Cai Xu Kun is the type of person that is super confident and charismatic on stage but is an adorable squishy person off stage. He cringes when he tries to be cute. You can really tell that he works hard in the show. (Sorry I at writing personalities)
• did they have any history before the show? if not then leave this out
• At the auditions when Xu Kun was performing, Liza looked to the girls sitting on her left and saw that they were all swooned by him. So she turned to her right and saw that the girls on that side were also just as swooned. So she faced forward and continued watching his performance. She paid attention to the lyrics he was singing and they sounded so ual. "God. How much pressure were you under? Actually what kind of pressure were you in to make your lyrics so bloody ual?" she thought to herself as she kinda cringed while listening to the lyrics. (A/N: You bloody dirty minded weirdo) When it was time for Liza's audition, Xu Kun watched in awe as she seemed like she was gliding to the music. And when she sang it made him believe in love. When she was talking to the coaches as they were critiquing her performance he found that her accent adorable. That was when he first noticed her.

Fei Hung ran to Liza one day at around noon saying that she needs a favour. The favour was that one of her friends needs help with their dance. She wondered why Fei Hung asked her since there are so many other great dancers that she could ask. Fei Hung reasoned with her saying that she is the best person she knows when it comes to understanding music. So, an hour later Liza is being dragged into a dance practice room by Fei Hung. In the room there was a group of trainees practicing a routine that was just taught to them. One of the guys came up to Fei Hung thanking her for coming and talked for a bit before he looked at Liza. She asked him what the problem was and he told her that the routine that they were dancing to isn’t right no matter how hard they tried; they got the steps but it doesn’t feel or look right to how the coach taught them. So, she asked to just watch before she could try anything and three of the guys agreed to show them the routine while the other five or so sat back to take a break. She and Fei Hung sat next to a guy who ended up being the guy that sang the overly ual song in the auditions, Cai Xu Kun. He introduced himself to her and Fei Hung but she already knew who he was. As they watched he told her that he was having trouble with this routine also. When the guys finished dancing she kinda had a good idea of what was wrong. The guys were too stiff, they were so focused on getting the moves right that they kind of look like robots. She told Fei Hung that they needed to loosen up so she suggested just dancing while feeling the music. Fei Hung was like “That’s a great idea” she was jumping up and down excited. “And I think I know the perfect song to help loosen up” Liza said as she headed to the stereo. “What song?” Fei Hung was intrigued. “The future funk one that I always listen to” She said and changed to song to this. “Oh, that one” was all Fei Hung as she watched Liza start to help the guys up as she started singing the lyrics. “Ok guys. Let’s just feel the music and move the body. Worry about dance move later just feel the music and dance” she said as she lastly helped Xu Kun up and headed next to Fei Hung and they both started dancing like no one was watching while incorporating the dances move that they saw before. So, like the other guys he started feeling the beat and danced along and found that Liza’s advice helped. After the song end Liza and Fei Hung asked around “How do you guys feel?” and they guys response was a mix of great or pretty good. They tried their original routine again and found that it looked so much better than before. They all thanked her so much and also mentioned to the coaches that it was thanks to Liza's help. For Xu Kun it just added another layer to his crush on her.

After that day he would find every excuse just to near with Liza. Soon they became friend and Xu Kun found that she is a very passionate girl. With the way that she works hard to catch up to speed with other trainees that have trained specifically to become idol. But the he sees her true passion when she is creating music; she puts so much love and care into each track she creates. When they talk about music she describes to him that she doesn’t created music just to put it out there. She creates it not just to express herself and get the crowds blood pumping but to comfort people like how it comforted her growing up. Listening to why music is so important to her inspires him to not only work hard but to show how passionate he is to become an idol. As Xu Kun falls deeper and deeper for the girl; Liza starts to develop feelings for him but she is hesitant and very cautious about letting her feeling fall to deep after what happened between her and Adam.
ENDING — If she ends up getting eliminated early then her and Xu Kun wouldn't exactly be dating but will have a long distance thing going for them. But if she ends up as a finalist and debuts then there awkward love story would continue however you choose. (A/N: Just give them a happy ending)
• Liza’s first impressions of Xu Kun: cringey overly ually lyrics guy. Xu Kun’s first impressions of Liza: Intrigued. First meeting: “Xu Kun seems like an alright guy” Liza’s thoughts. Xu Kun has a crush on the Dutch girl. After that is friendship which made Xu Kun fall deeper. It gets complicated for Liza to let herself fall in love again because of her past relationship. But Liza starts to let go of the past and go for love again. (A/N: Sorry if this summary )
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT — Letting your heart become mine, Don't need to understand a why, I can’t believe that this is real life (Real Life by TST, Moguai & Amba Shepherd)
• When Liza speaks Dutch Xu Kun finds it y af. She could be cussing or talking about the most mundane thing in the whole world and it would sound like the iest thing to him.
• He started to get really jealous when he heard that people were shipping Liza and Bei Honglin together.
- Firstly Hello, I had a lot of fun writing this character. I don't know if she fit's in your story. Hopefully she does finds a place. Secondly I just wanna say all rights go to the original artists that created the songs I am using *just saying so I don't get sued* 
- Sorry for the cussing anfd the author note. The author notes help me when developing character idea.
•She was walking down the hall alone heading to the practice room. But as usual she had an upbeat song in her head. So she started doing her signature shuffling/dance while moving down the hall. What she did next shocked the producers. She turned her head to one of the hidden cameras up high and winked. Finishing it off with a cheeky 'I-know-what's-hidden-here' smile before walking off and turning the corner towards the practice room. Leaving the producers like 'Oh . How many camera hiding spots does she know.' But she swears she only knows that single one.
•Have a challenge where the girls and guys are randomly paired up to perform a duet.and Liza got paired with Bei Honglin and they performed a cover of All I Ever Wanted by Michael Brun. The next day fans ship the two which makes Xu Kun really jealous. 
•All the trainees were gathered into a big room, Zhou Jieqiong and Cheng Xiao came in and put the trainees into groups for a dance battle. So two groups were up and having there dance battle. When suddenly there was a small spider near Zhou Jieqiong's foot so she screamed and everyone stopped. Most of the girls in the room were screaming while some of the guys were trying to find something to kill it. Liza was pushing people out of the way to get to the poor creature. Wang Ziyi was going to step on it before Liza screamed "Nooooo!!!!" before pushing him out of the way. She squat down to get closer to the spider and let out a sigh of relief. She put her hand on the ground and started coaxing the spider. When in crawled on her hand she lift it up so it was at eye level "Well aren't you the cutest little thing ever. And they wanted to kill you" she started saying in a voice that you would use for a baby. Everyone else in the room was like 'what is wrong with this girl.' "Come on. Let's get you somewhere, where no one can hurt you" she said as she turned and glared at everyone else in the room before she looked at the spider in her hand, giving it a smile and exited the room to the garden outside to set it free. When she came back and sat in seat everyone looked at her in disbelief. She cleared which the coaches picked up where they left off. 
•One day Xu Kun finds Liza lying in the middle of a practice room alone listening to dance music. So he goes up to her and ask her what she's doing. She tells him that she is just taking some time to let stuff sink in (since coming on the show has been pretty hectic). He lays down and listens to the music playing and soon he asks her what type of music is playing. She explains that it's all her unreleased music that she has archived. "Oh" Which was all he could say as they both continued to stare at the ceiling and just listen. She breaks the silence by saying that at one point some of these songs were stolen from her. He got confused and turned his head to face her. She continued to tell him about what had happened between her and her ex; it's not everything just enough to get the gist. She also said that this is her life's work so far (A/N: She has it backed up in many copies that she left at home) and to have been betrayed like that really hit her hard. She didn't know that one or two tears started to fall until Xu Kun wipe one with his thumb as it fell down her cheek.
You Zhangjing????
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc


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-minipanda #1
Hey there! I'm so sorry for the late review!! I'll be doing reviews/comments (cuz this is just gonna be what I like abt your app or if ya made a mistake lmao) down in all of the applicants blogs' comments.

I honestly cannot see anything that would be deemed, like, mistake?????? Lmao, I just reall really do love yiur character! And oml when I saw her name I was like OmG LIZA but anywho. I love the fact that she was a dj in the past AND HOLY DAMN THE DETAIL IN YOUR APP MAKES ME TINGLE IN MA SEAT so good so so good xD

Tbh thats probs all imma say, also YOUR ACCEPTED def def accepted and thank you so much for applying and being my first applicant!! ^.^