The Reason For my Disappearance

First of all, I would like to start by apologising for going MIA for about 6 months without updating any of my fics besides some PM replies that I was well and alive. So what happened?

Warning: Proceed with caution. I strip myself bare and be completely honest. I will not be held responsible if you find what I said offensive. Possible grammatical, structural and punctuation errors. Overuse of the word honestly. Consider yourselves warned.

1. Real life happened. I am a busy adult. I'm 25 years old, I graduated from uni a year and half ago and now I work 3 part time jobs just to get by. My priorities are far cry from what it was when I was a high school or university student. I simply cannot sit down for hours to crank out good fics. 

2. Loss of interest in Kpop in general. Believe it or not, EXO was the last group I showed remote interest in and I don't even keep up with them anymore. Anyone else that came after that I was just like 'meh'. And it was not because they were not good. I know some of them are good. I just wasn't feeling my Kpop vibes anymore.  

3. Loss of interest in Super Junior. I honestly don't remember how I enjoyed SJ as a group before, I had lost that feeling and enthusiasm. Don't be mistaken, I'm not saying that I hate anyone in the group. I support their group activities, I like most of the members, but honestly speaking, right now I am not a great fan of anyone other than Donghae and Eunhyuk and maybe Kyuhyun. Yeah, this is the nail in the coffin right there. I know people are going to call me out and say that I'm not a true ELF if I only like certain members, but this post is meant to be completely honest and that's what's currently going with me. I honestly don't know if I will even find back the old feeling I had when I was a hot blooded teenager.

4. Loss of interest in writing. When I am pressured to update, more and more as time passed, when I get PM after PM, comment after comment, I just wonder; how much time do you actually think it takes me to write? you think I just sit down in front of my laptop and continue where I left off? No, everytime I start writing, I at least have to re-read the current and last paragraph. Sometimes, I re-read the ENTIRE FIC just to make sure I am still on track. I know the story, I make rough drafts for fics that I know will be very long, eg. Starlight Babe, but, I need to re-read to know what exactly each character said or did a couple of chapters before so that I minimise glaring mistakes. Maybe I just have bad writing habits. I don't know. There must be a better way, but I was never professionally trained in creative writing. My point is, sometimes, I spend an hour writing half a page. That's 250-300 words. On extremely good days, I can write 3000 words, no problem. Once I wrote one entire chapter with close to 5000 words in one sitting. I think it took me three hours. But those days are few and far between. I'm more likely to write one chapter in one week than three hours if I work on it consistently, which would mean writing some each day. But given that there is something called real life and teaching job, consistency is hard to achieve for me. Often times I come back to the fic after two three days having completely forgotten what I meant to write, and I have to start over and then beat myself over the loss of a good idea. I think we can all agree that real life is tough enough. I have mentioned several times that writing is a hobby, and something I do when I want to relax. Well how can I relax when I keep having to stress over the contents, about making mistakes, about cross-checking once every few sentences. Well you might say, 'But you had the patience and time to do it before?'. (Refer to No.1 again.)

5. Multi-chaptered fics: The bane of my existence. I am honestly BAD at writing long full-length fics. I don't know why I keep doing them. The more chapters there are, the more things I have to consider when I am writing future updates and the longer it takes to write an update. Usually, by the time I finish the fic; my style would have changed, my ideas would have become better and I would look back at the beginning of the fic and be like 'ew, why did I ever at some point in the past think that this was a good idea?' I will honestly tell you now that I have NEVER re-read The Business, The Principal's Son and When Love Strikes after they were done. This is exactly what's happening with Starlight Babe now. Each time I re-read the fic, I think of something I would have liked to write differently, and it kills me to know that I can't make that change because it is already posted. I know what you will say, 'Well you CAN re-write the fic to your liking?' Psst, ain't nobody got time for that. For me, once a fic is posted, it's done. I will try to do better in my next fic, but there is no way I am going to take the exact same idea and re-write it again.

6. Fleeting ideas. Having many ideas sounds like a good thing, isn't it? Well, not if you don't have the resillience to pull through and actually finish your ideas. I have about 20 fics that I put aside after deciding that I wasn't going to finish them, each one I have worked on to various degrees, some with a few hundred words, some a couple of thousands. And right now I have 9 fics that I have been working on, which are inclusive of Starlight Babe and Falling Together. I know, 9!!!!! Anytime I get a writer's block in one, I open another one and start writing the next fic, abandoning the previous one until further notice. Geez, I wonder why it takes me so long to update my fics...hmmm. I suppose the only silver lining is that some of the 7 fics are half or nearly done, and they are all shorter fics. 

7. Lack of response. The absolute WORST feeling in the world is when you have spent 50 hours of your precious life that you will never get back to write a chapter, upload it, and then get like freaking 10 comments. Jesus! It will not kill you to leave a comment, you selfish pieces of ! I have eyes, and I know basic math, I know how many people read each update.

8. Lack of positive competition. AFF's Eunhae tag is like night and day of a difference compared to what it was five/six years ago. Back in those days, there were SOOOO MANY good fics being uploaded all the time by writers who were actually good at what they did. I don't mean to say that there are no good writers NOW, don't misunderstand. I just mean to say that Eunhae (I'm referring to both Haehyuk and Hyukhae) fics are being posted/updated by fewer people in slower intervals compared to before, and there's just nothing to fuel the competition. There's no urge to write IMMEDIATELY after reading a good update by someone else, there's no competition to reach the top as it was before. And lets not kid ourselves, nothing has been the same after some of the best authors left. I recall having someone tell me that I can never leave because I'm literally one of the only good ones still left, and I'm like 'no, i'm not even near qualified to be considered the same rank as some of the other gods of Eunhae fics that we know and love'.

9. Too much distraction. I can tell you honestly now that I don't read Eunhae fanfiction anymore. Really, you would too after you start reading some other fanfiction out there. I remember reading a fanfiction on the American TV show 'Hannibal'. It was completed recently but I started following it late last year, and it was one of the first non-Kpop fics I read and IT LITERALLY BLEW MY MIND. How good was it? I would pay to read it, I would BUY it if it was sold on Kindle, that was how good. And the funny thing is, I don't even watch Hannibal! Neither do I watch Teen Wolf, but boy, their fans CAN write! I've fallen in love with the Derek/Stiles pairing three times over. I've even resorted to Marvel fanfiction (Steve/Bucky anyone?) and sometimes Deadpool/Spiderman. Jolly, that was a rabbithole I don't want to go down again. Oh, and don't forget the evergreen Supernatural pairing Dean/Cas. I will honestly tell you that everything I know about those characters I mentioned came from all the fanfics I read about them. I didn't watch a single episode of the actual TV show or movie. Of course, I will not lie and say that everything I read was good (when you read more than 5000 fics you're bound to come accross some that you hated) but the general perception that I got was that they were really good. I don't know how they do it, but they are just good. The point is, I spent so much time READING that I just didn't have time to write anymore.

I think that's everything. that everything? Whatever. So what next moving on?

I am not leaving. I know, it's been six MONTHS, no idea how that happened, but I have never stopped writing Eunhae fanfics, remember the 9 fics I was working on? I just haven't posted any because frankly, well, none of them are complete yet. But they are going to go up soon, hopefully. Not all at the same time, but just whenever I'm done. I don't want to force myself to write just for the sake of it. 

Starlight Babe and Falling Together will be completed. I know how I feel when a fic is left hanging by the author and I will not subject you guys to that. So I will try my best to finish them.

Moving forward, I'm going to focus on one shots or fics that generally end between 7000-15000 words. And I will post them only after they are done, none of those chaptered things. I don't dare to guarantee how many fics I will write in the future, but I assure you that if I do post a new fic once in the blue moon, its going to be complete before I do. 

Adios and take care.



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I've just came back after a long time. Hello 2019 btw. I totally understand author-nim. As you said, life is tough. And i think that's what usually get us. Please remember that we're always here for you whenever you've updated your old fics or created a new ones. We will support it. And i would like to apologize if there's a time that we put pressure on you for updating immediately when we haven't even wrote some words of encouragement or any feedback on what your fics.

Take care of yourself author-nim! All the best!
Jayelf #2
One of my favourite writers. I will miss your creative writing. All the best for your future.
Jynnhae #3
Hey, idk why I’ve just now read this but... can I just say that it’s okay? Fanfics are great, I love them, they fuel my imagination and they let me step away from reality for a moment however, looking at them from the author’s stand point, I understand that it can be quite tedious to write/update. From what you said about your personal life, I’m truly super impressed by the fact that you’re still trying to update for the sake of your readers. I mean I could never do it, and tbh I’ve tried writing but my personal life is just too hectic for me to even sit down and get anything out (uni student trying to do a double major, I hate myself). But what i also want to say is, thank you. Thank you for taking the time out of your life to write these AMAZINGGG fics. You are seriously one of my favorite authors. Thank you thank you and I hope that everything gets better for you/ works out for you!
flanjaja #4
heyyy, i started reading starlight babe yesterday lmao and i really love it!!! its the first fic i read here in asianfanfics and the first eunhae fic i read in english, i really hope you can get your life together and somehow post most regularly, ❤️
Honestly, maybe most of us feels the same as you... I'm just a reader here, but after my fav pairing fics were getting lesser here TBH I feels there's no reason to back here but I do frequently open the site and check whether there is any updates of my fav fics.
And about lack of interest in kpop and SJ itself, I feels it to... Because the real life really caught me up until there's lesser time to follow them anymore 😢
Bree_ND #6
I'm sorry to be one of those silent readers but honest to goodness, i absolutely love your writing. If you say that you're not as good as the major fic writers.. let's just agree to disagree, hahaha!

Thank you for everything that you've churned out with your dedication, your heart and soul. I feel that your writing is one of the most sincere and i have caught myself rereading so many of your fics.

Tl; dr: you're amazing and i love you. Stay rocking!
WildDrive #7
Hello! I'm one of the newer fans started reading this - and I agree with most of your statements - there's this huge gap of good fics in kpop it's quite frankly wtf. It's a big diff when you go thru in AO3 for other fandoms. :/ it's quite disheartening I agree.

End of the day you write what you love, don't feel pressured. I read most of your stories and it's been such a pleasure for me and (gosh you have no idea how many sleepless nights and my work nights died reading over your stories)

And hello fellow Malaysian! :) is there a job you're looking for? I can help spread the word around. I know it's tough finding a job atm as a fresh grad. But times are looking much better especially the coming months. ( have forwarded a number of interns/juniors before)

If you need a friend to talk with whatever, kpop nonkpop - I'm here! :)
I can really understand because it's been two years since i open this site. . And just like you said, there are little interesting fanfic, especially haehyuk around for me. . So i watch Supernatural again and there get hooked with J2 or Sam/Dean fic. .
Pinkygummy77 #9
Yes I can perfectly understand your condition. Most of people in this fandom are adults already and needs to do living. And it has been years. I totally understand If you lost interest in Suju.

I thought you are leaving, really. Afterall all the author of good Eunhae's fic left already. That's why I'm really happy when I see updates from you.

Take your time, really. I dont mind re-read your old fics over and over again. Although you said you didnt satisfied enough with it but I really enjoy it, thank you :) I will try to leave comments again on ur old fics! ♡

Thank you for staying and keep writing until everything are done. I only can say thank you. Afterall we enjoy your hardwork for free. I hope more readers out there can understand and stop giving preasure to author to do update quickly.

Stay healthy and all the good lucks to you! ^^
Thank you so much for letting your readers know how you were. As you mentioned, reality has a way of changing or disrupting the life... I just hope that you'd be happy when you write and that you stay healthy always. Do whatever makes you happy and congratulations on your stories.
Can I say I understand and relate to this? I'm unfortunately one of those silent readers when it comes to stories that are being updated frequently. Basically, I don't leave a comment behind because I know I'll say that I cannot wait for the next chapter and don't want to pressure the author into rushing or whatever. As for stories that are already finished, I tend to leave a comment at the very last chapter. A rather long comment, explaining and pointing out what I loved the most about the fic and thanking for the awesome work the author has done for us. I'm completely smitten by the way you write stories. I can feel the emotions of the characters in your stories. I can feel how they feel. I relate to some of the stuff they would say and such. Yes, completly smitten.
Your stories are really something I can read over and over without getting tired because each and every one of them are so different. Theme, setting and writing. Reading your stories really helps me "relax" in my otherwise busy life. And I appreciate the hard work you do for your stories and I thank you for the time you've spent on writing stories.
As for when you said you lost interest in SuJu, I hope you don't mind asking me why? I know you said you lost interest as time passed by and only certain members attract your "attention" .. But I remember you hyping over their Black Suit comeback back in november .. Could it be because you basically, grew up as a person? You matured? I'm a few years younger than you and have loved K-POP for such a long time. Who knows if when I reach your age I'll also feel the same? I would want to know just how it happened to you and how you noticed it.
no.3 & 9....i can related....i feel you
Thanks for still being here and thanks for continue writing eunhae fics 💙 (like you said there are really little good eunhae fics nowadays) Life sometimes a lot of times and being an adult more but you get through all these and look back and be like “wow I did this and this and I survive”. Take care and all the best!
041586 #14
Thanks for calling me pieces of lol
And I know deserved it. I'll just say that I a person who lazy to make a comment, or more like, it's too boring for me to say "this fic is good, thanks for update!" I know I can make it more longer, but I can't keep in track what I want to say, while there is so much detail on the fic that I want to commenting (and that's why I like wattpad way better)
I'm can't promise you, but I will try to make a comment, see you.
dumblee1086 #15
I feel you, don't be so hard on yourself, if writing means times to relax for you than it should be it, if its only make you stressed even more then you have all the rights to not pressure yourself to it even more. People grow, life change its only natural. Don't listen to those who said true elf or not, there is no such a thing.