I'm really tired

Hi all. It's been a while since I've been active here. Perhaps a lot of people are wondering what is happening to me. Firstly, regarding the prompts that I have received in exchange for donations for D&E concert, rest assured I have been working on a few fics... I have two fics that are technically 'done', which means that the main plot is drafted out and I just need to fill in the blanks here and there. If I get them done, they will be posted in due time. Regarding Starlight Babe, I have been writing the last chapter, but there are a few issues that I need to work out still, because I need to find an effective but not rushed way to end the storyline. I've not been satisfied with my writing lately. Perhaps I'm just washed up. 

I'm hesitant to write this blog, because I usually don't want to share too much of my personal life, mainly because no one is interested to know... but I don't know. Perhaps because no one here knows me personally that I can share like this. I'm not trying to like vie for sympathy or anything. I just really need to get things off my chest to just someone who is willing to listen and not judge me. 

You know how sometimes you feel like your life is just a constant uphill battle, that there is no comfort or reprive after every slope, and that life is just always one challenge after the other with no good thing happening at all? It really just kind of feels that way to me nowadays. Since the beginning of the year actually. If you followed my previous blog, you probably know that I went back to school for my master's degree and am doing part time work to earn my keep. Money has always been a struggle, because it just feels like I'm never earning enough money to support myself and I've been slowly getting into some sort of debt with the university. Plus, I'm getting no support from my parents whatsoever.

So since I started my semester break, I picked up other part time work than the original ones I have been doing. I worked as an event crew for a one month long project. Then, a few days ago, I picked up work as a product promoter (you know, one of the people giving out free samples of new products). At that time I was thinking to myself, maybe I can finally earn enough money to pay off the fees that I owe the university. 

But July and now August has just been an absolute show. First, I have a car that I share with my brother, and because he was trying to save money to relocate to Singapore to start work in September, I had to pay for the entire sum of car insurance and road tax that expired in July. For some reason, my car front tyres also had problems and needed to be replaced after less than a year. Then, two weeks ago, I lost the gold ring my mom bought me before I left for my studies as sort of a good luck gift. I was careless and the ring slipped out of my finger when I was showering in the community shower. Of course, it was never returned, as whoever found it would have sold it for cash. I was very angry with myself, because if I was more careful, I wouldn't have to lose something so valuable and I don't know...man, I don't know. I'm still upset about the ring.

Then a few days ago, I faced the challenge of being locked outside of my own room. I share a room with another person at the dorm, and I went to shower while she was asleep, and when I came out, she had gone to work and I was left with no key, no phone, and no way to get help. Thank god I had clothes to wear... I can't imagine if I were to walk around with just a towel. Eventually, it took about an hour and half for me to find help and unlock the door. 

Just when I thought things can't POSSIBLY get worse... I got into an accident yesterday. (I was on break from my promoter job, and was on the way to get food) I was trying to make a turn and a young driver (high school student who just got his licence) was impatient, just decided to cut in front of me instead of waiting for me and I ended up bumping the front of my car into the side of his car because I didn't see him for some reason. Doesn't really matter what happened, but in the eyes of the law, I am at fault. So of course I had to settle things with his parents and his older sister (who is a rude btw) last night eventhough I had just finished work and was damn tired after standing for hours. Then, my brother was of course upset with me since I caused problems for him again (he had to accompany me to the workshop and everything) and now, much of the money I earn from my promoter job has to go to paying for the repair for the person's car. Which means, I'm basically spending hours standing and handing out cookies for the sake of someone else. Imagine if I didn't go to work, I wouldn't have had the accident, and I wouldn't have to earn money to pay for something that I wouldn't have to pay for if I wasn't there in the first place.

You know how people say that when you're so damn low, there's no where else to go but up? I'd really like to go up now please. I get it, every bad thing you experience is a life lesson yadda yadda yadda, but that's about as much life lessons that I can afford to pay for as of now. I just wish that after this, my string of bad luck will ward off. In chinese there's a saying of 'po qian xiao zai', which means spending money to avoid disasters. The reasoning behind it is, you lose something small to ward of something even worse from happening. If I think about it in that way, and think of a million things that's even worse than what's happening now, it is a bit of a relief. But my treacherous mind just can't let go of the fact that all of these bad things happened to me when I'm already so stressed out.

In the end this post ended up as some kind of rant, which is what it is intended to be. If anyone reads this whole post, thank you for listening (reading?). Even though posting this doesn't exactly solve my problem, it feels great to be able to vent none the less. 


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I'm sorry I'm late to respond to your writing. I've been busy myself. I wish you are here with me and I can give you a big, big hug to comfort you. Life can be a , seriously. Pardon my language. But, sometimes, everything happens for a reason. You might get something better from all the misfortunes you've been dealt with.

Sometimes, you try to think positively about all things that happened in your life, but you just couldn't. Money always become everyone's problem, nowadays. Even me. But maybe, we should take a little bit time to take care of ourselves. What can I suggest, maybe you can hold your education for one semester and work full-time to collect money for your education. Or maybe you can work and study which means change your course from a full-time student to part-time student. So, you can find a permanent job that will pay you a definite amount of salary to support your life.

But, hey, I'm not you. You know yourself better than anyone. You are a strong, hard-working and brilliant person. I may not know you, but your writing says it all. Is that even possible? Lol. I hope everything will turns out great, eventually. And I miss you and love you, my dear author-nim.
I know it feel, the struggle related to money ... I'm having this problem too , and it's really stressful and problems keep piling up... Hope that your situation are better now (a big hug)
Duvain #3
I’m so sorry to hear that this has happened to you. Honestly, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it. I can relate to struggle with money, it’s far from easy, yet you’re doing so much in order to well, ‘survive’. I’m not sure how to word it properly and I’m sorry. Even with all the accidents, the bad luck, the moments in which everything seems to have gotten even worse, you’re fighting your way through it. It’s understandable that you feel the way you do, you’ve been through a lot. No one, if you’d ask me, deserves this kind of situation. But I don’t think saying this will make you feel better. I just wanted to let you know that I read what you wrote and that I genuinely hope that things will get better; hopefully they have already gotten better. Hopefully the entire sum of the car insurance won’t be burdening you anymore once you’re brother finished relocating. Hopefully you’ve gotten a bit more rest, less unexpected financial burdens, and found some time to relax and make good memories. I wish you only the best. Please take care of yourself and even though it’s tough, keep your head up, have faith that things will go uphill (you’re a true fighter and you’ll get there. One day, the university debt will be gone and you got your master degree) and be proud of yourself. You’ve come a long way.
Cheers to a blissful, beautiful future! Hang in there :)
They say it’s okay to not be okay you have the right to feel bad and all but keep going don’t let that brat that caused you to lose money to disturb your way to success. Forget what happened and start from zero i hope you’ll do okay not fine but at least okay ❤️ God bless you don’t lose your faith please. .
I wish I can give you a long hug...
It sounds like a ty time that you have to go through atm. I feel sorry for you :/
Hang in there!!!
I hope everything is getting better for you soon. Hang on!
Hi! I know this won't do nothing, it won't solve your problems or fix your stiuation but I'm glad you let it out.. it at least made you feel better, right? You did great. You're going through something hard and I admire you for holding on, not everyone are capable of doing that, thank you for being strong. I know it's tiring but please know it's okay to rest from time to time. As an ELF, one of my favorite lines is Leeteuk's "it's not an END but an AND" as it's almost applicable to everthing. It may feel like you're in your bottomest bottom of all bottoms but remember that it's not the end, what you're going through right now is preparing you for the great things that'll come in the future....
eunhyuki #9
Oh my.... I’m so sorry to hear that... I do wish after this series of bad luck happen to you, there will be a brighter times for you.. though I can’t be there to support you, I am willing to lend you my shoulder.. please do stay strong.. things been hard for you, please be positive.. I wish you good luck and don’t stress yourself too much. Don’t stress with the writing and don’t stress yourself with your work... think positively though I know it’s hard... good luck and please take good care of yourself!
U know what...i feel it to..
When im about to break down, i try to remember that i was in position that i felt very low, an then i can past it..and im here now.. So maybe i will pass this storm too..then this will be my motivation to future..
(pardon my english)
Oh my....
I understand your frustration. When you thought things couldn't get any worser, it prove us wrong. It seem like nothing is working well and you've no idea why and what you're doing. I can't just say that things will work out eventually or don't worry so much because we know life aren't that easy. It's true that life ain't always raindow and sunshine but please don't give up no matter what. Cheer up!

Just rant away and I hope you feel better letting all this off. Sometimes saying everything out may not help in solving the problems itself but it kind of help to make yourself feel better. It's okay to be down and upset because that the normal human emotions.

I wish you luck and I hope you can get back on track soon..

I'm not good in words but I just want you to know that ive read this, you're not alone and I sincerely hope you'll be okay soon. :)
destrirra #12
I'm so sorry for what happened to you, and I feel bad I can't help you T.T but please, tell us whatever you want to tell, and don't keep it for yourself T.T