
NAME : Choi Yeoreum  

✤ Summer Girl (best friends): her name means Summer
✤ Areum (Hyesung): Areum means beauty and it rhymes with Yeoreum ;)) it doesn't matter that it's a legit name lol
BIRTHDAY : November 7th, 1990 (27)
OCCUPATION :  architect
PROFANITY : yep yep yep, she'll cuss freely at home but at work she can hold back unless she's super pissed

✤ Korean // fluent
✤ English // conversational

BACKUP : G.E.M (Chinese soloist)

APPEARANCE : (165 cm, 60 kg) Yeoreum has dyed brown hair (it's not orange!) that goes past her shoulders. She has a small, star-shaped birthmark on her lower back and a faint scar above her right eyebrow. Some moles on her thighs, but they're few and scattered.
STYLE : Yeoreum likes to wear t-shirts and sweatpants. She honestly gives zero about style, but unfortunately, she has to dress up to go to work. Even so, she mostly wears blouses and pants. She doesn't really like to wear dresses, but she will wear them occasionally (she prefers a-line).  
TRAITS : determined, intelligent, thoughtful; selfish, stubborn, blunt; INFP, Scorpio, O type 
PERSONALITY : Yeoreum has never really known when to give up. She's a headstrong character who will continue on her chosen path until someone ends her life :")) that applies to more than just her goals though, because Yeoreum is totally a mom friend and will go through hell to see her friends alright :")) anyway I know intelligence isn't relaly a trait but hey hear me out fam: she's smurt that's for sure but she's also got a high EQ ;)) see what I mean? She knows what to say, what to do, how to act, in all sorts of social interactions (can't say much about her idiot of a husband though COUGH) anyway lol her random trivia knowledge comes in handy on game nights... she's also thoughtful, if you can't tell already. She's a TYPICAL mom friend and notices the small details like your favorite coffee order, your nervous tics, etc, and she'll try to make you feel good about yourself :"))

On the other hand, Yeoreum is so ing stubborn it hurts. She's so dead set on her ways that it literally takes an entire group of people to get her to change her mind about something (you'll see an example later ;)). Due to her being hurt a lot in the past, Yeoreum often chooses to focus on herself more than other people. Granted, this isn't the worst trait, but she can be really childish with this, throwing tantrums and everything, just because something's made her unhappy. For instance, if she's mad at someone, she can ignore them until they apologize, even when it's clearly her fault (she's been working on communicating thoroughly, though). ;;; anyway lol she's one of the blunter ppl. Other ppl can sugarcoat, but not Yeoreum. She blasts the truth at you, no matter whether or not you wanted it, and it hurts like a ;;; don't piss her off aight XD
✤ favorite fruit: raspberry
✤ favorite music: soft rock
✤ favorite singer: Dimash Kudaibergen
✤ favorite weather: sunny + windy
✤ favorite hobby: knitting (grandma yeoreum af)
✤ favorite food: fried chicken and fries omgg
✤ favorite animal: phoenix (THEY ARE SO REAL ;;)
✤ favorite flower: forget-me-not
✤ fav color: yellow
✤ has a sister (will expand upon)
✤ is learning Chinese for fun (she so I didn't put it in the language section)
✤ can sleep for 15 hours
✤ despises zucchini and squash
✤ loves to read and write
✤ childhood dream was a writer ;;
✤ has a great artistic eye (I mean, architect af)
✤ went to Yonsei University
✤ hates rainy days
✤ workaholic but also lazy af if you get what i mean??
✤ mental health is a bit ed up (I'll likely explain later)
BACKGROUND : Yeoreum was born in Seoul. Her parents were pretty middle-class, and she has a sister, Gyeoul, four years younger. Her parents wanted to name her Gaeul (autumn) but nope Summer as lol. Anyway, her childhood was pretty normal, she's pretty close to Gyeoul (aside from the sibling rivalry, yknowww), except their mother was really harsh on Yeoreum (firstborn problems). It got even worse once their brother, Gaeul, was born (2001), since now Yeoreum had to be a role model for TWO KIDS!! It wasn't a big deal until high school, when getting into college was a huge deal, and Yeoreum just couldn't handle it anymore. She had a depressive episode back then, and due to the stigma surrounding mental illness in Asia, she wasn't able to get help. Thankfully, Gyeoul was there to help her get through it, and besides, Yeoreum was much too ambitious to just die lol. She went to Yonsei, one of the most prestigious schools in Korea, and graduated. Nothing bad happened, but she fell in love with one of her professors. He was a married man who divorced his wife for Yeoreum, and they ended up eloping. No one knew until Yeoreum got pregnant (and even then, her parents didn't know). Unfortunately, she ended up miscarrying, damaging her womb in the process, and suffered yet another depressive episode. It didn't help that the professor left her >:((( but AGAIN thankfully Gyeoul was there to help her through it (because Yeoreum didn't want her parents to find out), and Yeoreum decided that she didn't want to believe in love anymore and just focus on her career (wow cliche much lol)
✤ Kim Gyeoul // 23 // sister // easygoing, forgetful, reliable  

INTERACTIONS : Gyeoul has always been there for Yeoreum, and she's extremely grateful for that. Despite the normal sibling rivalry, they're very close and Yeoreum can trust Gyeoul with her deepest secrets. They often visit each other and hang out (go shopping, coffee, whatever), although Yeoreum disapproves of Gyeoul's quick marriage (she doesn't want her sister to suffer the same way she did). They also have different last names because Yeoreum took their dad's last name and Gyeoul took their mom's. 
✤ Choi Gaeul // 17 // brother // emo, independent, introverted  

INTERACTIONS : (fc: Lai Guanlin) Gaeul is the typical teenage rebel lol. Growing up in a household filled with sisters, he seeks to be independent and not associated with either of his sisters. That being said, he secretly looks up to both of them, especially Yeoreum, and looks forward to their visits back home. He's run away from home a couple of times, seeking refuge with either of his sisters, but Yeoreum always scolds him like a mom. He's lowkey awkward with her because of the huge . (Funny thing, he was born in April, but their parents named him Gaeul, after autumn...) 
✤ Danson Tang // 33 // coworker/best friend // patient, intelligent, hard-working  

INTERACTIONSDanson is Yeoreum's Taiwanese coworker. They hit it off immediately, and Yeoreum is technically his sunbae at the architectural firm lolll in any case, he's the one trying to teach her Chinese, and they had a pact that, if Yeoreum still hadn't found anyone good by the time she turned 30, they would have gotten married in best-friendship. They hang out a lot after work and just out, and he's one of the few people who knows that Yeoreum was married before. He's super protective of her (like an older brother type) and pretends to be her boyfriend when they hang out in public places in order to fend away other men. He's promised her that they'll visit Taiwan and eat some good food, and speaking of, he can cook really damn well. He brings his own lunch to work and Yeoreum will sometimes steal his food loool. He's also insanely smurtttt and if they ever do an escape room, Danson will be at the forefront, working out all the clues and getting them the out of there in record time :")) 
✤ Sparrow // 2 // pet // sassy, hot-and-cold 

INTERACTIONS : Well here's a visual first. Anyway, Yeoreum and Hyesung adopted Sparrow (she's a she btw) a year ago because Yeoreum had always wanted a cat and now they can afford one! She likes Yeoreum better, which annoys the out of Hyesung, but hehe >:)) Sparrow tends to judge people well, and she'll claw anyone she doesn't like lol
✤ Kim Jinhee and Choi Byunghoon // 55 and 59 // parents // caring, encouraging, nagging 

INTERACTIONS : Honestly, Yeoreum used to have a pretty bad relationship with her mother because of how much she pushed her as a kid, but during her first failed marriage (especially during the miscarriage), Yeoreum found herself wanting to talk to her parents again. Now, she makes a point to try to tolerate them. They still don't know how much Yeoreum's been hurt, but she thinks that's fine. On the other hand, her dad's not too important to the story lol
✤ Lee Jihoon // 45 // ex-husband // , sociable, , disloyal 

INTERACTIONS : I felt obligated to put this down. He is in no way based off Hyesung's close friend Lee Jihoon XD but anyway he was Yeoreum's engineering professor who divorced his wife to be with Yeoreum. After he got Yeoreum pregnant, she miscarried due to health issues, and he left her. Please don't make him very important to the story I hate him lolllll
✤ Shinhwa // 37-39 // friendos/brothers-in-law basically // various 

INTERACTIONS : When Yeoreum married Hyesung, she BASICALLY married his five closest friends too lol. They go out on a LOT of group dates with Ricminwan (feel free to just make up whatever names for Minwoo and Dongwan's wives ;)), and Jindy visits them a lot in their apartment. When the couple fights, somehow all of Shinhwa gets involved, and everyone knows what's going on (because Hyesung talks when he's drunk), and they'll all get together to try to help them make up. And of course, if Yeoreum kicks Hyesung out, he spends the night with Jindy. Unless, of course, he ends up just living there for more than a week, in which case they'll call Yeoreum begging her to 'please take him back he's drinking all of our soju and crying on the couch we can't take it anymore!'. Yeoreum and Andy are like bffs tbh, and they'll literally just gossip about anything and anyone, especially Hyesung. Andy will tell her about whatever idiotic he did in the past, and Yeoreum will complain about the idiotic he does now, and they could seriously stay up all night talking about it. Bonus: if it's possible for Andy to have a crush on Hyesung, he'll tell her about it in here. With Andy's personality, though, he'll likely avoid her at all costs, and she'll be really confused like did I do smth wrong, and when she finally confronts him, he'll be like no I haven't been doing anything, I'm just busy... but she'll persist like eVERYONE'S NOTICED and he'll confess his secret and Yeoreum will just be really shocked and she won't know how to respond because she married his crush and best friend??? but Andy hurries to assure her that he's genuinely happy that his hyung's with such a great person and he's not mad but it just hurts and can they still be great friends? and of course Yeoreum will say yes :")) that's just a suggestion though if you want them to break off the friendship feel free :"")))

Minwoo: Although she's married to Hyesung and close with Andy, Yeoreum actually hangs out with Minwoo a lot. First off, his personality is just the type that makes people feel comfortable, and he knows his way around social interactions. Yeoreum actually started hanging out with his wife (feel free to make her whoever you want lol) and then, by aassociation, she got to know Minwoo better. He's always ready to talk about Hyesung, although differently from Andy, he makes up for it by pointing out Hyesung's positive aspects and offers advice on how to deal with him. He's also a pretty trustworthy person, and Yeoreum will often call him when she has smth on her mind that she needs to tell someone (but no one else is awake). He'll listen, sympathize without being condescending, and offer his own opinions and/or advice for her. Yeoreum tries not to hang out with him alone since, yknow, wife and stuff, but oftentimes Minwoo will take her out for coffee like 'yknow i've noticed you've been stressed lately can you tell me what's up' and she's just really grateful for him :"))

PROLOGUE : Like I said, Yeoreum lowkey gave up on love after her first failed marriage. But then, one day, she was out at her brother's high school because they wanted to add a new music hall. She bumped into this dude, Shin Hyesung, and he was so pretty that she couldn't help being attracted to him. She's not shallow, but Shin Hyesung really is too pretty ;)) anyway he was holding a stack of papers that flew (cue cliche anime scene) and she hurriedly helped him gather it up. He was ENAMORED with her and asked if they could perhaps hang out sometime. She flatly rejected him. But guess who came with Yeoreum to survey the school (sorry idk architectural terms)? DANSON TANG. So he was like "yo i'm her best friend you'll have to get through me first" and bless Hyesung's heart he went through the Danson-check, and once he got approved, Danson basically convinced Yeoreum to go on ONE SINGLE DATE to see if she liked him ("if you don't like him, I will make sure you never see him again"). Thankfully, she liked him enough to continue the dates. She was reluctant to expand the relationship out of fear that he'd end up like Jihoon, but Hyesung doesn't get angry easily, and he's a pretty gentle person, so she liked him a lot lol. The first time she saw Hyesung angry, it nearly broke her because it reminded her so much of Jihoon, and she wasn't sure if she could make it through life with someone like that. But she realized that he was different, and he didn't blame her for his own faults, so she stayed. The defining moment (yes, I want to live the rest of my life with this man) was after they moved in together (about two years into the relationship), and Gaeul came for refuge, not knowing that his goddamn English teacher was dating his sister, and Hyesung accepted him calmly and tried to talk advice to him. Yeoreum was 26 when Hyesung asked her to marry him. It was very simple, just one night walk beside the Han River, and she thought about it for a while (not long, just asking herself 'am i ready to give myself, and him, a chance?'), and accepted. The wedding was quite simple as well, held in a church (neither is religious but why not). Andy was best man ;)) Gyeoul was maid of honor, and Hyesung specifically thanked Danson for getting them together (owhhh my heart :")) OH I FORGOT TO MENTION Yeoreum's dress was a ing DREAM :")) she's finally getting married to someone worth it  

EPILOGUE : First off, very simple honeymoon to Hawaii :")) it was pretty cool and all until the part. Yeoreum was lowkey traumatized, and Hyesung didn't force her. They still don't do it often because yknow ;;; also, they can't have children. Neither of them really care, especially since they're lowkey old. Life settled into a routine of normality back home. They each have their own little space for working so they don't get distracted by each other. They've only been married for a year, but they've lived together for two, so they're pretty used to each other. Yeoreum, oddly, can't stand the heat, but Hyesung's old bones love the heat, so it's always a battle for the AC lmao. Thankfully, the apartment has two bathrooms, so there's no fight for the bathroom. Yeoreum cooks, but Hyesung takes care of the other chores like cleaning and . It's pretty much like living with a best friend, where they tell each other the gossip going on in life and sleep together and occasionally have , but they're still pretty independent adults. Yeoreum still hangs out with Danson, still goes out with Gyeoul, yknow, and Hyesung still drinks with Jindy, still hangs with Eric and Minwoo and Dongwan. Nothing much has changed (Hyesung tries to drink less though). Hyesung looks younger than he is, so ppl don't really judge their , but if the gap is mentioned, ppl will look at them realllly weirdly. It pisses both of them off, and Yeoreum has actually punched people for it before (Hyesung just rants to Andy lol). There's a lot of body contact; Hyesung's a touchy-feely person, and Yeoreum doesn't mind. Lots of playing with hair, touching faces, hugs, kisses, stuff like that. They try not to fight, mostly because they understand why the other does stuff, also because Yeoreum has bad memories and Hyesung tries not to make her sad ;;; Hyesung has summers off because teacher, but Yeoreum doesn't, so he often hangs out in the apartment alone pining ;;; (since they got Sparrow, he talks to the cat). They both eat a lot, so even though Yeoreum technically is the cook, Hyesung likes to help her prepare stuff, and cooking ends up fun as as long as no one gets hurt lol

Here I feel like I didn't expand on the negative stuff. Basically, Hyesung is really chill but Yeoreum isn't. Their personalities clash a lot, and sometimes Yeoreum will get really pissed off about small stuff (like not folding clothes properly, not putting stuff back where it came from, leaving cabinets open all the time), and Hyesung will try to reason with her. But I mean, it can't always be like that, and he will get pissed off. He tries not to yell, but there'll be that accusing tone, yknow, and Yeoreum will just-- stop. She'll stop and close up and go to Gyeoul's place and sometimes spend the night there. It depends on how bad they fought, but usually it'll be Hyesung calling to apologize. They haven't had anything to threatened their marriage yet lol. Oh, and Hyesung's adoptive parents want kids, but these two don't, so Yeoreum tries to stay as far away from the old ppl as she can. She can't avoid it during holidays, though, and it just makes her sad but she doesn't want to explain. Hyesung knows about the previous marriage, but he doesn't ask her about it or anything. Same with Yeoreum and why Hyesung changed his name. (I was thinking during the story, maybe Yeoreum can bump into Hyesung's mom at the supermarket and she can be like 'oh yeoreum honey yall should have kids yknow pilkyo's our only son' and and then yeoreum will be in a bad mood and she'll ask hyesung why he changed his name and why he didn't tell his parents about her condition and that'll make it so that yeoreum goes out for a while lol)

✤ Hyesung brings home papers to grade and they both laugh at some of the answers lol
✤ their favorite movie is the same: Train to Busan :"))
✤ funny enough, they both cannot stand horror, but Yeoreum prefers action/adventure and Hyesung prefers romcom
✤ As we all know, SHS has a great voice, so he often sings Yeoreum to sleep (he sleeps later than she does)
✤ Yeoreum's a surprisingly neat person, but shs doesn't fold his clothes properly, which lowkey pisses her off (she taught him though)
✤ Hyesung wakes up earlier than Yeoreum too, and he'll often prepare breakfast for her
✤ *cue creepy Hyesung watching Yeoreum sleep*
✤ *cue almost squishing the cat while turning over in sleep*
✤ yeah they rescued Sparrow a year ago, right after they got married
✤ they like to cuddle on the couch after dinner and sometimes fall asleep like that
✤ he spoils her as much as he can on a teacher salary :")) and she does the same
✤ he mostly gets her jewelry and she gets him health stuff/stationery
✤ she started wearing necklaces because of him AAWHHHHH my heart
✤ he introduced her to Shinhwa after they started dating and OMG THEY LOVED HER LOL she actually hangs out with Minwoo more than anyone else but pshh whatever
✤ they actually live in a pretty nice place (three bed two bath)


BACKUP :  Infinite's Kim Sunggyu

✤ Syung (close friends and Yeoreum): it's just a cuteass pet name
✤ Starboy (Yeoreum): Hyesung means comet and in Chinese his name is 彗星 (Hyesung) and 星 is star [i know she doesn't speak Chinese very well, but it was just too cute for me not to include :"))]
BIRTHDAY : November 27, 1979 (38)
OCCUPATION :  high school English teacher
PROFANITY :  moderate at home (he used to cuss a lot but working with kids toned him down lol)
TRAITS : contemplative, resourceful, perceptive, domineering, awkward, rigid; Sagittarius, A type 
PERSONALITY : Hyesung's pretty dynamic. He was raised to be one of the patriarchy, believing that the husband should take responsibility for the family, but as the times change, as do beliefs. He's pretty damn flexible in that way, but at the same time he really does want to assert control lol. It sometimes pisses Yeoreum off, that he refuses to change, but he's a pretty good person in general. He's fairly quiet (unless he trusts you a lot), preferring to observe rather than jump into action. He notices the small details (there's a reason he's Shinhwa's mama bird lol) and can use his environments to his advantage. He's pretty awkward in social interactions and can't really let go of himself. Part of it is pride ;; Asian people care about their images, and since Asian men are typically the head of the family and seem to be "in control" of their families, Hyesung somehow feels inferior to the other men since Yeoreum's like a free spirit. He'll try to pin her down and command her to do things (sometimes it's really trivial like 'get me a glass of water' but other times he'll be like 'I need to control all our finances'). Yeoreum fights against it, and sometimes he will cave, but other times it can cause really bad fights between them.
BACKGROUND : Hyesung was born Jung Pilkyo in Seoul. LAter in high school, he went to America to study. He met two of his closest friends, Eric and Andy, in California. Later, they all came back to Korea for uni (the school's not important), and Hyesung majored in English. This was ALSO when he legally changed his name to Shin Hyesung (explained in trivia), and the group of three met the rest of Shinhwa (Dongwan, Minwoo, Junjin). Hyesung began working at a high school as soon as he graduated college, but come on, a teacher salary isn't very much, so Shinhwa all roomed together. I'm only going to focus on Andy and Eric because they're the America trio lol ANYWAY Eric got married first, moved out, and then it was Dongwan, and then Minwoo, and soon it was just Hyesung and the maknaes. Hyesung used to drink a lot with Andy and Junjin, but then when he was 36, he met Yeoreum (talk about it later). Now they're married!
✤ ngl, he's pretty old-fashioned
✤ dresses like an old man already (plaid shirts, khakis, yknow)
✤ used to be quite the partier
✤ He calls Andy the most (my trash putting Ansyung in here lol)
✤ He actually really likes hanging out with Gaeul, and he'll give the boy advice, except Gaeul doesn't really listen to him
✤ He loves the sun
✤ will lie in the sun like a goddamn cat
✤ He's the household chore guy lol
✤ His old bones get cold easily
✤ he LOVES coffee
✤ Going back to my trash, he tells Andy a lot of what's going on with life, including relationship problems
✤ Man most of this section's going to be Ansyung trash
✤ He's so straight it hurts
✤ never had a gf before Yeoreum, so ppl thought he was legit gay lol
✤ He could have spent his entire life living with Jindy
✤ He urges Jindy to find gfs already, except Andy just rolls his eyes
✤ (Would it be too trashy if I made Andy have a crush on Hyesung?)
✤ (If not, that happens XD)
✤ Hyesung got teased for his extremely patriotic name back in school, and so as soon as he could, he changed his to Shin Hyesung
✤ As to why he changed his last name too, his parents were good to him but he found out that they were actually adopted parents and his real parents abandoned him as a kid, so even though he hated them, he still wanted to remember them for giving birth to him (the birth dad's last name was Shin)
✤ whoo man that was a doozy FORGOT TO MENTION that the rest of of Shinhwa goes by their nicknames too (as in, Junjin goes by Junjin and not Choongjae) thought it'd make writing easier for you XD
✤ Back when they roomed together, Shinhwa nearly got kicked out by the landlord for having loud as alcohol parties
✤ He lowkey feels really bad for robbing Yeoreum of a great life with someone younger
✤ SPEAKING OF he's a ing lightweight, can't hold more than two bottles of alcohol (man, even Yeoreum can drink one more bottle lol)
✤ used to smoke back college but quit because of his job
✤ his fav color is orange ;))
ACTIVITY RATE : 9/10 so pretty high lol
COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS : I lowkey made her in a rush, so I feel like I didn't expand on a lot of stuff... ALSO I collabed with marshybleep on this :DD so yeahh!! Oh also if you're ever confused about the Shinhwa members (who's who, which nicknames goes with who) pls bother me about it XD I used a lot of nicknames um but just for reference:
- Jin: Junjin
- Jindy: Junjin + Andy
✤ man i live for Ansyung
✤ my man Danson Tang :")))
✤ good sisterly love (throw in some Gaeul too XD)
✤ karaoke night omggg
✤ late night walks by the Han River again lol
✤ omg they go to China together (travelling anywhere tbh)
✤ pillow fights as
✤ falling asleep in a movie theater
✤ flowers flowers flowers (like going to a flower field and taking a ton of pictures rdrxf my hearteu)
✤ the fight in summer for the AC ("it's too hot" "no it's just right" "COLDER" "I'LL FREEZE")
✤ omg but imagine Yeoreum's period pains are really bad (from that miscarriage) and Hyesung stays home from work to help her (hot water bottles, back massages, soup, movies, omggg)
✤ likewise Hyesung's bones are creaking so Yeoreum gives him back rubs and shoulder massages and all the damn time
✤ okay but CAN YOU IMAGINE Yeoreum, Gyeoul, and even Gaeul all just crashing at Yeoreum's place, kicking Hyesung out (he spends the night with Jindy), and just having a slumber party
✤ getting caught in the rain and Hyesung sacrificing his old bones to make sure Yeoreum doesn't get sick :"))
✤ man i love this so much tgjdrxdf maybe even flashbacks to Jihoon? Maybe when they're out shopping, they run into him and Yeoreum just HIDES and Hyesung's ready to fight a but Yeoreum's like no can we just go home like a kid and Hyesung's like WHO DARETH HURTETH MY WIFE
✤ i'm sorry i'm so high on stress xD


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