ual harrassment

Very soon, every male in the American entertainment industry will be accused of assault.

I'm trying to say that they're all innocent and faultless? Heck, no.

Entertainment industry is a ist, dangerous place. And ual harassment MUST always be denounced.

I just hope with all my heart that every single accusation is real.

If not, they could destroy a man's life, reputation, public image. It could led him to depression even...

If they are all true, well, the accused ones can go through everything they deserve.

* just random thoughts on the Morgan Freeman news *


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pumpkinmunchikin #1
this badly remind me of yoochun's case. He is not guilty but society is still treating him like a yal offender.
We can never know if a rumour is true until the truth is out, right? It's just sad that almost every rumour that concerned men in the American entertainment industry just had to do with harassment against women. It's sadder if the truth came out to be false (since that man would never be viewed the same way ever again, because of something he didn't do), or if it came out to be true (especially if it is an actor/singer/etc that you look up to).

As much as I don't want to believe what is going on around Morgan Freeman, there's also the possibility that it's true, and I'm scared that I would be defending someone guilty if I say that the rumours couldn't be true. So I'll just sit back and watch everything unfold and for the truth to come out. It's better to watch than assume.
yeah, right? God it's annoying. Like jesus. We know for a fact they aren't all 'real'