⟨ CNTR10N : Pixel ⟩ Caramel Macchiato

replace with fc
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birthname. Zhao, Matthew


— Zhao Jun Jie / It's is Chinese birth name


— Matt / A short version of his name 
— Matty / Another short version of his name 

birthdate. September 18, 1997
age. 20
birthplAce. Melbourne, Australia
hometown. Melbourne, Australia
nationality. Australian
ethnicity. Half Chinese, Half Vietnamese

— English / Being born and raise in Australia where the national language is English it's pretty obvious as to why he's fluent. 
— Mandarin / Even though his mom is Vietnamese both his parents speak Mandarin to each other more. It's basically the go to language in their family house other than English.
— Vietnamese / Between conversational and intermediate / Even thought his mother is Vietnamese there wasn't as much pressure for him to learn the language like Mandarin. He can talk to people in Vietnamese but he can't really read Vietnamese that well.
— Korean / Conversational leading to intermediate / At first he was able to pick up some Korean due to his younger sister constantly watching Korean dramas. But after he had that big argument with his sister he started to work on his Korean when he was still in Australia and harder when he moved to Korea.

faceclaim. Cai Xu Kun - Nine Percent
backup. Zhu Zheng Ting - Nine Percent

— Matthew is a pretty tall person with the height of 181 cm and weighs 66kg. his natural hair colour is black but he dyes his hair a different colour once in a while. In his point of view the colour that he liked the most are blonde and grey. also he always has an earring of a cross on his left ear. x

fashion style.

— Matthew's style of clothing can be split into four categories Formal, Smart Casual, Comfy casual and Training.
— Formal wear is mainly suits
— Smart Casual 1, 2, 3
— Comfy Casual 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
— Training 1, 2, 3

uality. Gay (But people have no idea until they ask him)

persoNality traits.
+ Positive: Hard working, Kind hearted, Confident, Creative 
-  Negative: Stubborn, Sarcastic, Blunt, Rude 

persoNality. Matthew is a very stubborn person. Seeing as the only reason for him to become an kpop idol is to prove a point to his little sister; he really goes out of his way to prove a point. He can come off as blunt or even rude because there are time when the filter between his brain to his mouth fly off somewhere. Due to this, he isn't afraid to speak his mind. But he never intents to be rude on purpose. He is also really sarcastic; it's like it's ingrained into his DNA.

On the flip side he is a really caring person be it s or his fans, he would make sure that they are ok. He is a hard working person. At first he was motivated to prove that he could become a idol to prove a point to his sister but after he began to dedicate himself to the fans and the group. With that it helps him boost his confidence knowing that it's his own personal effort. At first his creative side flowed through his gaming developments but while being a trainee he found that it bleeds through when he's writing lyrics.

background. At the time when Matthew was close to a year old his family set off to Melbourne, Australia because his aunt was sick and his mother didn’t want her family to be alone in a foreign country. So that is how they ended up moving to Australia. A bit more then a year after they settled in their new home Matthew's mother became pregnant with his sister Olivia. As Matthew grew up him and his sister fought a lot. It's got to the point that he would avoid her whenever he can because she was the stirrer. Matthew grew up into a comic book and computer geek. He would spread most of his days in his room either reading comic books or building laptops/desktops or taking them apart. He listened to Kpop because he liked the music and would try to look up the lyric translations to understand what it means. It was like a subconscious way of learning Korean even if he didn't see it that way. But his sister was obsessed more because of how the idols looked and would blasted the volume which kinda put him off for a while and when she started getting into Kdramas all day and every day Matthew would start picking up phrases even though he wasn't fully aware that he was doing it.

His sister started auditioning to become a kpop idol when she was 13. She would audition for the main company’s such as SM Entertainment, YG, Big Hit and JYP but she had failed all of them and was going to give up. Matthew thought that she was stupid for giving up so easily and told her to try going to if she wanted to be an idol saying that even if she was accepted by one of the companies at the international auditions she would end up in Korea anyway. But his little sister would make up excuses to try and hid her fear. They both argued and were screaming at each other but this wasn’t like other times when they would argue. It was one of those really heated arguments with more screaming and frustration than usual. Olivia suddenly yelled “Why don’t you try being an idol then?!” Matthew seeing as he's been issued a challenge says "You know what, maybe I will. When I reach the top don't come crying to me because you didn't have the balls to keep going!" and with that Matthew started preparing to move to Korea by gathering his stuff and saving he made while working at a store that fixes computers. He spent a month taking extra Korean lessons.

One week before he was gonna leave for Korea his sister stood by his door and asked "Are you seriously doing this?" He looked at her all annoyed "Nah, I'm just packing for the fun of it. Of course I'm really doing this! Now get out" he told her before she made Hades rise from the underworld. After arriving to Korea and finding a place to stay he started auditioning for different companies while working at a small cafe and learning to improve his Korean. With luck on his side he was able to get accepted into Fantagio entertainment.


— Food
— Huge Marvel fan
— Huge anime fan
— Loves cosplaying
— Matcha and caramel flavoured sweets and desserts
— Hotpot


— Horror movies
— Creepypastas
— Bugs
— Bittermelon
— Dry fruit (Except dry cranberries cos those are delicious)


— Sometimes after a long session of practice he would collapse on like he is dead and not move. Give him about 5 to 10 minutes then he will get up
— Is cranky in the morning but extra crank if someone tries to wake him. But give him about half an hour to an hour after waking up and he will be back to normal
— Biting his nails
— Swears a lot
— Sing the different Pick Me songs from the Produce 101 seasons, Idol Producer and Produce 48 in different annoying ways just to push peoples buttons. Pretty much does it to people who annoy him first.
— If there is someone laying next to him in bed he would snuggle up and cuddle them while he's sleeping not matter who it is.


— Reading comics and manga
— Watching anime
— Taking apart computers, laptops, cellphones, tablets and creating something new
— Trying out new MMORPG games
— Watching and rewatching movies and tv shows of the MCU


— Horror movies
— Creepypastas
— Sea snails (any kind of slugs or snails he hates all of them in general)
— Clowns
— Bugs

special talents.

— Can only play the one punch man theme song and Armin's theme song from Attack on Tittan on the electric guitar. Ask him to play something else on the instrument and he would have no idea.
— Taking apart computers, laptops, cellphones, tablets and creating something new
— He's been complimented on his foot work when dancing. This is because he and his friend Clara use to do a little bit of the dance style called cutting shape (Check out Anderson Jovani videos on his instagram to get an idea of this dance style)  


— If it wasn't for that argument with her little sister she would have probably become a game designer or become one of those people that do special effects/CGI for movies and/or tv shows.
— He's the person the members go to if they either need their phone, tablet or laptop to be fixed. But he would make them pay up if he need to buy parts to replace the old ones.
— He was the one to suggest going on a movie marathon of the Marvel superhero movies on their 2 week break. Once it was done the other member were like "Never do this to us ever again" since it took so long to finish them all.
— He wears onesies at home whenever the group has a break from schedules which consist of unicorn onesies, dinosaur onesies, seal onesies, pikachu onesies and totoro onesies.
— He plays Fortnite a lot

Character quotes.

— I'm trying to fix your pathetic excuse of a laptop. So shut the f*** up
— Don't look at me. This is between you and him.
— "What? Haven't You seen a man eat before" Matthew's response "Not like a bloody grub"


— Younger Sister : Olivia Zhao / First year University Student / Annoying, Weird, Stirrer / 2-10

She gave up on being a kpop idol because of 'too many rejections'. The interactions between her and Matthew aren't that great because both of them have completely different personalities. In Matthew's point of view she's basically a stirrer.

— Best Friend : Clara Murdock / University student / Bubbly, Energetic, Adorkable / 8-10

Their friendship started in kindergarten when Clara asked if he wanted to be friends and they both became best friends all throughout their school years. When Matthew left for Korea they weren't able to talk as much as they use to but they would still try to contact each other. Some people thought they were dating because of how close they were but they both see each other like brother and sister.

stage name. Pixel - Use to be his go to gamer username that had a bunch of numbers after it.
positions. Caramel Macchiato - Main Vocal
persona. Pop Culture Geek
fanclub. Pixie or Pix
fan color. here Pastel Purple #cec1e7

trainee years. 1 year and 2 months at Pledis Entertainment + 6 months at Fantagio
training background.

— While at Fantagio as a trainee he wasn't expecting much because of how talented everyone else was around him. Even though the schedules of a trainee was different to what he was normally use to he tried hard to adapt because he knew that once he became an idol the schedules would be even more hectic. Most of the time he tried different things such as different dance styles and rap. But he soon realised that he can't rap to save his life. He wasn't popular among his fellow trainees but he would try to connect with a few people.

After about 4 months he felt that he wasn't really getting anywhere and that Fantagio wasn't the right choice to be debut. So he left and soon after joined Pledis Entertainment where he felt more comfortable and was able to connect more with the other trainees.


— 2017 / Appeared in CF of an upcoming MMORPG game

talent twins.

— Vocal: Woohyun - Infinite
— Dance: Chanyeol - EXO
— Rap: Jin - BTS
— Talking:
— Variety: Minhyuk - Monsta X
— Aegyo: Baekhyun

his place in the group conflicts.

— There are times when s get into arguments and Matthew tries his hardest to avoid them since he's pretty much argued with his little sister his whole life. But there are times when they tell him to pick a side. When this happened make it very clear that he doesn't want to get caught in the middle by saying stuff like "Don't drag me into this" or "I'm already in the middle of Tony Stark's and Steve Roger's civil war an I don't need to be in another argument right now" or "Doctor Strange in gonna defeat Dormammu. So I technically don't know whatever you guys are arguing about and to be honest I don't want to" Which he goes back to reading his comics or watching the movie.

replace with love intreplace with love intreplace with love int

birthname. Park Ji Hoon (Wanna One)
backup love interest. Cha Eunwoo (ASTRO)


— Park Ji Hoon is a hardworking type of person and you can really see this during the time he was on Produce 101 season 2. He's a cheerful and bright person. His also gives more of a cute vibe which kinda explains why he's in charge of aegyo in Wanna One. Whenever he's with Matthew he can forget about his worries because whenever he's with Matthew it's always a new adventure. But he can also get pretty jealous when it comes to other people hanging around Matthew. It's not really Matthew's fault since he's a social butterfly and can be friends with just about anyone. He's never really gotten jealous before he noticed Matthew.

first meeting. 

— Both Matthew and Jihoon First met a few months after CNTR10N debut and both CNTR10N and Wanna One were on the same variety show together. Matthew thought that Jihoon looked like an adorable dumpling. But didn't really think of much at that time. But for Jihoon it was totally different because it was love at first sight when his eyes landed on Matthew. They were both paired up for one of the activities on the show. Jihoon started to get fluster and shy around Matthew.


— After that show they both became friends of them started hanging out more. For Jihoon, normally he's the type of person that loves touching the person he likes and he wouldn't care if there are other people around. Sure you would see him touching Matthew one way or another but his crush for Matthew is different from his previous ones. When he's with Matthew he gets shy and fluster easily and he would find himself starring at Matthew a lot.

evolving from there. 

— As their friendship blossomed Jihoon started to fall for hard for Matthew. On Matthew's side he started to develop feelings for Jihhon but didn't know what kind of feelings they were since he hasn't really thought about dating. Sure the thought lay dormant at the back of his mind but he has never really payed any attention to it. Sure he found people cute, handsome or good looking but that was about it.

status. One-sided love on Jihoon's end.
ideal ending. Because how dense Matthew is when it comes to his love life it takes him a long time to realise Jihoon's feelings. I'll just leave it up to you from here.

last comments. Here's my character . I hope you like him.
scene requests.

— Weekly Idol Appearance
— Scenes where Matthew does stuff that make Jihoon fluster without knowing eg. falling asleep on Jihoon's shoulder.
— Knowing Bros Appearance



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