#e6ba89   #b28756   #eed3b2 

NAME : Shin Yejin  

 MAMA BEAR  she has a mom personality, so her brother playfully calls her this each time she goes all protective mom on him.
 NOONA  she hates when Joohyuk calls her this. It reminds her of their age difference, and it makes her feel like she's dating her younger brother--since she once saw him as her younger brother.
 SWEETHEART  she's not sure why Joohyuk likes using such an oldfashioned nickname, but it's his favorite for her. (and don't tell, but it makes her heart swell everytime he says it.)
 JIN  just a shortened version of her name used by family and friends.
BIRTHDAY : October 29th, 1991 (27)
OCCUPATION : cafe owner.
PROFANITY : only if she's mad. you know she's pissed when she starts to curse.

 CANTONESE  conversational. lived in hong kong for eleven years.
 MANDARIN  conversational. lived in hk for eleven years.
 ENGLISH  basic. it was a mandatory class in hong kong and in korea, where she had to have full conversations to pass.
 KOREAN  fluent. native tongue.

FACECLAIM : park seul
BACKUP : son hwamin

APPEARANCE : Yejin has a natural baby face that doesn't show her actual age (that she is secretly grateful for everyday). Her skin is pale, but is littered with a few marks here and there. She has small moles scattered across her body, some on her thighs and others on her upper arm, as well as small scars on her fingers from many years of cooking and baking. She never got her ears pierced since she was scared of needles, but she still has a matching queen and king of hearts 
tattoo that Joohyuk peer pressured her into getting.
STYLE : Yejin's
style is quite complex. She dresses like she owns a cafe (which she does), but she tries to dress as "good girl" as she can. If it looks the slightest bit rebellious, she probably won't wear it. She likes pastel pinks and blues, but she also likes browns and coffee colors, depending on her mood and her destination. When going to Sweet Symphony, she likes to wear a long trench coat with jeans and a turtleneck underneath along with a comfortable pair of sneakers. When going out with friends or anywhere but work, she likes cropped sweaters and jeans or a comfy hoodie with leggings.
nurturing, empathetic, kindhearted, charismatic, observant, affectionate
possessive, reticent, workaholic,
perfectionist, dependent, fretful 
[ nurturing, fretful, empathetic ] Yejin is your stereotypical mom friend, who cares too much and hovers over you as if even the slightest wind will blow you away and hurt you. It's a good and bad trait. It's good when she's the first person people go to thanks to her understanding and empathetic attitude as well as her naturally caring and considerate demeanor. However, it can also become overly annoying when she's texting or calling every few hours to make sure her loved ones are eating three meals a day, and dressing appropriately for the weather--especially when those loved ones are grown adults who can take care of themselves. She's a natural worrywart, with good intentions of course, but she's always the first person to think about the worst possible situation. If viewed in a more positive way, she's usually always the first person to think of others.
[ charismatic, observant, kindhearted ] Her mom-friend demeanor leads to attention from many others. She has a naturally warm aura that brings people in, and just a sweet smile from her has people with negative emotions flocking to her side to try for her attention and comfort. Yejin's much too kind to turn other people away, and even if others don't come to her for help, she's always the first person to notice if something's wrong with someone she's spent a good amount of time with. She's good at reading people's emotions, and spotting when things are off just by simple actions. Her genuine desire to help others is most of what brings other people to her side.
[ reticent, workaholic, perfectionist ] Yet, Shin Yejin can't be perfect, no matter how much she wants to be. She has a horrible habit of not expressing her own emotions despite trying to handle everybody else's. She hides every negative emotion behind that gentle smile of hers, whether it be anger or sadness or anything else she feels is "irrelevant". She has a tendency to overthink, since she's the type of person to want every aspect of her life to be perfect, so whenever she feels like she may be thinking too much, she buries herself in her work. Yejin will do almost anything to achieve the perfection she seeks, even if it means sacrificing her own mental or even physical health.
[ affectionate, possessive, dependent ] No matter how "motherly" she seems, the Yejin that hides deep in her heart just truly craves for attention of her loved one's. She can live on her own and function on her own, sure, but she's emotionally and mentally dependent on those who love her. She feels like she needs to be taking care of someone at all times to keep herself sane, and always needs someone by her side that she knows loves her for her. When with friends and family, her fingers are always holding theirs, or she's always pulling them into a tight hug. With Joohyuk, the first thing she does when she sees him is kiss him. She lives off of physical touch, and even with strangers, she's just naturally touchy--resting her hand on their shoulder, or gently brushing her fingers over their arm in a comforting manner. However, when she thinks that something is her's, it's her's for life. Yewon, for example, wasn't "allowed to date" every time she broke up with another boyfriend since she wanted his full attention. She gets easily jealous, especially if she feels like she should be receiving someone's full attention.
 INSOMNIA  can't sleep without Joohyuk, and ends up staying up all night until he crawls into bed with her.
 HEIGHT  158cm. She says Yewon stole all the height genes, since he's 186cm.
 SUITORS  the only thing Yejin hates about her babyface is when high schoolers or college students hit on her because they think she's in college. It makes her uncomfortable and awkward.
 ALCOHOL  Unsurprisingly, she's a lightweight. But she loves drinking with her husband or with friends, so it can't be helped. She's an emotional drunk, so all her secrets always come out when she drinks.
 INSECURITIES  Yejin's only real insecurity is her age, and it's mostly because of her dating Joohyuk who is three years younger.
 ARACHNOPHOBIA  Yejin freezes up and becomes close to tears when she sees spiders, and she hates bugs. She will call everyone she can to kill it if Joohyuk isn't home. This usually ends up being Yitian, since Yewon can't leave the school and Eunji also hates spiders.
 FLOWERS  Yejin loves flowers. Her favorites are daisies.
 CRYING  She has yet to cry in front of Joohyuk. The only two people who have seen her cry are Yewon and Yitian when she told the both of them that Joohyuk cheated on her.
[1991 - 2002] If you ask Yejin to recall her childhood, she will tell you how happy her family was. Her mother stayed at home to take care of her children, while her father worked hard to make enough money for his children to live a comfortable life. Six year old Yejin, like most doting older sisters, loved playing with her three year old brother. She once even told her mother that she'd rather play with Yewon than any of the other kids at school, though that may have been due to her inability to fluently speak the language that the other children were speaking to each other in. She had few friends, though she did have some who managed to communicate with her despite the small language barrier. To her it never mattered, because she had her happy family of four.
Yejin grew up watching her mother cook meals for the family while also keeping the house clean and organized. She gradually began to help with the chores whenever she saw fit. Sometimes, she'd ask her mom if she could help cook and the older woman would smile down at her daughter, hold her tiny hands in her own and teach her how to cook. It became one of Yejin's favorite pass-times--spending time with mom in the kitchen--until she turned eleven and her mother passed away while trying to give birth to a baby who would've been her baby sister. She remembers how badly she wanted to cry and beg for her mother to come back, but instead held eight year old Yewon close as their father pulled his children into a tight hug, tears running down his cheeks. Yejin remembers that she wanted to be strong for her family, like how her mother would've wanted her to be.
[2003 - 2009] A few months after her mother's funeral, Yejin's father quietly told them that they'd be moving to South Korea. She's sure now that her father just needed the support of familiar friends and family after losing his wife, but as a child she wanted to yell at him for leaving behind what her mother worked so hard to protect. Still, the Shin family ended back in Seoul where Yejin and Yewon found themselves alone most days. The money that their father left for them to order take-out became meaningless to them when all the children wanted was a home cooked meal. So Yejin took that responsibility into her own tiny hands, and at twelve, she started to cook dinner with only the memory of her mother's encouraging lessons.
Her first dishes were, naturally, pretty bad. Most days ended up with badly prepared dishes in the trash, but over the course of a few weeks, she finally found that flavor that brought tears to her eyes. She could finally remember what her mother's cooking tasted like, and could finally replicate it. So when she served her first meal to Yewon, her little brother cried when he took the first bite. And since then, she started to prepare lunch for her and her brother while going home as quick as she could to make dinner for the family. Eventually, even her father started to spend time at home more.
When Yejin graduated from high school, he quietly and sheepishly apologized for all the time he hadn't spent with his children. He was quickly forgiven. She started cooking with the plan to protect her family, after all. And her mother would've been happy to see how good of a job Yejin was doing at protecting the family she left behind.
[2014 - present] College was a blur. There was stress, parties, drama, romance, and it was all over the moment she received that diploma. Her major in linguistics suddenly meant nothing when she sat still in the home she told herself she wanted to protect eight years ago, and realized where her true passions laid. Every stress inducing studying session started with a cup of coffee or tea, and each successful exam result ended in her baking herself whatever sweet treat she was feeling. So at the age of 23, Yejin started Sweet Symphony, her cafe and her 'baby'. It garnered attention from many people just walking by for its pleasing design and gained recognition for its homely atmosphere and delicious drinks. Yejin, who found her passion even after four years of a useless college education, has never been happier in her entire life. 

 / 24 / younger brother / emotional, dependent, gentle, affectionate, protective / fc: Jisoo

INTERACTIONS : Though the siblings no longer live together, they live close enough to be able to visit each other at least three times a week. Yewon works as a math high school teacher while also coaching boy's basketball (which was his true passion). Yejin usually finds herself visiting him at work and dropping off food for him when practices go on for too long, or when his girlfriend tells her that he's forgotten to grab his lunch again. While Yewon is overly dependent on his sister's tendencies to take care of him, Yejin is also extremely dependent on Yewon needing her. Somehow, their dependency on each other keep the both of them sane. They're really close, though Yejin thinks that Yewon sometimes sees her as his actual mother with how he seeks for her approval. He cares deeply for his sister and her opinions, and if anything ever were to hurt her, he'd go to the ends of the world to make sure she's happy and smiling again in no time. Joohyuk and him are still best friends, and they claim that no one can beat how close they are.

 / 23 / Yewon's author / lazy, sensitive, flirtatious, creative, dedicated.

INTERACTIONS : Honestly, Yejin has nothing against Jinri. They've met before, and she knows Jinri's just a naturally flirty person (since she even tried to flirt with Yejin, which she was very confused about), but she still worries. She thinks Jinri is sweet, so dedicated to her writing and her craft like how Yejin loves to bake, but Yejin's lack of trust in her husband is what makes her hesitant to send him off to work every day. God, Jinri even says that the only thing she'll ever love is her writing, but it doesn't mean that she wouldn't sleep with Yejin's husband if Joohyuk made advances and they were both intoxicated. She hates even more than Jinri is younger than him, making Yejin feel even older than she really is. Joohyuk, on the other hand, dislikes Jinri for her lazy attitude during writer's block despite that being how she deals with it. He thinks she's the most difficult author he's been assigned to for a long time, and always ignores her casual flirty comments.

 / 24 / friend, yewon's girlfriend, employee / sharp, empathetic, warm, reckless, patient 

INTERACTIONS : Yejin's not sure where she would be in her relationship with Joohyuk without Eunji. Though Eunji started dating Yewon when they were 20, Yejin feels like she's been in her life for a long time. Eunji easily understands how Yejin feels by just watching how she smiles. Since Yejin doesn't like opening up about her emotions, Eunji is always the first person to go up to her and ask her "what's wrong?", and Yejin is grateful even if she doesn't always open up to her. Plus, Eunji's the only girl who would understand Yewon's need to be babied by his sister, so she's grateful for her for more reasons than one. Eunji currently works as the manager at Sweet Symphony and takes care of the business side of things as well as the employees when Yejin isn't around.

 / 27 / childhood & best friend / selfish, protective, playful, stubborn, workaholic

INTERACTIONS : Before Yejin moved away, Yitian was her best friend. They grew up in the same neighborhood, and Yitian was the only kid who was willing to involve a boy three years younger than him in their games. He was devastated when Yejin told him that Yewon and her would be moving away. They kept in contact briefly through social media when they grew older, but imagine her surprise when he messaged her five years ago to tell her he'd be moving to Korea to work at a branch of his father's company. They grew closer, just because Yitian wanted to catch up and the two of them clicked immediately. He is the current president of the Korean branch of his father's company, and Yejin brings him lunch when she has the time since they both work in Seoul. He tells her that she reminds him of home, since she always makes sure to cook him Chinese dishes that she used to eat at his home. He's always the second person to test her bakery's new menu items (Joohyuk being the first) since he has an obsession with sweets. He's murmured multiple times that Joohyuk is so lucky to have a wife like her, even though he sees Yejin as nothing but a loving little sister. He's the first person she runs to when she needs to finally open up to someone. And he's always the first person to threaten to hurt anyone who hurts her. 


 ACT I : SCENE I  - how they met
When Yejin was thirteen, Yewon brought home his first friend--Joohyuk. Her father, of course, wasn't home, so Yejin took on that mom role that she somehow learned to play for her younger brother. And ten year old Joohyuk's first assumption to hearing his friend call the thirteen year old "mom" was a loud exclamation of--

"Aren't you too young to be a mom?"

The next few minutes were full of awkward explanations from Yewon and sheepish smiles from Yejin. Still, young Joohyuk apologized to the older girl later for his outburst and for not understanding their situation. In fact, he told her that he very much enjoyed the dinner she made them--and that it almost tasted as good as his mother's. And Yejin's eyes shimmered with delight before she smiled and ruffled the young boy's hair. 

"As long as you enjoyed my food, then it's okay. I can see why Yewon likes you so much."

Joohyuk's tiny heart skipped a beat in his chest, and he realized why Yewon was so used to treating his older sister like his own mother.

 ACT I : SCENE II  - falling in love
Yewon was Joohyuk's best friend for the longest time. He found himself sleeping over at the Shin household at least once a week as he grew older, and in his freshman year in high school, he realized his red cheeks and his heavily beating heart around Shin Yejin wasn't just plain bashfulness--it was infatuation. He liked his best friend's older sister.

It wasn't hard to see at all. She would make lunch for Yewon and Joohyuk on nights he slept over, and the teen always ate Yejin's handmade lunches with more care than most. And whenever Yewon looked, he could catch his best friend staring at his older sister with stars in his eyes. It was always followed by a, 'dude, stop looking at my sister like you want to kiss her, that's gross'. And Joohyuk would turn red and deny it all, though all his friends knew his true feelings for the senior.

He confessed to her a week before she was about to graduate and head off to university. It was most definitely awkward--Yejin being too nice to turn him down and Joohyuk being too flustered and embarrassed to properly confess his feelings. The older girl quietly told him,

"...I've always seen you like my younger brother. Why don't you ask me again when you're a bit older?"

Of course, eighteen year old Yejin would never have dated a fifteen year old freshman--no matter who it was. But too blinded by his emotions, Joohyuk thought his heart had broken right then and there. He avoided staying at the Shin house until two weeks after she graduated from high school, when he vowed to become someone she wouldn't have to take care of.

Freshman year of college, he confessed to her again. At this point in their relationship, whenever she came home for breaks he would always be there to help her around the house and to make sure she wasn't pushing herself too hard, whether it be with her household chores or her academics. She's had plenty of boyfriends since Joohyuk last confessed, but somewhere in the back of her mind she'd remember his flushed face whenever she saw him again. And slowly, she started to fall for him.

"Noona," he held a bouquet of carnations out towards her with pink cheeks, "will you please go out with me now?"

She was 21, and he was 18. And though she felt like she was ten years older, she laughed and covered her own pink cheeks before nodding.

 ACT I : SCENE III  - conflict
She swore that one day, Joohyuk was going to kill her. She hates being the jealous type, but she is, and she can't help it. She also can't help that her boyfriend is three years younger than she is, and that college is a time for immense growth. When she graduated from university, he was entering his sophomore year. And it didn't help that her boyfriend was an extremely tall and good looking man who, for some reason, liked to drink with his friends at college parties.

He told her time and time again that he'd never cheat on her when she was finally brave enough to express her concerns, but she never stopped irritating him with her quiet pleads of him to just stay in his dorm with her--spend the night in watching movies with her. Joohyuk felt like he was missing out on his youth, and he always insisted on "spending the night out with the guys". So he'd leave her behind, and each time, she'd have to bury the anger beneath a tight smile.

One night in his junior year, he was so irritated by her quiet version of nagging that he drank as much as he could, until he out and couldn't remember the entire night. He woke up the next morning, , in someone else's dorm room with thirteen missed calls--three from the friends he went out with, two from Yewon, and eight from Yejin. He got dressed and left before the girl could see him, and he resisted the urge to throw up all over her bedroom floor.

He was hungover, and disgusted with himself. The first place he went was Yejin's cafe, where he knew she would be working. Once she saw his dishevelled state, she sat him down and placed a cup of hot coffee in front of him. He couldn't look her in the eye, and he knew she would figure him all out if he didn't tell her soon. So he stammered out a quick "icheatedonyou" and a "i'msoingsorry" before she stood up and dumped her ice water all over him. He was almost thankful--it covered up the tears streaking down his cheeks and disguised the redness in his eyes for irritation.

Yet he had never seen her look so coldly at someone. He grabbed her hands before she could storm off and held her tight, muffling his sobs into her wrists.

"I promise I'll be better--please don't leave me, Yejin."

He didn't bother to make excuses for himself--he knew she wouldn't care what they were. So instead he tried to stop his childish crying, and held her as close as he could in fear that she'd disappear. 

She didn't break up with him, but their relationship was extremely strained for the next few months. It took nearly a hundred bouquets, six huge teddy bears, and thousands of pleading kisses for her to finally be able to relax around him again. Still, her trust in him never returned to what it once was.

 ACT I : SCENE IV  - proposal
"All my friends are getting married."

She murmured a few days before Joohyuk's college graduation. They lived together in an apartment near her cafe, and though he had to commute to college daily, he was grateful to be able to return to her side every night. She was sitting in between his legs as they sat on the floor, him leaned back up against the couch as she leaned against his back. She continued to mindlessly double tap each photo of weddings, engagement rings, pregnancy announcements, and newborn babies. Joohyuk laughed almost nervously, though she ignored him.

"You don't have to worry, you're still young. Enjoy your youth first."

"You always talk like you're 40--you're young too, y'know."

He would say that and kiss her temple, to which she'd automatically preen like a pleased kitten. Though she told him not to worry about her, he knew her father was impatient. Even though he trusted Joohyuk, he wanted to see his daughter get married before she hit 30, and 30 was approaching very soon.

So at 22, Joohyuk started to save up the money for a wedding ring. He internned at companies while also working part time jobs. She quietly questioned why he was never home, and he'd have to send her proof that he was just always working. She chalked it up to him wanting to pay off his college debt as soon as he could. So imagine her surprise when Joohyuk proposed to her a few months after he graduated from college.

"Yejin--you're too perfect. You're too forgiving, you're too kindhearted, and you love me way too much. I know I'm not your dream boyfriend or anything, and that I can never be your dream boyfriend, but I want to be the best I can be for you. I have a lovely girlfriend who would do anything to keep me smiling, and I want to make her my wife, s-so uhm...Yejin will you marry me?"

She wanted to throw the coffee she was serving at him for proposing in front of all her workers and customers in the middle of Sweet Symphony, but instead she hid her wet eyes behind her sleeve and nodded. Joohyuk let out a sigh of relief and nearly fell over when he tried to stand. She laughed as his fingers trembled while trying to slide the ring on her ring finger, but people still cooed and applauded when they shared their first kiss as fiances. 

 ACT I : SCENE V  - wedding
Joohyuk was 23 and Yejin was 26. Their parents helped the young couple out with the wedding as much as they could, and Yejin even reached into her savings. Joohyuk's only regret was not being able to help out more financially, even though Yejin told him it wasn't that big of a deal. They didn't have enough money for a honeymoon, so they promised each other that they'd have one when they were financially stable enough to afford one.


 ACT II : SCENE I  - married life

Most of their time spent together is spent quietly, though intimately. Joohyuk always has to have some sort of physical contact with her, whether it be holding her hand or hugging her to him or forcing her to sit in his lap. Their favorite activities are watching television together or playing video games together. Joohyuk likes watching Yejin get frustrated when he beats her, and even more frustrated when he clearly goes easy on her. They're a very indoorsy couple. For them, the nighttime is their time together. Anytime after 11PM is time that they have to spend together unless they tell each other that there were plans made otherwise.

 ACT II : SCENE II  - potential problems

Yejin's trust in Joohyuk exists, sure, but there's not much of it. She knows he wouldn't cheat on her, she knows the first time was an accident, but everytime he leaves to go visit the author he's assigned to Yejin has to find thousands of things to keep herself busy until he comes back or else her thoughts will run wild.

Her possessiveness and paranoia of him cheating again aren't the only problems that could occur, either. She doesn't like telling him when she's upset or angered by something he's done until he pushes her and she explodes at him. They rarely get into fights because she doesn't like conflict, but when she does end up yelling at him in frustration, his pride makes him argue back. He just wishes she could tell him what she's thinking more often, and not bottle up her emotions.

 ACT III : SOLILOQUY  - yejin, lifestyle

Yejin usually only goes to the cafe during the morning shift (7am-12pm) to bake and prepare the sweets, since there are managers and employees there who can help the cafe even without her. As a result, she's home most of the time, doing what she does best--housework. Cooking or cleaning or anything else that might need to be done. She even cooks for Yewon, Eunji, and Yitian when she has the time. Some days, she will hang out with her friends depending on how free they are. Most of those hangouts end up with talks of babies and how their husbands are talking about having second children. Yejin usually ends up smiling nervously through it all. If Joohyuk isn't home and she's not working, she likes to spend time sitting in Yitian's office and making small talk with him while he's working.

On Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays she's usually at the cafe from opening (7am) until around 6pm. Those are the busiest days, so she helps bake more than typically needed, and if it gets super busy she'll leave the baking to the chefs and serve customers if the baristas need the help.

 ACT III : SOLILOQUY PT.2  - joohyuk, lifestyle

Joohyuk typically wakes up after Yejin has left, and eats breakfast that she prepared for him. He's at the publishing company at 9 o'clock sharp Monday to Friday. He usually leaves around 6PM, and if he has to stay a little later, then 7PM, but he always makes sure to make it home before 7:30, knowing tha Yejin gets worried if not. On days where it gets closer to the deadline for a book to be published, or for a chapter to be finished, he spends hours at an author's house or on the phone with them to make sure they're working and writing. On days like those, he's usually not home until 9 or 10, but he always lets Yejin know beforehand.

He hangs out with Yewon and his other friends on Saturday nights (Saturdays are for the boys) doing whatever they decide to do, whether it be watching movies or playing video games or even clubbing. Sundays are usually spent with

 ACT III : FINALE  - future, ending.

"You're telling me you still think I would cheat on you with Jinri?"

"What am I supposed to think, Joohyuk? If you did it once, why wouldn't you do it again?"

"It's been 3 years! I never accused you of sleeping with Yitian and you shouldn't accuse me of sleeping with the author I was assigned to! You're being insane right now!"

She thinks it's her fault for not being able to trust him. But seeing him walk out the door to her everday breaks her heart more and more. He thinks it's her fault for not opening up to him in the first place and not telling him all of this earlier. Yet, watching her so close to tears when she normally could only smile made him want to ignore this stupid fight and hug her close to him again.

Yejin just wants him to forgive her (even though he already has in his mind, he's just stubborn and too prideful to admit it) and to go back to being her sweet Joohyuk. When she finally breaks and muffles her cries behind her hands, Joohyuk nearly tackles her into a tight hug and murmurs his apologies for the mean words he's said. He tells her he wants nothing more than to live the rest of his life with her, and anything that indicates otherwise was a mistake on his part.

She believes him, and hugs him tighter while hiding her cries into his chest.

 TEDDY BEAR  Yejin's first gift from Joohyuk was a teddy bear that he won for her at a carnival. She named it Joo.
 WALLPAPERS  her home screen is a picture of her kissing his cheek. His lock screen is a candid picture he took of her while she was half awake and brushing her teeth.
 CONTACT NAMES  Joohyuk's contact name in Yejin's phone is "Little Joo" and Yejin's contact name is "Jin Noona" with a few heart emojis. They've had those contact names since they were in high school, and just never changed hem.
 "NOONA"  sometimes, Joohyuk will call her noona to purposefully irritate her since he thinks she looks cute when she's slightly mad.
 CHILDREN  naturally, they've discussed children and decided they wanted a son, and then a daughter. 
 BABY FACE  because of her naturally baby-ish features, most people assume Joohyuk is older than her. Which she likes.
 JEALOUSY  rarely gets jealous, and sometimes Yejin wishes he got jealous more, especially when she tells him that random guys try to flirt with her. Instead, he just laughs.
 "MINE"  Yejin likes when Joohyuk calls her his. It makes her feel very loved.
 CUDDLING POSITIONS  Yejin's favorite position is when she's sitting on the counter and he's in between her legs, resting his forehead against hers or nuzzling into the crook of her neck. His favorite position is when she's sitting in between his legs and he's resting his chin on her head, arms around her waist.
 VIDEO GAMES  They like to take turns playing Overwatch casually. Joohyuk is obviously better, so sometimes he'll help Yejin win a few games.
 SHIRT  Yejin wears Joohyuk's tshirts to sleep. He says it's to , though she just likes the feeling of wearing his shirt.
 !!  Surprisingly, Yejin is usually the one who initiates their most initimate moments. Though Joohyuk is always the most energetic about it, and ends up taking control.
 FIGHTS  They rarely fight, but when they do, it's usually Joohyuk who starts them. It's usually stress from work, and he usually yells about small things such as her "being clingy" or even just not doing the laundry. He always apologizes first, afterwards. If Yejin starts a fight, it's about her age or her jealousy. Those fights usually end in angry make-up .
 DAISIES  Joohyuk got her daisies every yearly anniversary they had when they were dating. It's tradition.
 ANNIVERSARY  Their marriage anniversary is June 23rd, 2017.
 HONEYMOON  They actually have yet to go on a honeymoon. Yejin wants to go to Japan, Joohyuk doesn't care where they go as long as he has Yejin.


BACKUP : Shin Hoseok (Wonho, Monsta X)

 PAPA BEAR  Yewon thinks since Yejin is mama bear, Joohyuk automatically becomes papa bear. In return, Joohyuk calls him baby bear.
 BABY  his favorite petname. he's not sure why he likes it so much, but it makes him happy whenever Yejin calls him this.
 MR. ICE PRINCE  from his cold attitude when he's working with his authors. it's a nickname passed around the publishing company he works for, and he hates it. 
 JOO  Yejin likes to call him this more than any of his friends. she says it's "cute", though it is just a shortened version of his name that some of his friends use as well.
BIRTHDAY : May 16th, 1994 (24)
PROFANITY : often. way too often.
intelligent, hardworking, honest,
devoted, humorous, professional.
stubborn, short-tempered, argumentative,
rash, hard-to-please, unsympathetic 
[ professional, unsympathetic, hard-to-please ] Most people who meet Joohyuk nowadays will meet him in a professional setting, where he's surprisingly strict. Once he's in work mode, he doesn't leave work mode. As an editor, he doesn't allow a single mistake and if he feels like a book won't sell well, he won't send it to the publishing company. He expects perfection from everything, and sometimes this leaks into his personal life where his expectations for his friends and family tend to be too high. While working, he doesn't care for his authors' emotions, and expects the best material if he thinks they can achieve it. Editor Nam Joohyuk hates excuses the most.
[ stubborn, intelligent, hardworking ] If he wants something, he's going to get it, no matter what it may be. This is something that stuck with him ever since elementary school. If he thinks he deserves something, it will become his. Everything he does, he puts his 110% into it even if it's not something he wants to do. He works for what he wants, and will stick by his opinion even if others think he's wrong. He's particularly book smart, since he was the type of student who retained informtion easily, but because of that he thinks he's always right.
[ short-tempered, argumentative, honest ] Something Joohyuk hates the most is when people argue with him. He has a bad temper, and he dislikes when people disagree with him when he's so sure he's right. If he doesn't like something, he's going to voice it. If he thinks a certain way about anything, he'll voice it. He's not afraid to hold back his opinion, and hates lying more than anything. Though he does argue much too often, if he is proven wrong, he'll admit to it (though it may be reluctantly). 
[ devoted, humorous, rash ] Seeing Joohyuk around his loved ones is like seeing someone entirely different. His friends have always known this Joohyuk, but his coworkers say otherwise. He's the friend always making jokes and keeping the conversation going. He's dedicated to his loved ones and he's always making sure others know that he appreciates and cares for them. However, Joohyuk is the type of person who always acts purely on his emotions no matter what the situation might be. For him, his proposal was a large rush of emotions even though he had been planning it for months on end. Even sometimes when he's out with friends and he gets mad, Yejin will sometimes end up having to nurse his black eye once he's back home since he tried to start a fight with someone who irritated his best friend. Joohyuk is fiercely loyal, and only acts out of line when he feels it's right, or is too intoxicated to react otherwise.
[1994 - 2007] Joohyuk spends most of his time trying to forget his childhood. There wasn't anything bad about it, he just always felt distant from his parents due to their strict and overly traditional nature. He was a boy. Boys weren't allowed to cry, and boys had to be the best of their class. Boys had to be friends with other boys, because being friends with girls would make them overly feminine. Joohyuk's first best friend was the new transfer student Shin Yewon. The boy was talkative and energetic, contrasting with Joohyuk's typically hardworking and quiet demeanor. Yewon always talked about his older sister who he loved very much, and Joohyuk (who had never spoken more than a full sentence to a girl) was intrigued. Yejin, after his visit to Yewon's home for his first sleepover, became his first love before he could even stop it.
[2008 - 2012] Highschool was Joohyuk's prime time. He was at the top of his class, studying hard to meet his parent's expectations, and pursuing his dreams at the same time. He knew he wanted to write, but being a starving artist would only irritate his parents and "bring them shame", so he murmured to them that he would become an editor in the future. They were disappointed their seemingly perfect son didn't want to become a college professor, but they agreed with shrugs and whispers of, "if it makes you happy".
Of course it didn't really make him that happy, but it was a job that connected him to literature, even if he wouldn't be the one writing it. He would write for the school newspaper, attend poetry shows, and do anything he could to build his resume for university. Others thought he was admirable for knowing exactly what he wanted to do with his life. For him, the only thing he knew he wanted in his life for sure was Shin Yejin. Everything else was only to satisfy his parents while still trying to keep sane.
[2013 - present] He wasn't sure if he liked college. Now that he finally had the girl of his dreams, he hated being away from her so much. Yet, college was when he started to become more and more like the son his parents wanted him to be. He introduced Yejin to his parents after two years of dating, and though they already knew who she was since she was his best friend's older sister, they approved fairly quickly.
To them, she was a traditional house wife. She could cook, clean, and bear children. She was sweet and listened to her boyfriend well, and they loved her. Joohyuk hated that they didn't see her warmth and her kindness, and instead viewed her as a housemaid who could kiss him goodbye everytime he left for work. Still, he didn't fight them on it. They approved after all, and that was all that mattered. In fact, they were starting to approve of everything he did, though he wasn't sure if he liked that too much.
In college, he was known as the "dictator". He didn't care for other people's opinions when working on his assignments, unless it was the professor's. He would study his hardest to obtain his goals, and his personality started to become more and more like his parents'. Soon, Joohyuk started to hate who he was becoming, though he couldn't stop it. The only time he was himself was when he met up with Yejin or Yewon. He started to love the Shin siblings more and more each passing day, and they became his source of comfort.
He calls them "home".
 FIRSTS  Yejin was his first girlfriend, and thus, his first everything.
 WRITING  He still writes when he has the time, so he has a folder on his laptop of his writing. Yejin says he should publish some of it one day.
 ALCOHOL  is good at handling his alcohol, and it takes a lot to get him drunk. He's also an emotional drunk.
 HEIGHT  188cm. He towers over most people, which just makes him even more intimidating at work.
 HAIR  has a bad habit of running his hands through his hair when he's stressed, and as a result, it's always messy.
 TATTOO  He rubs his tattoo when he misses his wife, and also checks his wallpaper where she has messy hair, half-lidded eyes, and a toothbrush in .
 SWEETS  honestly, he doesn't even like sweets that much, but he's always the first person to eat Yejin's new menu items to tell her how they taste.
 TEA&COFFEE  loves the tea that Yejin makes for him, and always stops by Sweet Symphony for coffee before work.
NICKNAME : Christine
COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS : i wrote way too much i am so sorry pls forgive me LOL this app took me way longer than i expected it to. but honestly, i saw you had a new applyfic up and i immediately rushed to apply for it bc i always love your ideas :') i haven't proofread anything so forgive me if there are any typos or grammar errors. and if i missed something let me know because i did everything in bits ;;
 CURSING  Yejin uses a curse word, and suddenly everyone knows she's serious and pissed.
 FLIRT  Yejin getting hit on by some random kids in high school when visiting Yewon and she's just like "yeah uh..." awkwardly.
 YITIAN  any interaction between Yejin and Yitian! My cinnamon rolls :')
 VIDEO GAMES  Yejin and Joohyuk playing video games together in Joohyuk's favorite cuddling position.
 FIGHTING  I just love angst, any angst is gr8 :')
 AGE  Their age difference being brought up somehow, and Yejin gets all quiet and upset.


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