❝ 나야 나 ❞ : MEET Nathan Song

Nathan song
( Mello_marshmallow / Quinn / 9-10 / イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : Nathan Song
( nicknames ) : 
• Turnip / It's started out when he was a baby. At that young age he was quite a chubby baby. But as he grew up as lost most of the baby fat the nickname just stuck. / Family
( date of birth / age ) : 28 • 07 • 1997 (20)
( birthplace ) : London, England
( hometown ) : London, England
( ethnicity ) : Korean-Chinese (His father is Korean and his mother is Chinese)
( languages ) :
• English / Being born and raise in England where the national language is English it's pretty obvious as to why he's fluent. / Native-Fluent
• Korean / Even though his mom is Chinese both his parents speak Korean to each other more. It's basically the go to language in their family house other than English. / Fluent
• Mandarin / Even though his mother is Chinese he was never forced to learn the language. But he decided to try and learn so he has some form of communication with his mother's side of the family. / Intermediate
( height ) : 181cm
( weight ) : 65kg
the face
( fc ) : Cai Xu kun
( backup fc ) : Zhu Zheng Ting
( appearance ) : Nathan is a pretty tall person with the height of 181 cm. His natural hair colour is black but he dyes his hair a different colour once in a while. In his point of view the colour that he liked the most are blonde and grey. Also he always has an earring of a cross on his left ear. X

( style ) : Nathan prefers casual clothes, comfy which consists of jeans, a nice jacket or hoodie, plain shirt and sneakers or stuff that's along those lines. He hardly dresses up but when he has to he would just wear a nice suit. He wears onesies at home which consist of unicorn onesies, dinosaur onesies, seal onesies, piachu onesies, totoro onesies and other animal. 
- Suit: 1
- Casual: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
the deep end
"i don't cook food. i create food"
( persona ) : The prince of cooking - since he love to cook
( personality traits ) :
+Positive: Adventurous, Confident, Creative, Hard-working
-Negative: Blunt, Rude, Sarcastic, Careless
( elaboration ) : Nathan is the type of person that can come off as blunt or even rude because there are time when the filter between his brain to his mouth fly off somewhere. Due to this, he isn't afraid to speak his mind. But he never intents to be rude on purpose. He is also really sarcastic; it's like it's ingrained into his DNA (A/N: Que BTS). Due to him being adventureous he can sometime be careless. On the flip side he loves exploring and doing daredevil stuff such as bungee jumping, going on scary roller coasters, sky diving and driving a fast car (He hasn't done the last two yet but one day he will). He is a creative person be it plating dishes when cooking, designing logos sorting colour schemes for project. He would be able to do it with no problem; he did graduate university with a graphic design degree and his sister is an interior design so his creative side must run in the family. Even though he is creative he puts in the effort to make his creative ideas into a reality. Which makes him confident in his work and as a person knowing that most of the things is his own hard work.
( background ) : Nathan's father was working in South Korean when he got a job opportunity from the sister company which was based in London. Seeing as the new job was a better position then the one he currently had he and his wife moved to London. After moving his wife became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter and named her Clara Song. She was full Korean but born in London. But not even two years later his Nathan's father and his wife fell out of love but tried to stay together for Clara's sake. But it didn't work and his wife left for another man. His father was depressed for a while until he met Nathan's mother at work. Nathan's mother was part of another company that got together with Nathan's father's company to work on a project and from there a love story began and continued even way after the project ended. Soon enough both Nathan's parents got married and Nathan's mother became pregnant with Nathan a year after. At that time Clara Song who was 5 years old at the time. Nathan's mother treated Clara like her own child. When Nathan was first born his sister got jealous that her father and step mother was focusing their attention on Nathan. She didn't like her new little brother. But that all changed when Nathan was 4 years old and he was being tease by other kids. She saw him and went over to protect her little brother. She then started realised that she needed to protect her little brother. So that is what she has been doing up until now.

Leading to the Show -One day out while he and his older sister were watching a movie his sister suddenly ask "So if you can go on a date with any idol or actor who would it be?" Nathan turns his head with a confused look ask "Why?" His sister just says "I just wanna know" Nathan wonders why his sister is asking. "I don't know" he says trying to focus back on the movie. "Come on. Top 3. Go." Nathan thinks to himself 'She is never going to shut up if I don't answer her. Well I like ARSTO's music right now; Cha Eunwoo will do. The other two I'll just name anyone that coms to mind' "Fine. Cha Eunwoo, ........ Park Woo Jin and Kim Yoo Jung. There. Can I finish this movie in peace" he said just plucking any idol or actors name from the top of his head. 

A bit more then a week later, as Nathan was checking the roast pork in the oven his sister sits on a stool at the kitchen bench and asks him "You know how I asked you the other day which idol or actor you would go on a date with?" "Yeah?" Nathan says not fully listening as he checked the piece of meat in the oven. "Well... I kinda hooked you up with one" she said as her face kind of cringed as if to prepare herself for his reaction. "WHAT THE , WOMAN??!!" he said in shock as he slammed the oven door closed "What do you mean you hooked me up with one?" "Ok. Don't get angry with me but I signed you up for that online contest that hooks fans up with their idols or actors. And I put you down for Cha Eunwoo" She told him. He leaned down on the kitchen bench and face palmed his forehead "You do realise that I was just naming famous people from the top pf my head?" "Your an Idiot!" she raised her voice. "I'm an idiot? How was I suppose to know that you were going to pull this " He let out a long sigh. "What did I ever do you?" Nathan said as he looked at his sister with a defeated look. "Don't make me the bad guy. You just graduated university and on your gap year. While studying you never spared a thought about your love life. I'm doing this so you will spark your love life" she ruffled her brother's hair. "Look it's just something to do on your gap year. If nothing happens by the end of it then it's ok. Just give it a try" she pleaded him.
( family and friends ) : 
• Older Sister / Clara Song / 25 / They are really close. At times they both tease each other but what siblings don't. However she really cares about her younger brother. What worries her most is that her brother has never thought about dating while in high school or even in university and she is worried that he will spend his life all alone.
• Best friend / Audrey Williams / 21 / Their friendship started in kindergarten when Audrey asked if he wanted to be friends and they both became best friends all throughout their school years. It was only when they graduated high school they parted ways to different university that they weren't able to talk as much as they use to but they would still try to contact each other. Some people thought they were dating because of how close they were but they both see each other like brother and sister.
• First friend on the show / June Bristol / 20 / While mingling with other contestants he and June just kinda clicked
( trivia ) : 
• likes
- Marvel Comics and movies
- Food (Cooking and eating)
- Video Games
- Anime
- Cosplaying
- Chinese girl group called SING (recently became a big fanboy)

• dislike
- Creepypastas
- Horror Movies
- Bugs
- Sea Snails (Any kind of slugs or snails he hates all of them in general)
- dry fruit (except dry cranberries because they are delicious)
• habits
-If there is someone laying next to him in bed he would snuggle up and cuddle them while he's sleeping not matter who it is. Like this
-Is cranky in the morning but extra crank if someone tries to wake him. But give him about half an hour to an hour after waking up and he will be back to normal
-when nathan is icing a cake using a piping bag he has to make the 'boop' noise as he's pulling the piping bag off the cake. (like this in video. X)
-He woulds sing by the chinese girl group called sing (mostly these two songs: x and x)

• hobbies
- Exploring new cities
- Playing video games
- Watching movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Cooking and baking

• fun facts
- He saw this video for making dragon bear candy and thought 'I can do that'. Once he tried and found it really fun to make. So he makes it once in a while.
- He decided that he would take a gap year after graduating university before taking up the job. Since he spent the majority of his life getting a good education it's a pretty good time to take a break
- In university he studied to become a graphic designer and in his third year he branched off toward graphiv design in to food industry.
- Even though he loves cooking and baking he decided not to become a chef because being a chef in a restaurant kitchen there would be a lot of pressure and no room for him to express his food creativity.
- He love cosplaying and going to anime and comic book conventions
the interview
"I never asked to be here and yet here I am"
( how and when did you get into kpop? ) : I've been a kpop fan since Super Junior's sorry sorry. I was introduced to it earlier then that because my older sister listened to Boa's music back in the day. So i was offically a fan around the sorry sorry era of super junior. but i sometimes go on hiatus from kpop for a while. I do this so that song/band are fresh even though to everyone it might be old already. I'm just back from a kpop hiatus and have been listening to kpop music again for about a year now.
( how long have you been into ASTRO, especially Cha Eunwoo? ) : Let's see. I been listening to kpop again for a year now. *thinking 'When did i get into ASTRO?'* I think I've been listening to ASTRO for about 5 months now. So around that time I've listened to most of their songs and have gotten to know who is who. I thought Cha Eunwoo is a nice guy.
( how did you find out about sbs' online contest? ) : My sister signed me up without telling me; the bloody weirdo. She is so going to get it when this is over.
( how did you feel when sbs contacted you to let you know you were one of the lucky winners? ) : Well sbs didn't contact me directly since my sister was the one that signed me up behind my back. So when she told me I kinda wanted to rip off one of her limbs. But after she persuaded me to just do it since she says that my love life is non existent. I was like "you know what I might as well do it. this gives me an excuse to travel." So now I'm here in Korea.
( how was your first meeting with Eunwoo? ) : Before I met Eunwoo, I prayed "To all the forces in the universe, please don't let that boy's fangirls tear me to pieces. I'm too young to die" since I know that Eunwoo has a lot of fangirls and they would kill to be in my place. But when we met it was kinda awkward at first. He's as pretty as on screen. When we tried to start a conversation we would end up talking at the same time then immediately apologise. It's got to a point where I was like "How about we lay 20 question since it won't be as awkward and it would actually get us somewhere."

as you spend more time with your idol in person, do you ever feel disappointed that maybe he/she was not the perfect person you expected them to be? why? ) : Well... He's not the prince charming that everyone make him out to be. He has his own flaws But that's not a bad thing. Far from it, instead it make him more like a real person that's great to hang out with then a doll that can't be touched like how most fans and other celebrities describe hime to be. 

after your 100 days is over, you will go back to your home country and your everyday life. how do you predict you will feel and what will you do? ) : Well my gap year wouldn't end for another 6 months so i'll probably travel Europe; most likely along the Mediterranean sea before I start looking for a job. But who knows I might stay in Korea for a bit longer after this 100 days is over. It would be nice to continue the friendship me and Eunwoo develop but it's pretty much up to him if he wants to keep it as it is. I'm fine with whatever.
the romance
( love interest ) : Cha Eunwoo (Astro)
( backup ) : park jihoon
( nicknames ) : 
• Your highness / It's because Eunwoo is always described as prince charming. So Nathan calls him that just to  / Nathan
( date of birth / age ) : 30 • 03 • 1997 (21)
( on-cam ) : Eunwoo is a bright, bubbly and cheerful person that can be friends with just about anyone. He also works hard and take up a lot of personal schedules to help promote Astro. Most people see him as a handsome prince charming and it take a lot to keep up that kind of persona.
( off-cam ) : He's still the bright, bubbly and cheerful person that can be friends with just about anyone. But there is also another side of him. He is a big worrywart, worrying about everything be it his future or Astro's future or the other members of Astro. He tries not to let other's see him like this but he can't hide it from Nathan even when he tries his hardest to hid it. As he get to know Nathan more and more he can kinda let go of that persona and forget about his worries because whenever he's with Nathan it's always a new adventure. But he can also get pretty jealous when it comes to other people hanging around Nathan. He's never really gotten jealous before he noticed Nathan. It kinda get to a point where you can see Eunwoo kinda get jealous even on screen
( first meeting ) : When Eunwoo saw Nathan he thought "So it's a fanboy. This would be interesting" After spending a could of hours with the boy he found that Nathan isn't like other fanboys he's encounter.
( interactions ) : For Eunwoo he's the type of person that loves touching the person he likes. so you would always see him touching Nathan one way or another and he wouldn't care if there are other people around. He is always the one that initiate cute lovey stuff. But whenever Nathan tries that stuff on him out of the blue Eunwoo gets shy and his face goes red.
( status ) : By the end Eunwoo has fallen hard for Nathan.But for Nathan it's a bit more complicated. He admits that her likes Eunwoo but is hesitant about letting his feelings become too deep. They are not exactly dating but have this long distance thing going on.
the goodbye
( comments ) : Here's my Character . I hope you like him.
( questions / concerns ) : i'm kinda using some stuff from one of my previous apps. hope its ok
( scene suggestions ) : 
• Everyone gathers for a game of truth or dare (maybe with a bit of seven minutes in heaven in the game)
• Idolxfan baking contest - where Nathan has his eunwoo's hands in his while helping him guide the piping bag full of icing. Eunwoo face goes really red as he tries his hardest to concentrate. Instead of just looking at nathan.
• Cosplay day where everyone dress up as their favourite anime, movie, tv show character and do different activities.
( password ) : may mắn
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet )


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