sunday morning

you were like sunday morning 

easy, simple, a hazy start but an ultimately comfortable finish 

you were the tangled sheets against my skin, the light shining through the closed blinds 

but in our warm embraces and our lazy kisses, we made one grave mistake 

that was believing that we were invincible

we had somehow convinced ourselves that nothing would reach us in the unlikely haven that we made out of our bedroom

we ignored time, acting like the passing weeks weren’t a ticking bomb

we thought that we couldn’t possibly be subject to separation or anything worse

we had loved too much in too little time to be afflicted with the woes of the natural world

we had fast forwarded through the awkward small talk, the shielding of feelings, the chasing and the hurt, so why couldn’t we fast forward through the parts where reality played its inevitable part? 

but even we had to get up eventually

the world had to turn for us, too

sunday morning was no longer simple, or clean, or hazy 

it was raw

it was holding back my tears until i felt yours falling 

it was desperate embraces, kisses that screamed "don't let me leave" 

it was clenched teeth that replied "don't leave me alone" 



convinced that it wasn't real 

sunday morning would forever be saying goodbye in a doorway, listening to the footsteps disappearing down the hall, expecting them to get closer again as you whispered "one more" before taking another kiss 

sunday morning would be listening for an eternity, not hearing the footsteps return 

you were like sunday morning 

and all that means now is missing you 


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