Roseanne Sophia Hartmann of the Clive Coven


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BIRTHNAME : Hartmann, Roseanne Sophia

▸ Sophie — It's a nickname given by her biological mother.

▸ Rose — She's likely to be known as Rose after she turned, thinking that is the most effective way for her to forget her past.

▸ Anna — A nickname given by her mate as he hope she'll be more friendly and kind just like elsa's sister, anna as she seem and acted cold and frozen towards everyone around her accept the Clive. Rose can't seem to understand the way her mate is thinking but she just agree on it just to keep that boy shut.

DATE OF BIRTH : March 20.
BIRTHPLACE : London, England
ETHNICITY : English - Indonesian

▸ English  — very fluent as she was raised in London before move back to Indonesia ( 90%)

▸ Indonesian — Mother tongue (98%)

▸ Korean  —  Fluent as she was turned and then resided in korea for a while  ( 80%)

FACE CLAIM : Nikita Willy
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Chelsea Islan
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 168 cm and 55 kg

▸ Rose has a waist length brown wavy hair and usually kept it in high ponytail or sometimes braided to one side (just like elsa!). She has triple lobe and double helix piercing on her left ear where she got it from her rebellious time before she was turned. The earrings for the piercing are princess cut diamonds studs and sometimes she'll change it to simple black studs.


FASHION STYLE : She think she likes to keep things simple and elegant. but truth to be told it's actually depends on her mood. most of the time she prefer to wear something like street fashion style that include a slim fit or skinny jeans with jacket or coat and sneakers. sometimes when she's feeling a little bit girly, she'll wear short skirts in pastel colours, lace top and high heels. she's a fan of branded clothing line such as gucci, chanel, jimmy choo.




PERSONALITY TRAITS : ISTJ - A The Logistician / Slytherin or Ravenclaw 


( + ) Confident, Kind, Loyal, Observant, Gentle.

( - ) Private, Stubborn, Unapproacable, Cold, Sarcastic.


" She's a reliable person. Someone you can consult if you got problems." - Eleanor Clive.

There will be a person that will silently sit in a corner, hear and see what others are doing or talking rather than join them. that is rose. eventhough she seems like an unapproachable person, she’s actually being observative about the others and can give the best advice. most of the time, she will notice thing before other people and tend to look at the bricks of a situation rather than the whole wall.

"Rose? You can never win a debate if she's the opponent. She can make you feel like you're on the wrong side even though it's clearly you're right." - Pierre Clive.

Her confidence is like a dragon, where for every head cut off, two more heads grow back. she appear to be more confident and speaks with confident at a relaxed pace and speak clearly. she say it with conviction. she is a charismatic person who stands tall and walk with steady determination. sometimes people will often judge her as a rude peron due to her high level of confident.

" Hey! My sister is actually kind and gentle okay!" - Jasper Hale.

Her kindness is like a blessing in disguise. eventhough she may seem like a unapproachable person due to her status as foreigner, she's actually a kind person. she take care of the friends secretly. She look like she could shatter like a broken glass if she touch something too hard as she will pick up things very lightly instead of groping them within her hands.

" I hate her for being rude to my mate but i knew that it's just her belief, her loyalty to the vampire race." - Emmett Cullen.

She believes that loyalty is an essential quality in any close relationship. to her, a truly loyal person will be loyal because they want to and loyalty through obligation can be dangerous. she will reach out to anyone when they need her.  she care enough to stay aware, and take action when she know others need a pick-me-up, or just a little reminder to stay on track.she's also will share her honest opinion (even if it’s not always what others want to hear).  sometimes, she will share her experience with others, hoping that it will give them insight and help them follow their best path.

" It's not like I didn't want to be close to her. She just seems unapproachable. I rarely know what's she's been thinking even though i've been living with her for hundred year." - Alice Cullen.

However, rose is a private girl. she doesn't talk about her private life and what she think to others. she looks close but far at the same time like there's a wall and distance. its hard to tell the real her and what she feels. she keeps a lot to herself. she's the type of person who has a lot of secrets and only a few of close people around her know the real roseanne.

" Never I met someone who's in the same level of stubborn as she. Why can't she just accept the fact that we're mates?" - Mate.

she also can be very stubborn if she wants to.everyone has their goals, their ways and their thinking so why should the others stop and critic them. she doesn’t care what others gonna talk and think about her as long she knows that she’s doing the right things. she’s not gonna changed the way she is just to satisfy the others.

" Having the ability of telepathy has it's own perks. Rose's mental battle when someone said something stupid is something I shouldn't miss." - Edward Cullen.

She is direct and honest when she speak to people around her. She a bit cheeky and she might say something where the words might be a little harsh.  she can be a sarcastic person if she wants and people may not know but she is a sassy person. you can hear all the sarcasm and cursing words she speak when something goes wrong but she act playfull and childish around people who she fell comfortable with.



Roseanne Sophia Hartmann was born on March 20 in London, England. Her story started form her biological mother, Lilianne Hartmann. Lilianne Hartmann, an indonesian-english lady was born beautiful and constantly praised, making her vain and self-centered as a result. Her parents took pride in her looks, which she enjoyed. She also enjoyed her father's pleasure in buying her beautiful clothes, her friends' envy, and the admiration of every man she passed. The result of all this attention was that Lily tended to be self-absorbed, shallow, and materialistic. She came from a rich family, the hartmann and was pampered with wealth.However, it didn't last long when the hartmann faced a crisis where their business went down. Lily was downgraded by her friends and one night she was brutally by few drunken men. She got pregnant and was forced to abort the baby. Decided to keep the pregnancy, Lily runaway from home and moved to London. 13 years after Rose was born, Lily commited to suicide because of the stress faced by having a poor life and illegitimate daughter. Rose then was transfer to an orphanage at Jakarta,Indonesia. 

She grew up being a quite and reserved person. She promised herself to do everything she need to do to not end up like her mother. She studied hard and finally got the scholarship in medical. She pursue her studies in South Korea. Few years after, she met Dr. Eleanor Clive. She adored her for being a succesfull doctor and she thinks that Dr. Clive have some sort of incredible aura that cannot be explained. One night, she unintentionally discovered that Dr Clive is indeed a vampire. It was one of her rare leave from the hospital and she planned to star gazing at the unhabitat mountain near her place. She's really fascinated by the fact that vampire race is indeed real and has been co-exists in this world. She later doing some researched about the vampire race and eventually ask Dr Clive to turn her into one.   


▸ She like to learn martial arts from every country she visited after she's being turned. 
▸ She's been driving suzuki swift sport and using iphone 7 plus. 
▸ She sometimes feed off human when she can't control her emotion.
▸ Sigh when people say or ask something stupid.
▸ Loves skinship very much. Even though it's hard to accept that she has a mate, she like to touch him ( held his hand, touch his nape, play his hair or pat his back) just to sooth her erratically heartbeat.



▸ Biological mother — Lilianne Hartmann (deceased) / - / loving, caring / Rose doesn't resent her mother but she prefer to not remember sad memories of her childhood. It's one of the reason why she decided to become a vampire, to help single mothers and orphanage.

▸ creator/ adoptive mother & father — eleanor & pierre clive (378 & 380; respectively) / doctor and ? / compassionate, friendly and caring / They feel reluctant to turn her at firstn but being a stubborn person she is, she keep persuade them to turn her. All her knowledge, her understanding towards the vampire races was teached by those two. She personally felt that eleanor and pierre act like her real parents rather that her biological. She respect them so much and will do anything for the sake of Clive Clan.

▸ Adoptive sister/ bestfriend —  Jasper Cullen ( idk ) / (still dk) / They are actually bestfriend ever since they joined the Clive Coven. Rose seems particularly taken into liking this character and both of them always consult or seeking advice to each other. 


PLOTLINE : Rosalie Hale

BACK-UP PLOTLINE : Emmett Cullen
GIFT : Incredible Beauty

BACK-UP GIFT : Super strength
SKILLS : what can you do with beauty? Everything. It's in human nature to only pick the best and beautiful things in their life. Rose's gift probably not as good or powerful as the other. but it has it's own advantage. It can act as some sort of compulsion, men are easily persuade or mislead by beauty. They easily trust and judge by one's appearance. They certainly doesn't live to the quote of don't judge the book by its cover.

TRAIN SETTING: It already there from the start.
TRAINING TARGET : Rose used to use her beauty to get anything she want at the hospital but later she laerned that it also can be conduct to the vampires.She'll used it against newborn or other vampire that she incidently met. 

TRAINING TECHNIQUES : There's nothing much you can do with beauty. But there's this one thing she likes which is buying skincares and try it just to make an experiment whether it can add enhanced her gift more or not. (It sounds stupid btw)


who is your maker? do you remembered him/her? 

▸ Of course. It's Dr Eleanor Clive. Mom?

how did you feel when you were turned into a vampire? 

▸ Why should i tell you what i feel? Why do you need to know?

.....  Relieved. That's it.

what did you feel when eleanor wanted to adopt you? 

▸ Again, why does it matter what i feel?

.... Enthusiasm. Again, why do I answer it anyway.

are you happy with the clive coven as your new family? 

▸ Of course. It's my family. They are my family for a reason.

when eleanor told you about your gift, what was the first thing you wanted to do with it? 

▸ I want to remove it.

are you happy with your gift? 

▸  I hate it. I become vampire simply just to forget my past. But why should it come back to ruin my future. My mom's life ruined because of her beauty. Am I being cursed for wasting my human life or what?

are you jealous of your other adoptive siblings' gifts? 

▸ Of course. They are much more powerful and can protect other with it. How much can beauty be used anyway? But then, I don't mind it. 

what are your thoughts about the volturi? 

▸ They should learn enough is enough. You can't possibly always  get what you want.

do you want to be a part of the volturi? 

▸ I would call it suicidal.

would you do everything and sacrifice everything for your family? 

▸ As much as I hate it, of course. The Clive Coven is my family. This is the only family I ever had. I love them ( even Emmett Cullen's stupid werewolf mate. It stinks so much!). I may not be powerful as the others but I'm still a vampire.

would you also do everything and sacrifice everything for your mate? 

▸ I love him. eventhough I won't admit it to his face, I do care for him. He's my mate, the one that I supposed to spend my forever with.

who would you choose? your family, the clive coven, or your mate?

▸ I'll always choose the clive coven AND my mate. There shouldn't be any reason for me to choose either one. Both of them are very important to me. I won't be where I am now if not because of the Clive Coven and I don't think I will ever live happily if I loss my mate.


Sigh. I talked to much today. 

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LOVE INTEREST : Kim , Jongin
FACECLAIM : Kim , Jongin
TYPE : vampire
GIFT : Elemental Manipulation.


▸ He’s extremely eager to please, to be loved and to be seen as cool and worthy, so it really hurts him when he doesn’t feel like he’s achieving what he needs to. He was just adorable, passionate and confident all at the same time, which sums up his personality in general. He’s got an air of being quietly intelligent, like someone with a lot of personal wisdom. He is someone who doesn’t want to waste any time on someone he doesn’t like, meaning that the friendships he does have are as genuine as can be. He’s not one to let problems simmer, or to spoil the overly-pampered. Jongin or mostly address as Kai is a curious mix of being confident and masculine, yet sometimes shy and boyish. Kai seems to have great confidence in himself as a person, yet still sometimes squirms under the spotlights. He’s a really genuine and non-fussy guy.


▸ Kai is actually a lone vampire. He doesn't belong to any clan. He prefer to work, travel and do his own things alone. He's an ally to the Clive Coven but keep his identity from being know to the Volturi knowing that his gift are a great advantage to be obtained by the Volturi. He's been living for centuries, older than any of the siblings but younger than Eleanor and Blake. His creator, Kim Soohyun was killed by the Volturi when he break one of the rules by creating an immortal child. 

Kai and Rose first met before she was turned. She was introduced by Eleanor as her protege. Kai at that time was one of the investor of the hospital. They only met for a short time because Kai is moving out of South Korea. They met again almost two centuries later when the Clive Coven move back to Seoul. Kai was invited to the house for the weekend to strengthen their ally. Rose know at she's doomed at the moment she saw the red sparks in Kai's eyes the moment they laid their eyes on each other.

She knew that she's not good at conveying or showing affection to other person including her family with the exception of Eleanor, Blake and Jasper Cullen. At one second, she can't believed that she out of all vampire in the world find her mate and he's the powerful Kim Kai, elemental manipulator. She tried hard to deny the fact that they are mates. However, Kai keep pursuing, clinging and bothering her. He likes the way she fidgeting awkwardly when he shows her affections. He really loves how he is the only person can make the cold-hearted Rose flush and he takes pride on that fact. 

Eventhough Rose is in denial state, she can't deny the attraction she felt. Both of them loves skinship and usually Kai will initiate by holding her hand or her waist. Rose seems to taken a liking in touching his nape. She then learned that her anger can simply be calm by hugging him. Both eventually accept the fact that they are mate. Kai then ask for Eleanor and Pierre permission to join their coven.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Acquitance, dating.

ENDING :  Married.


LAST WORDS : English isn't my main language and I'm sorry for grammar mistakes. It's been long since I apply to any applyfic. I hope you'll like her.


▸ Fighting scenes where Kai get hurt defending Rose and she treat him afterwards.
▸ Kai being clingy and follow Rose to the university.
▸ Kai's ability being discover by the Volturi and they demand him to join them.


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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