Jeju island, South Korea

  Park Jin Soo  

birthname. Park, Jin Soo

– Turnip :: Only his family calls him by this name.It's started out when he was a baby. At that young age he was quite a chubby baby. But as he grew up as lost most of the baby fat the nickname just stuck.

date of birth. June 18, 1997
birthplace. Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean-Chinese (His father is Korean and his mother is Chinese)
language spoken. 

– Korean :: Fluent :: Seeing as how he was born and grew up in South Korea. It's pretty straight forward as to why he is fluent in Korean.
– Mandarin :: Intermediate :: Even though hios mother is Chinese he was never forced to learn the language. But he decided to try and learn so he has some form of communicating with his mother's sid eof the family.
– English :: Intermediate :: he started learning the language so he can start watching American TV Shows and movies without having to wait for subtitile. Aslo because he sometimes doesn't trust the Korean subtitle (A/N: Just like me when I watch Kdramas, Cdramas and anime with English Subtitles)

faceclaim (back-up).  Cai Xukun (Xu Shengen)



personality traits (3-5). 

–Positive: Adventurous, Confident, Creative, Hard-working
–Negative: Blunt, Rude, Sarcastic, Careless

personality.  expand the traits listed above

Jin Soo is the type of person that can come off as blunt or even rude because there are time when the filter between his brain to his mouth fly off somewhere. Due to this, he isn't afraid to speak his mind. But he never intents to be rude on purpose. He is also really sarcastic; it's like it's ingrained into his DNA (A/N: Que BTS). Due to him being adventureous he can sometime be careless.

On the flip side he loves exploring and doing daredevil stuff such as bungee jumping, going on scary roller coasters, sky diving and driving a fast car (He hasn't done the last two yet but one day he will). He is a creative person be it plating dishes when cooking, designing logos sorting colour schemes for project. He would be able to do it with no problem; he did graduate university with a graphic design degree and his sister is an interior design so his creative side must run in the family. Even though he is creative he puts in the effort to make his creative ideas into a reality. Which makes him confident in his work and as a person knowing that most of the things is his own hard work.


Jin Soo's mother became pregnant with Jin Soo a year after she married his father. At that time his father already had a child from his previous wife; a daughter by the name of Park Jae Eun who was 5 years old at the time. Jins Soo's mother treated Jae Eun like her own child. When Jin Soo was first born his sister got jealous that her father and step mother was focusing their attention on Jin Soo. She didn't like her new little brother. But that all changed when Jinsoo was 4 years old and she started realised that she needed to protect her little brother. So that is what she has been doing up untill now.

Leading up to the show - One day out while he and his older sister were watching a movie his sister suddenly ask "So if you can go on a date with any idol or actor who would it be?" Jin Soo turns his head with a confused look ask "Why?" His sister just says "I just wanna know" Jin Soo wonders why his sister is asking. "I don't know" he says trying to focus back on the movie. "Come on. Top 3. Go." Jin Soo thinks to himself 'She is never going to shut up if I don't answer her. Might as well just name any' "Fine. Cha Eunwoo, Park Woo Jin and ........ Kim Yoo Jung. There. Can I finish this movie in peace" he said just plucking any idol or actors name from the top of his head.

A bit more then a week later, as Jin Soo was checking the roast pork in the oven his sister sits on a stool at the kitchen bench and asks him "You know how I asked you the other day which idol or actor you would go on a date with?" "Yeah?" Jin Soo says not fully listening as he checked the piece of meat in the oven. "Well... I kinda hooked you up with one" she said as her face kind of cringed as if to prepare herself for his reaction. "WHAT THE , WOMAN??!!" he said in shock as he slammed the oven door closed "What do you mean you hooked me up with one?" "Ok. Don't get angry with me but I signed you up for that show that hooks fans up with their idols or actors. And I put you down for Cha Eunwoo" She told him. He leaned down on the kitchen bench and facepalmed his forehead "You do realise that I was just naming famous people from the top pf my head?" "Your an Idiot!" she rised her voice. "I'm an idiot? How was I suppose to know that you were going to pull this " He let out a long sigh. "What did I ever do you?" Jin Soo said as he looked at his sister with a defeated look. "Don't make me the bad guy. You just graduated university and on your gap year. While studying you never spared a thought about your love life. I'm doing this so you will spark your love life" she ruffled her brother's hair. "Look it's just something to do on your gap year. If nothing happens by the end of it then it's ok. Just give it a try" she pleaded him.



– Likes
- Marvel Comics and movies
- Food (Cooking and eating)
- Video Games
- Amusement and water parks
- Anime
- Cosplaying

– Dislikes
- Creepypastas
- Horror Movies
- Bugs
- Sea Snails
- dry fruit

– Hobbies
- Playing video games
- Watching movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Cooking and baking
- Surfing Youtube

– Habits
- Sing the different Pick Me songs from the Produce 101 seasons, Idol Producer and Produce 48 in different annoying ways just to push peoples buttons. Pretty much does it to people who annoy him first. (A/N: Produce 48 Pick Me just came out and I just had to include it somewhere in my app)
- If there is someone laying next to him in bed he would snuggle up and cuddle them while he's sleeping not matter who it is.

– Fun Facts.
- He saw this video for making dragon bear candy and thought 'I can do that'. Once he tried and found it really fun to make. So he makes it once in a while.
-  He loves volcanoes. He found them fascinating ever since he was little. 
- His aunt in London offered him a job as a graphic designer for her company. But he said he would take a gap year after graduating university before taking up the job. 
- He love cosplaying and going to anime and comic book conventions


– Older Half Sister :: Park Jae Eun (26) / Interior Designer / Bubbly, Creative and Caring / They are really close. At times they both tease each other but what siblings don't. However she really cares about her younger brother. What worries her most is that her brother has never thought about dating while in highschool or even in university and she is woried that he will spend his life all alone.

indoor activities.  

When Jin Soo is indoors he normally plays video games; Legend of Zelda, Assassins Creed, Final Fantasy are just some of the games that he plays when it's just him. If he was playing with other people there would have to be Mario Cart, Mario Party, Fortnite and Just Dance. A game that he likes to play with a lot of people that isn't a video game is Uno. Some other things he likes to do indoors is cook/bake, watch movie, tv shows and anime.  

outdoor activites.  

The stuff he like to do outdoors is explore his surroundings, go swimming at the pool or at the beach and play a game of soccer in the park with other kids in his area. He love going to food festivals and trying out different street food which would give him inspiration to try cooking something new.



first of all, what do you usually like to do in your house? Oh you know. Play video game, Listen to music, binge through anime, Marvel movies and Netflix TV shows and.... eat.

how did you find out about the summer vacation special of IDBTB? My sister signed me up without telling me; the bloody weirdo. She is so going to get it when this is over.

have you ever been to Jeju Island, or have been there before? if yes, what are some things you like about Jeju or want to learn about the island? Nope; never been. I've always wanted to go but never had a chance.

any particular activities you like to do with your artist and with the other fans in the program? I've always wanted to be close to a volcano; active, dormant or extinct I don't care. (A/N: You crazy weirdo) So I'm really looking forward to hiking  up Sanbangsan Mountain ans exploring the Manjanggul Caves. I've heard that the most skincare ingredients of Korea are from Jeju Island so I have to try out the spa before leaving. Doing these things with other people would make it more fun and it would be a cool bonding experience with the idol.

Lastly, what is 'honjeo obseoye' means? Obseoye means 'I don't have' or 'There isn't" I think. (A/N: Sorry I have no idea what that mean. So i don't know how to answer this question.)

Jeju Island, South Korea. And see the grandfather stones & have a nice little house
South Korea Jeju Island

  Cha eunwoo  

back up. Park Ji Hoon - Wanna One

– Eunwoo is a bright, bubbly and cheerful person that can be friends with just about anyone. He also works hard and take up a lot of personal schedules to help promote Astro. Most people see him as a handsome prince charming and it take a lot to keep up that kind of persona. But deep down the is a big worrywart, worrying about everything be it his future or Astro's future or the other members of Astro. But after meeting Jin Soo he finds that can kinda let go of that persona and forget about his worries because whenever he's with Jin Soo it's always a new adventure. But he can also get pretty jealous when it comes to other people hanging around Jin Soo. He's never really gotten jealous before he noticed Jin Soo.

love story/background. 

– At first Jin Soo saw Cha Eunwoo either on TV or online and he thought 'You look like a nice person' and went on to doing what he was doing. When his sister asked which idol he would like to go on a date he just named Cha Eunwoo from the top of his head because he just saw the boy in a commercial not to long ago.

When Jin Soo found out that the idol that he was going to be spending time with on Jeju Island is Cha Eunwoo from ASTRO he prayed "To all the forces in the universe, please don't let that boy's fangirls tear me to pieces. I'm too young to die" since he know that Eunwoo has a lot of fangirl and they would kill to be in his place. 

When Eunwoo saw Jin Soo he thought "So it's a fanboy. This would be interesting" After spending a could of hours with the boy he found that Jin Soo isn't like other fanboys he's encounter. (A/N: Because he isn't really your fanboy to begin with). After being together for a couple of days he started to like how open and blunt Jin Soo can be. Soon enough he started to like Jin Soo the more he spent time with the boy and finding out something new about the boy.

status. For now it's one-sided love on Eunwoo's end. But Jin Soo is starting develop something for Eunwoo as they both hang out more amd more together on Jeju.
ending. They are not exactly dating but have this long distance thing going on.

   mello_marshmallow : Quinn

last words.  Hi. I know my app isn't exactly fanxidol but I thought it would add some drama to your story. It was fun researching stuff to do at Jeju Island. Makes me wanna go.

scenes requests.

– Jin Soo and Idol got into and heated arguement which made Jin Soo blurt out "I never asked to be here" whiched shock the idol and made them ask "then how are you here?" Jin Soo says "It's my idiot sister's fault" he then starts turning around and walk in the opposite direction while yelling "Don't follow me" Leaving the idol who is just standing there shocked, confused and shattered. "So he never wanted to be around me" the idol thinks to himself as he watched Jin Soo disappear in the distance.
– All of them get together and play truth or dare (Maybe include seven minutes in heaven in the game)
– Hidden talent contest, which Jin Soo decided to make the 16,000 strand dragon beard candy.
– Cosplay day where everyone dress up as their favourite anime, movie, tv show character and do activities.

password.  gif



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