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lee soojin
replace with fc
"I eat cake because somewhere
it's someone's birthday"
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full name lee soojin
other names
tteokbokki - given by friends & classmate because she is always seen eating it outside their school plus her lips are pink and plump, its a name she doesn't like. since graduating no one has call her that until she bumps into the LI and he starts to call her that again

lee sooju - given by the girls when they find out how weak of a drinker she is and how fun and silly she becomes once drunk

birthdate may 20, 1999
hometown seoul
ethnicity korean
nationality korean
korean - fluent - native
english - beginner - passed her english class with a C
face claim kang mina (gugudan)
backup kim sohye (ioi)
soojin is a small and petite girl. growing up she always been on the "bigger" side of a average korean girl. she struggle with her weight a lot from gaining to losing. being raised in a strict and conservative household she didn't experiment with hair coloring or make up until she enter the university. still now she's got her long hair and she's only learn to put on soft make up look also she is too scared to color or pierce her ears.
fashion sense
since being out of uniform and living at the dorm and university life she wants to dress nice but because she can't afford too much yet she just like to look decent. anything comfory and clean will do, she isn't too picky. most of her clothes are shirts, jeans, lots of skirts, a very typical university student look. she doesn't accesorize much and most of her stuff will be use and worn out before she decides to get something new. if she's not carrying a backpack she's carrying a tote bag. sooji's style is girly and cute looking. because she is short and she's very self concious about that she wears a lot of skirt and shorts to make her legs appear longer.

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character traits
+ friendly, sweet, loyal, helpful
- quiet, anxious, pessimistic, insecure

soojin is an introverted person, she often keeps to herself and enjoys alone time. only to her clique do you ever see her throw aegyo and come out of her shell being silly and laughing loudly acting like the baby she is with them. she may look cute and welcoming which she is but she just becomes quiet and awkward that many people don't stick around long enough to get to know her. she's got bad social anxeity, afriad of being judge. although she is a friendly and sweet child who laughs and smiles at everything, its hard for her to talk about herself or start a conversation first. Most of the time she thinks she is great at taking care of those around her helping them but she is oblivious that all her friends take care of her more the she does since she's naive and still young. soojin is easily amused and gets excited over the smallest things but she also gets scared easily and is very worrisome. She has a love and hate relationship with food, she calls it romeo and juliet. it makes her the happiest but after eating she be like "WHY? whyyyyyyyy. why did no one stop me." and five minutes later "Do yall want cake? i want cake." If you buy her cake I swear you can get anything out of her.

this girl can not lie to save her life, her eyes would be blinking like crazy and she will totally stutter. the thought of lying scares her...she seems to be an open book but because she's a little odd and awkward people are not sure what to think of her words and actions. she is always worrying and trying new things is scary for her. soojin has a lot of insecurties and does not like stepping out of her comfort zone, being outside her comfort zone gives her insomia. even with the clique when she is alone with some girls who she isn't too close to yet she still manage feels awkward and reserve. soojin cries easily and cannot help but be super emotional. she can not speak up for herself, she finds it super hard to talk back to people, people say she should cuss them back but she just like to think she should be the bigger person and not let those things bother her. if you're her friend though you can always expect the girl to have a shoulder to lean on even if she can't confront and fight people she's there to give support.
soojin's family is not insanely rich but they make more then enough. Her father a marketing strategist for a big company and her mother a stay at home mom, both loving parents. One thing for sure that shaped her into the person she is today is that she grew up in a loving and healthy family enviroment. They shower her with love but also taught her to be kind, they sort of forgot to teach her to be tough and to stand her ground. Her upbringing was good but very traditional and conservative values, it is a household where what the man says goes and is final. 

Besides school she doesn't do anything else. soojin gets pocket money from her parents wire to her bank account so she is always treating the girls out or herself out for food or thousand of useless stationary. She enjoys staying at the dorm to watch netflex much better then going out to party. She's currently in her first year of university taking her generals with no major in mind yet.

father | lee hyunsik | 49 | marketing strategist | authorative, uptight, reserve | you can say having a child at the age of 30 was a good and bad thing. he had his life together and could afford to raise  child he loved it but he was so busy that he hardly gotten to spend time with his child and he was much to busy and tired to do anything after work. that did bring a distant relationship between him and soojin. they have love and respect for one another but there is also a hierarchy in the family that should always be followed since her father was raised that way. soojin is always intiminated and fearful in front of her father. whiles she enter university her father expect nothing but studying from her.

mother | park hwayoung | 45 | stay at home | soft spoken, patient, kind | her mother is her everything and soojin is her mother's everything. her mother did everything for her and baby her a whole lot. she always kept the world so fluffy and bright, sheilding anything negative away from soojin. it made soojin a really naive child and when soojin was in grade school she was made fun of for her weight which really brought soojin down and she started seeing how scary the world actually is. these two are really close but soojin still manages to hide even her real hurt feelings because she would hate to burden and make her mother worry about her. since entering university soojin has visit her mother less but the two talk over the phone often.

friend & roommate | chae miyoung | 20 | student & barista | comical, sarcastic, smart | the one year senior of hers who is her roommate. she studying human ecology and is always saying smart stuff that soojin doesn't understand and then she makes fun of soojin for it. miyoung acts like she doesn't care about soojin but she does she just gives soojin tough love because she wants soojin to toughen up. miyoung is sarcastic and always manages to make soojin laugh with her observation of people around them.
- she can not cook
- she enjoys just being lazy at home reading comics or watching tv shows
- she has a white one year old zu call 'Happy'
- she likes succulents over roses and flowers
- soojin has never dated because of her strict father
- has unhealthy relationship with strawberry cream cake
- can't drink coffee or bitter coffee at least, she likes the blended and sweet stuff
- she loves eating, its her comfort place
- she loves skinship such as leaning, hugging, holding hands, holding arm, back hugging, her clique but she doesn't like it when they try to kiss her or pinch her cheeks
- doesn't like being treated like a child
- is a big scardy cats and gets scared easily, amusement rides, sudden loud noises, ghost, horror movies, haunted house, cats, heights, pain, when she watches a horror film she's paranoid for days
- she has a weak immune system (being shelter all her life) so she catches a cold easily from the cold or other people
- a weak drinker, when she's drunk she turns into a different person who is loud, dancing, laughing, joking around and bouncing everywhere. you never know what she'll do.
- can't speak up when people do her wrong
- she cries watching movies, reading books, seeing other cry and when she's angry she ends up crying even if she doesn't want to they just build up in her eyes
- afriad to confront people
- she's a cafty person
- still gets shy and embarrass seeing people kiss or half men
- fangirls over park seojoon
how do you generally feel about him?
"sunbae?.." she bites her bottom lips and thinking hard. "can i be hoenst here?" she looks around unsure. "I...I actually liked him since high school." she admits nervously. "He's always been cool in my eyes." she tries to hold back her smile. "he was my fresmen year math teacher's t.a."
why fake date him, of all people?
"actually....it is kind of a crazy story." she breaks out in a nervous laugh. "sunbae has a player reputation that i didn't know of until i enter the university and miyoung told me. he approach me asking if i could help him since he helped me in high school, of course my head over heel said yes. He told me i need to be his on call fake girlfriend to get him out of situations that were out of his hands." She crosses her arms. "miyoung told me not to do it...but i can't say no to his face." She slams her had on the table in front of her.
do you see yourself mind having a real relationship with him after all this?
"i wish it wasn't like this because i could before but now with this i don't think so." she wants to cry.
replace with li
"she's my girlfriend and you're my girlfriend"
love interest jeon wonwoo
backup kim namjoon
wonwoo is the type of person who will introduce himself first, he will likely be the conversation starter, the person who saves you when you're stuck in an awkward conversation, the person who seems to always has things to talk about or ask about. he is outgoing and enjoys the outdoor and being active life.

this good looking guy knows how to use his looks to get things, not only is his looks good but he has a way with his words and is very manipulative. wonwoo is honestly the protagonist with an antagonist personality. He can be sweet and charming but also cynical and domineering, it all naturally depends on how you treat him and how he is feeling the day. wonwoo has a very strong personality that can be charming but also intimidating He doesn't hold back his opinions or thoughts.

he's warm and fuzzy one moment and can also be cold and distant the next, he's a very moody mf. people like him but also hate him.
love story
it was soojin's first year of high school, she was super nervous and scared, she had just moved to a new distrcit so she knew no one at the school, she was alone and too scared to talk to anyone at the orientation. she remember seeing wonwoo walk up to her group of freshmen. he was a senior and about to graduate that year. a lot of seniors were assign to different groups of freshmen to give them a warm welcome and tour to the school. he was so cool in her eyes, from the way he talks, walk, laugh, and interactied with her group. he made her feel included and carefree. he let her group in on small secrects and hacks of the school, he made jokes, he told them which teacher to avoid, everything about he did during those 2 hours was beautiful. after that day she was madly crushing on him. she hide and avoid him in the hall because she knows she would be staring or smiling. he was just so perfect as h walk down the hall laughing with friends, pulling girls away from y teachers, stopping bulliesl and simply just giving a helping hand (mostly girls but soojin was much too in love to see how much he flirted around and played girls)

soojin was failing in math and when her teacher instruct her to get after school tutoring from his T.A. soojin was in surprise to see wonwoo. good looking and smart! they came to know each other through studying. they got close enough to be comfortable around one another. well wonwoo can be comfortable around anyone but for soojin she open up more and can speak more freely without feeling like she's being judge. sadly of course he graduadated and they stop communicating.

UNTIL she enter the university and during her freshmen orientation there he was again, just as beautiful and lively. he notices her and took care of her well, making other freshmen girls question their relationship right away.

it was when she moved into her dorm and met her roommate and she told him how such a player wonwoo was, but soojin couldn't believe it. no way was her wonwoo like that. her roommate told her to stop liking wonwoo or at least see who he really is first, like testing the water before you jump into the water.

coincidentally one afternoon as soojin was having her lunch in the canteen wonwoo sat down with her. they talked about school and life for a bit before he sudden as if she has a boyfriend. soojin choke and spat her food out. she shook her head no. great. he said. then he asked if she liked anyone and she of course said yes but she wouldn't dare tell him but jsut told him he was out of her league. he then came up with an idea. he would totally help her make the guy and her realize that the guy she liked was out of her leagu why? and how? because duh she's dating wonwoo and if they broke up everyone would be lining up to date soojin. the only condition was that she had to be his on call girlfriend. whenever he had girl problems soojin would have to run to his side to become his girlfriend.

soojin shook her head, it was a crazy idea...but testing the water......testing the water...test the water. she could hear her roomate chanting it in her head. and she decided to test the water.
whether they are in couple mode or not the two talk freely and are pretty close. he would often sit and eat with her during lunch breaks, stealing her food or just casually dropping by to steal food and bug her when he sees her eating. he has more control over the "relationship" soojin is very quiet and doesn't say much but just goes with the flow. wonwoo would rest his arm on her head or tightly wrap one his arm around her shoulders pulling her close to his side as they walk and talk down the hall. he loves teasing her because although she more shy she gives such innocent and puppy like anger reactions. like he can't find her scary, she's just very cute in his eyes.

during couple mode, they act the same with just more skinship, and he really loves teasing her by holding her hand, hugging her and pretending to kiss, although he kisses her hands and cheeks but he never kiss her lips. (he still got some moral as he would say). during couple mode soojin would try to act more lovely and like a girlfriend calling him oppa, as he calls her babe. its going to make soojin hella confuse because he acts the same whether its couple mode or not. he tells her he loves her and that shes the cutest all the time. although he may seem like a jerk sometimes he just surprises her with a soft thank you with a warm and gentle emrbace and gratitude that melts her heart.

when they are not in couple mode and he doesn't have any girl problems and she sees him flrting with other girls it kind of brings her back to realality and it breaks her heart. she gets upset and annoyed at it...will she snap one day and just yell at him? will he not give af and play with soojin like his other girls?

- he calls her babe, she calls him oppa because he wanted her to
- when he calls her tteokbokki she lowkey likes it because she feels like the young high school girl in love again
- they have major height differences, so she is always looking up at him and he down at her
- everyone thought it was weird that the two were dating even her roommate couldn't believe it and soojin feels bad for lying about it
- he does a lot of skinship stuff that he normally does with other girls not knowing how it makes soojin's heart race. he is oblivous to her blushing evertime he close to her
- wonwoo gave her a tmoney card prepaid with money so she could get to him asap whenever whether its train, bus or taxi. she refuse it at first but he insisted
- he bought them couple couple ring
- he likes picking her up when he hugs her

relationship status
present: some what friends who are fake dating
future: plz make it angst! perhaps soojin is fed up with him using her and stops it all! dun dun dun
final words i hope it wasn't too hard to read. i typeed raelly fast and never go back to see if i wrote things right or wrong. sorry~~~~
scene reqs
- wonwoo trying to kiss her for real! or maybe a real kiss between them uwu
- even the group of girls starting to hate wonwoo for using soojin so much and sticks out for her
- wonwoo flriting with the other girls
- one of the girl punching wonwoo in teh face because i think he kind of desrves it too lol
cheat sheet


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