S T E L L A R D R O P ┊East Asian Beauty — Cui Ai-Lin


stellar drop



NAME: Cui Ai-Lin
- Xiao Ai: Little Ai (pet name by friends)
- Lin-Lin: nickname used by parents
- Lovely: Ai translates to love in Chinese
BIRTHDATE: November 7th, 1997
BIRTHPLACE: Beijing, China
FACECLAIM: DreamCatcher's Handong
BACK-UP: WJSN's Cheng Xiao

HEIGHT: 165 cm
WEIGHT: 61 kg

book's cover

Ai has a birthmark in the shape of a rough three-pointed star on the back of her right thigh. When she wears shorts, you can see it. She also has scattered moles (not too many) across her upper back, around the shoulder area. She has a faint scar on her forehead from when she accidentally hit her head on a table when she was just learning to walk.

Ai's fashion style is pretty simple. She cares just enough about her clothes to not look like a hobo, but she prefers comfort over style. A lot of her clothes are neutral colors like black, gray, and white, but she looks good in red and pink too. She prefers pants over dresses anyday, but when she does wear dresses, she prefers a-line skirts.


TRAITS: determined, attentive, quiet, prideful, stubborn

Ai has never been the type to give up on her dreams. She sets her mind to something, and she works hard to achieve her goal. Even if that goal might not be realistic, she'll still try her best to get as close as possible. However, she can be very stubborn, and she sometimes won't listen to people who have her best interests in mind, opting instead to go her own way. Not that it's a bad thing, just frustrating.

This might make her sound like a loud, extroverted person, but she's really not. She's actually pretty quiet most of the time (unless she's doing something crazy with her friends). Honestly, sometimes people forget her existence! But because she's quiet, Ai notices a lot of things. She remembers what food people like, what coffees they always order, their little habits, and she acts upon those habits and small actions, wordlessly supporting her friends from the side. On the other hand, she can be quite prideful, and Ai will very rarely apologize for something unless she knows for sure that she's in the wrong.

flipping pages

Ai grew up in Beijing, in a pretty middle-class neighborhood. Her parents were normal office workers, and Ai grew up with a babysitter. Her grades weren't bad, but she was a very average student overall. It wasn't until middle school, when puberty hit, that Ai finally found something she was good at. She was scouted on the streets by Yuehua Entertainment, and it was there that she learned to model. She didn't make it big, but she did appear in some popular commercials. Then, through a miraculous opportunity, Ai was given the chance to become a trainee in Korea, for an idol group (because of a trainee switch). The company that took her was BigHit, and she learned how to sing and dance with the other trainees.

PLOTLINE: Asian Beauty

VOCAL CLAIM: Apink's Son Naeun
RAP CLAIM: (am i allowed to put nonexistent loool) Crayon Pop's Soyul

- Model under Yuehua for 4 years (2011-2015) and trainee under BigHit for 3 (2015-2018)
- Appeared in McDonalds commercial
- She's not too great at rapping in Korean, but she can bust a mean rap in Chinese lol
- She gets flustered when people comment on how pretty she is because she thinks that the other members are way prettier
- She stumbles over her Korean, especially when she's nervous
- Shinhwa was her first kpop group, and she would absolutely positively LOVE to meet Shin Hyesung one day :"))
- She has friend-crushes on Kang Seungah (marshybleep's character) and Jiyeon
- She's confident enough in herself, but she often feels incompetent because she's not Korean, and she's not good at speaking Korean
- She's close with the Southeast Asian character because they bond over not being Korean

main character

- Cooking! Ai learned a lot of cooking from her babysitter.
- Juggling: she has pretty good hand-eye coordination
- Videogames: again, hand-eye coordination ;)
- Telling people apart by their voices: this seems pretty easy, but the thing is, she can tell who people are over the phone, over the ruckus in the car or waiting room, and honestly, that's pretty cool lol
- Writing: she writes secret Shinhwa fanfiction (shhh no one knows this! also her otp's ansyung lol)

- Bites upper lip when nervous
- Smoothes skirt or pants
- Holding hands with members
- Humming tunes under her breath

- Raspberries
- Autumn and spring
- Sunny weather
- The color red
- Stage lights and effects
- Cats
- Celery
- Rainy weather
- Cold climates
- Flashy, flirtatious people
- Spiders

- Ai can really take spice, and she loves spicy food
- She's an only child
- She's not ticklish at all but will sometimes pretend to be (to humor the other members)
- She likes it when people play with her hair
- Her parents own a white cat called Comet
- she looks up to G.E.M, a Hong Kong singer
- She's (in order): Shinhwa Changjo, ELF, Inspirit, EXO-L
- She's met Shinhwa before! She nearly cried when Hyesung hugged her lol
- She's ALSO met all TOP Media artists (because Andy Lee is a ing miracle)
- It's pretty well-known that Ai is a fangirl lol

important people

- Cui Guanhao (43): father // secretary // 8/10
- Li Mixin (44): mother // accountant // 8/10

- Lin Weifeng (29): babysitter // makeup artist // 9/10
- Jung Jiyeon (20): member // stellar drop // 8/10
- Kang Seungah (24): member // stellar drop // 8/10
- [Southeast Asian plotline]: member // stellar drop // 8.5/10

love story

LOVE INTEREST: Teen Top's Ricky (Yoo Changhyun)
AGE: 23
TRAITS: hardworking, genuine, stubborn, volatile
STATUS: friends but crushing on each other
- Ricky wasn't actually Ai's Teen Top bias (Chunji was)
- She really liked how he was quiet at first, hung out in the back to let the hype die down before approaching her
- He looks quiet but is actually very loud, and she's not too different from him
- She often makes fun of his height, but she's even shorter than him =3=
- He gets mad/frustrated really easily, but he doesn't hold grudges
- They keep in touch by manager loool
- Teen Top realizes that he's got a crush on her, and they continuously about it
- In stellar drop, only Seungah really notices that she's any different (but boy, does she harp on Ai about it lol)
- It's weird; Ai looks older than she is, and Ricky looks younger than he is
- THEY BOTH LOVE FOOD OMG! And plus Ai can cook like a sooo match made in heaven :DD


- Songs: Gfriend's Me Gustas Tu, Navillera, Summer Rain
- Variety shows! MBC's Showtime, or they can have their own!
- Shinhwa interactionssss *rises from the grave* pls Shinhwaaaaa XD
- Omg cover songs?? Bruh I'd love to see the group cover Shinhwa or Teen Top or, like... any group XD

- I wrote Ai as sort of passive? But she really opens up once you get to know her
- I think you can tell who Ai's Shinhwa bias is *cough* her wrecker is Andy
- I didn't directly collaborate with marshybleep on this, but we definitely did decide some stuff together (like the relationships and stuff)
- tl;dr: Ai's the one quiet flower girl in the background who's all sweet and nice but then once you get to know her she can PARTY HARD



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