Spring Has Come

The animosity of yesterday had vanished,

And now the flowers have bursted out—

As a hint to the world that the spring has finally come,

Leisurely, returning the globe its chromatic hues;

While it drowns me deeper into the ocean of colors, killing the blue.


The pillow fights amongst the angels have finally stopped,

For it's the fire ball's turn to spread the warmth all over the globe, slowly but surely.

And a smile eventually spread across my face; finally and finally.

Never have I understood the feeling of refreshing,

Until the day of God deciding to create a season that is spring.


I scream, I sing, I cry and cry to the universe,

For I'm home after a long time,

For I'm grateful for being granted another smile.  

And this is the season I have been waiting for,

For I want to lost in the seasons of sadness no more.

— Jane


P/s: Happiest birthday to Oh Sehun, my most lovely baby and precious star. I hope you'll be granted with happiness in every second of your life. I love you so much and will always love you till the day I die. ♡♥♥♡





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We love a poet~ And Happy B-day Oh Sehun, the handsome king of lisps (lololololol)
Beautiful poem sis...